Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Prayer Request 4/3 -- 4/9

Business entertaining in China is notoriously lavish and expensive. Nearly everyone uses the excuse of, "No problem. The company pays for it." or "It is essential to take good care of guests." Practicing hospitality and giving their very best to visiting church workers is a virtue of Chinese believers. Let us thank the Lord for the many who give not because they have a lot of money but because of their joy in serving the Lord .

Recently the media has turned national attention toward the debate of whether a terminally ill cancer patient should be given euthanasia. Many condone it because of the high medical expenses involved in prolonging life. In the Chinese tradition there are no religious reasons opposing euthanasia but filial piety does not allow one to kill oneself or one's parents in illness. Chinese believers are generally ill-prepared to provide Biblical reasoning in almost any ethical debate. Let us pray for compassion and patience for all believers who must care for terminally ill loved one .

The city of Beijing calls the eleventh day of every month, "wait in line day" since the number 11 is the image of a waiting lane. Chinese people like to cut into lines and are very poor in obeying order in lines for buses, cashier windows and such like. Old habits die hard, especially when we see others get ahead of us and break the rules. Let us pray for all believers as they try to live out Biblical principles in a very self-centered society .

In China every year 2.5 million people are afflicted with stroke, the leading killer disease. Of these 1.5 million die and the rest find themselves with varying degrees of handicaps or paralysis. Since many churches do not have handicap-friendly facilities, scores of believers who suffer from strokes cannot attend church. Let us remember all those believers who cannot attend church because of illness. May the Lord strengthen them with joy through the comfort of His Word .

In the past caring for elderly parents could be rotated among one's children. However, the one-child policy essentially means that one couple must care for two sets of parents. Many young couples refuse to have much to do with their parents and flat out avoid them if they need medical attention. Even many young believers neglect their own parents. Let us pray for them as they struggle to make "honoring your parents" part of their faith and become powerful witnesses to their unbelieving parents .

Businessmen fellowships are a relatively new thing in China. Some are smaller and some are larger even into the hundreds of participants and they are found in the costal provinces. Some meet in homes and other inside the companies of Christian owners. We thank the Lord for raising up godly businessmen who also provide assistance to poor students from other provinces. May the Lord use their service to impact churches and further the work of evangelism .

The city of Beijing has one million handicapped people (about 1 in 15 residents) yet one rarely sees these handicapped people on the streets. The infrastructures to accommodate the handicapped are still spotty in big cities and practically nonexistent in smaller ones. By and large churches are poor in meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of the handicapped. Let us pray for this great deficit and the great need to serve the blind, the deaf, and stroke victims .




腦卒中(中風)是中國第一號殺手,每年有250 萬人患此病,其中150萬人會因腦卒中去世,幸存者也會有不同程度的殘缺,甚至癱瘓。由於許多教會沒有殘障人士使用的設施,有些行動不便的信徒因而不能到教會去。讓我們時常以禱告記念這些不能上教會的信徒,願神以祂的話語親自安慰、激勵他們。




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