Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Prayer Request 4/24 -- 4/30

Beijing institutes a mandatory one-hour-a-day physical exercise for all students up to the high school level. Every school must comply and can not shorten the exercise with any excuses or substitutions. Spiritual exercise for the majority of Chinese Sunday Schools is still song singing and story-telling. Let us pray for an in-depth curriculum, emphasis on relationship with Jesus and parental involvement in the program .

One may wonder how a Chinese kid learns to use chopsticks, which involves 30 joints and 50 muscles. Most children have mastered chopsticks long before they can write. Many believers bring their children to church, but, because there are no trained teachers, the children simply play outside of the church, not learning anything and not having a meaningful worship experience. Let us pray especially for such churches and their desire to minister to the young ones .

“The building of ethical thinking among the juveniles” is a big project the Party is pushing at all levels in the attempt to stem the corrupting influences on the youth--from media--rapidly changing social values and loss of moral values. Materialism and social corruption have undermined the education of a whole generation of young people. Many churches realize this but lack concrete ways to do anything about it. Let us pray for the prevalent absence of youth and young people in so many inland churches .

The governmental regulation is that burial sites not exceed four square meters for one person or six square meters for two people. The government is cracking down on elaborate and outlandish graves, a flagrant violation of these rules. The passing of old saints, especially those who endured the tumultuous time of the last century means there is a new generation who grew us with little memory of the suffering of the churches. We thank the Lord for every one of those saints and the legacy they have left behind .

A first time offender of the law, aged 16 to 18, will not face prison sentences, according to the new rule by the Public Security Bureau. Imprisonment leads to the overcrowding of limited facilities and often makes the offenders worse. Not all parents have well-behaved children; some are literally “black sheep.” Let us remember all the aching parents and their prodigal sons in our prayers .

Many families come from the Mainland to Hong Kong for better jobs. The entire family crams into a one-room apartment and their children become the so-called “street children.” Some Hong Kong churches tried to minister to these children and their families, but the churches have limited success because of the immigrants’ inability to fit in with the local children and the parental immigrants’ objection to church. We pray for these unique ministries reaching out to the Mainland immigrants .

“Lady Guest” is the term for those who married into the village (or family). Chinese courts recently decided in several cases that they must be included in receiving benefits, enjoying the equal rights with the men. Girls who are married off are still seen as “water poured out on the ground” in most of the rural regions. Let us pray for the church workers, especially in these villages where the old mindset runs deep and women are still seen as a liability or property, rather than an asset .








Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Prayer Request 4/17 -- 4/23

"The peacocks fly southward" is used to describe the phenomenon of the tens of millions of skilled and unskilled workers flocking to southern Guangdong seeking jobs. Dongguan is one city with factories where the population has swelled to five times its normal size by the five million workers flooding in. Church work is hard where people have little free time. Let us pray for every ministry focusing on reaching out to the factory workers both inside the plants of Christian owners and to those workers who live near the factories .

China is implementing a sweeping reform regarding organ transplants. Now all organ donations must be voluntary and with consent. However, family members can consent for the removal of the organs of a deceased relative. Sacrificial giving or voluntary work is still not commonly practiced even among believers who are, like society in general, cynical and suspicious of acts of sacrifice. Let us pray for understanding of the true compassion of Christ and the ability to live it out in all of us.

China aired its very first homosexual-themed TV program which portrays homosexuals as regular citizens who face a lot of pressure and need acceptance and tolerance. Christian churches do not get much media exposure so society as a whole sees Christianity negatively. Let us pray for divine intervention and that believers will learn what they can do to give churches and Christians a positive image in the media .

Until 2001 homosexuality in China was regarded as a psychological disorder. The very first prime time TV program about homosexuals "Connected with the Same Sex" signals a change. In the vast rural regions however, homosexuality is still taboo. Churches in China have not been an audible voice on most social or ethical issues. Let us pray for a compassionate heart and strong Biblical stand in a society that accepts that "prostitution is better than poverty ".

In China elaborate funeral services are considered important, a matter of "face". Speculation on real estate has caused the price of burial plots to skyrocket and in Beijing and Shanghai, the average cost of a funeral is about three months' salary (10,000 to 20,000 yuan). Funeral services are one way Christians can share the faith of their loved ones publicly. Let us pray that Christian funerals will be occasions where God receives glory, the godly life is honored, and seeds of the gospel are planted .

A government survey shows that 28% of urban Chinese parents actually ignore their only child. Lack of communication and poor relations are the biggest culprit. Churches’ emphasis on children’s ministry varies from region to region. Many realize the great importance of children’s ministry but do not know how to be effective. Some are attempting to host English camps to bring in parents and their children. Let us remember their effort and family ministries .

Experts predict that by 2010 China will produce more cars than Japan. In China prices of cars have dropped dramatically and having a car is now deemed a necessity by many people. In most of the urban churches there are no parking facilities. However, in rural areas it can be very useful to have a car. Let us pray for many church workers who are considering buying a car but trying to balance the ministry needs with the operating cost .

「孔雀東南飛」是中國古典名詩,現今卻用來描述成千上萬的技術和非技術人員湧向廣東南部打工掙錢的現象。 在該省打工大鎮東莞市工廠林立,引來500多萬外來人口,是本地人口的五倍。當大家都忙碌得非常疲累沒閒暇時間時,教會工作和福音事工難以進行。讓我們為針對工廠勞工、企業業主的福音事工禱告。求主興起基督徒在工廠內外向工人們傳福音。





一項官方調查指出, 28%的城市父母忽視他們的孩子。家長經常不與子女交流、遊戲而造成的情感忽視是發生率最高的一種忽視形式。中國各個地區的兒童事工都不同。很多教會雖明瞭兒童事工的重要性,卻不知如何有效施行。也有些嘗試舉辦英語營來吸引家長和孩子踏進教會。讓我們為所有相關的努力及家庭事工禱告。


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Prayer Request 4/10--4/16

Health officials say it is no longer legal for hospitals to turn away emergency patients who are unable to pay. In Chinese hospitals the policy has always been "pay first, care later" and the poor face the predicament of "no money, no care". We lift up all believers who do not have financial means to get proper medical care and entrust their health needs to the Great Physician Himself. We know there are many such heartbreaking situations .

In 2006 the average annual wage in Beijing was 36,097 yuan ($4510.US) including all of the benefits and bonuses. Restaurant workers, however, made less than 20,000 yuan and security guards (mostly young men from the countryside) made only 9,000 yuan. Rural churches have lost many of their young people and church workers alike as millions have left for higher paying jobs in the cities. Let us pray for the spiritual needs of those believers who have left their home churches but have been unable to find a church home in the city .

"Kongjiangbing" (parachute manager) is the name for a new manager brought into a business to solve a problem situation. However, they are often ineffective. Many are beginning to question whether short term training by well-meaning overseas believers is really effective in helping rural church workers. Let us pray for more indigenous teachers who can train leaders and truly understand the needs of local churches .

"The 80's generation" (those born after 1980) is considered to be a self-centered group of people but they are willing to try new things and are heavily influenced by the internet and more open to foreign cultures. China's churches need some new worship styles and means of delivering the message of God to reach out to this new generation. We pray for those whose ministries target specifically the students and young intellectuals .

People in the "80's generation" commonly switch jobs since they feel they have the right to quit to get higher pay and are not willing to work hard for career advancement. Will young church workers have this same attitude? Many feel they are less likely to wait for long-term results or endure hardship than the previous generation was. Let us pray earnestly for those Christian workers who are younger than thirty years old .

Thanks to the Internet many young strangers (pin ke) share apartments--rooms, rides, and even opposite gender people living together. They consider it an adventurous way to socialize and save money. Churches and urban youth (non-college students) have little in common. We pray that more churches will have a vision to reach out to the working young people in their neighborhoods through innovative methods of Bible study and community evangelism .

"Sharing is the winning way" is the motto of many urban youth. They share rooms, meals, and outings with strangers to save money. This is becoming the life style of young people in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, and Chengdu. Finding Christian friends of the same age is difficult in China. Let us pray for those who are counselors to young people. May the Lord use them as godly examples to the youth and young married couples .


2006年北京的年平均工資為人民幣36,097元 (美金 $4510),包括工資,獎金, 各項津貼和補貼。但是餐飲業工人平均工資是20,000元,保安人員(多數來自郊外的年輕人)的工資僅9,000元。為了賺取更高的工資,許多農村教會的年輕信徒也紛紛離鄉背井到城市打工,卻未參與任何教會。讓我們為這些信徒的靈命需要,以及能夠儘快順利地找到合適的教會來禱告。

有些公司愛聘請「空降兵」– 希望這些來自其他公司的主管能有新方法來管理和解決問題。然而往往都沒有收到顯著的果效。在教會界也有人開始懷疑,海外信徒前來給本地教會提供短期培訓,是否真能有效協助教會成長呢?求神提升更多本土教師的能力,來訓練當地教會的領袖。畢竟他們的優勢是能深入瞭解當地教會的需要,能供給更長期有效的訓練和教導。

「80後」 (1980年出生的世代) 是一群被視為以自我為中心的族群。他們樂於嘗試新事物, 熱衷於網際網絡和外來的文化。教會需要針對新一代的崇拜以及講道方式,來傳遞神的話語給這批「80後」。讓我們為學生及年輕知識分子的事工禱告。面對新世紀的宣教挑戰,求神在觀念和策略上,都親自更新教會領導和同工的心意,能靈巧回應時代的需要。




Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Prayer Request 4/3 -- 4/9

Business entertaining in China is notoriously lavish and expensive. Nearly everyone uses the excuse of, "No problem. The company pays for it." or "It is essential to take good care of guests." Practicing hospitality and giving their very best to visiting church workers is a virtue of Chinese believers. Let us thank the Lord for the many who give not because they have a lot of money but because of their joy in serving the Lord .

Recently the media has turned national attention toward the debate of whether a terminally ill cancer patient should be given euthanasia. Many condone it because of the high medical expenses involved in prolonging life. In the Chinese tradition there are no religious reasons opposing euthanasia but filial piety does not allow one to kill oneself or one's parents in illness. Chinese believers are generally ill-prepared to provide Biblical reasoning in almost any ethical debate. Let us pray for compassion and patience for all believers who must care for terminally ill loved one .

The city of Beijing calls the eleventh day of every month, "wait in line day" since the number 11 is the image of a waiting lane. Chinese people like to cut into lines and are very poor in obeying order in lines for buses, cashier windows and such like. Old habits die hard, especially when we see others get ahead of us and break the rules. Let us pray for all believers as they try to live out Biblical principles in a very self-centered society .

In China every year 2.5 million people are afflicted with stroke, the leading killer disease. Of these 1.5 million die and the rest find themselves with varying degrees of handicaps or paralysis. Since many churches do not have handicap-friendly facilities, scores of believers who suffer from strokes cannot attend church. Let us remember all those believers who cannot attend church because of illness. May the Lord strengthen them with joy through the comfort of His Word .

In the past caring for elderly parents could be rotated among one's children. However, the one-child policy essentially means that one couple must care for two sets of parents. Many young couples refuse to have much to do with their parents and flat out avoid them if they need medical attention. Even many young believers neglect their own parents. Let us pray for them as they struggle to make "honoring your parents" part of their faith and become powerful witnesses to their unbelieving parents .

Businessmen fellowships are a relatively new thing in China. Some are smaller and some are larger even into the hundreds of participants and they are found in the costal provinces. Some meet in homes and other inside the companies of Christian owners. We thank the Lord for raising up godly businessmen who also provide assistance to poor students from other provinces. May the Lord use their service to impact churches and further the work of evangelism .

The city of Beijing has one million handicapped people (about 1 in 15 residents) yet one rarely sees these handicapped people on the streets. The infrastructures to accommodate the handicapped are still spotty in big cities and practically nonexistent in smaller ones. By and large churches are poor in meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of the handicapped. Let us pray for this great deficit and the great need to serve the blind, the deaf, and stroke victims .




腦卒中(中風)是中國第一號殺手,每年有250 萬人患此病,其中150萬人會因腦卒中去世,幸存者也會有不同程度的殘缺,甚至癱瘓。由於許多教會沒有殘障人士使用的設施,有些行動不便的信徒因而不能到教會去。讓我們時常以禱告記念這些不能上教會的信徒,願神以祂的話語親自安慰、激勵他們。


