Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Prayer Request 3/30 - 4/5

Right now there is a severe drought in southwestern China in Yunan, Guizhou, and Guangxi Provinces, where probably most of the ethnic minorities in China live. Although this is not the key rice-growing region, it is still affecting the price of rice across China even though the government assures the people that it has a six-month stockpile of rice. We believe God is able to send rain and perform miracles. Churches in these regions are generally poor and weak so we pray for showers of blessing from God and revival for all of the believers there, especially those of the ethnic minorities.
More than a hundred super-wealthy Chinese from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan made the newly-published list of billionaires in the world. Sixty-four are from China, making her (before 2003 there were no billionaires there) the country with the second most billionaires in the world. Churches in China are now much more affluent than before, especially those in the coastal provinces. However, believers still have the attitude of "Let the wealthy believers do the giving". We pray that believers would see how blessed they are and that God has indeed provided for all of us. May the day soon come that churches in China become a channel of blessing to other countries.
"Soft Corruption" is a new term made popular by an unrepentant official after he was arrested. He insisted that accepting a bribe before one does something is "Hard Corruption" but he was different because he accepted appreciation after he did a favor for someone and that should be distinguished as "Soft Corruption". Although people despise corruption they do, however, use many methods to curry favor. We pray that believers will be different, living according to God's high moral standard. We pray, too, that believers will not be tempted by illicit financial gain.
Several things contribute to the imbalance of the sexes in China: the ancient preference for sons, a modern desire for smaller families, the availability of ultrasound for sex determination, and the choice of subsequent abortion if the fetus is a female. Although prenatal ultrasound is illegal, it is still widely used. Let us pray for Christian couples who are struggling with whether to find out the sex of their baby. They face a lot of pressure from their parents, especially non-believing parents. They need courage and conviction from God that what He gives is the best. May the Lord bless them with a wonderful child and joy in their life for a boy or girl alike.
Female suicide in China is among the highest in the world. It the most common form of death among rural women ages 15-34 in China. Young mothers kill themselves by drinking agricultural fertilizer. Many suspect that the reason for suicide is that they could not live with the knowledge they have aborted or killed their baby daughters. We pray for God's comfort for those who have lost their daughters, wives, or mothers. We pray that rural churches can somehow reach out and help those who are prone to feel so hopeless and bring the message of salvation and God's forgiveness to so many who feel they have done a terribly wrong thing.
Chinese parents with a son save to increase his chances of attracting a wife in China's ultra competitive marriage market. Experts calculate that half the increase in savings in China in the past twenty-five years can be attributed to the reality that there are more boys than girls there. It is literally, no money, no marriage in many parts of China. It is not easy for young Christians to find potential mates of the same faith. We pray for those who are willing to patiently seek God's provision and trust Him for the best partner. We pray, too, along with Christian parents who worry about their children even finding a spouse to pass on the Christian faith in their family.
In most Chinese cities where the policy is carried out in its pure form, couples are allowed to have only one child. In the coastal provinces some forty percent of couples are permitted a second child if their first is a girl. In the far West and Inner Mongolia, there is no one-child policy. Minorities are permitted second, and sometimes even third children. We take this time to pray for children's ministries in areas where more than one child is permitted. May the Lord give churches a vision that children are very precious and help them to know that an effort to teach them is not wasted. We pray specifically for all those who are Sunday school teachers in all the churches in China.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Prayer Request 3/23 - 3/29

With 16 million babies born each year, China has a huge market for baby clothing. For an international baby-clothing chain, it must offer clothing suitable for a wide temperature range, from above 30 degrees to below 30 degrees. Chinese parents prefer to buy loose fitting clothes, so their children can wear multiple layers. Also, traditionally, all Chinese babies wear open bottom pants. China churches are really at a loss in how to care for the little ones. The few translated children' curriculum and books are totally inadequate as resources. Let us pray for those who have the burden to reach the young ones for Christ. We, too, pray for believer parents who know that they must raise godly children for God.
There are so many convenient store chains in China now. Even convenience stores are competing to offer full menus of meals, appealing to the busy urban young people, who want convenience, clean and good service. Such a trend is also penetrating into the so-called second- and third-tier (smaller) cities. As the service industry changes, unfortunately China's churches are slow to adapt and are mostly closed to their community. We pray that churches can somehow find innovative ways to attract people in the communities, opening up to young people with programs, and becoming not just a building but a place where they can meet the spiritual and needs of the community.
The postal delivery system in China was once legendary, able to deliver mail to recipients who had moved to other places. A recent report shows that the postal service is now diversified and is not only a banking system but also derives almost half of its revenue from "express deliveries". For us to share Jesus with others we are just like the mailman and our job is to deliver the precious news of the gospel. Let us pray that more Chinese believers will feel not only willing but eager to deliver this package--the Good News of Jesus Christ--to their friends and families without fear.
Government acknowledges the alarming increase of domestic violence, this is not only a major contributing factor of rising divorce rate but also the incidence of violent crimes. Although the taboo of speaking out against domestic violence is breaking, many battered women are still ashamed to go to police. Let us pray specifically for those Christian women who suffer from both verbally and physically abusive spouses. We pray for God’s mercy and divine wisdom for them.
College diploma does not guarantee a job at all! In 2009, 1.35 millions college grads applied for the 2010 central government-level servant examination(800,000 applied for the same exam in 2008). For some of the most popular positions, the chance is 4000 to 1. In the county-level employee examination, 60% of applicants are college grads. Once a church youth leaves home for college, follow up is difficult if not impossible for vast majority of Chinese churches. They could be the future leaders of church but continuing to encourage them to love the Lord is much needed. Let us pray for these young believers who can stand tall in their faith like Daniel and his friends.
In China the main reason for the destruction of baby girls is their tradition that males are more valuable than females and having no son is detestable because the family name is lost. In the villages, men inherit the family land while women are like "water splashed out" and get no inheritance. These traditional values are not easily changed. Women believers are an important if not an essential part of the Chinese house churches. We thank the Lord for every one of them and pray the Lord will strengthen their ministry whether in visitation, giving, caring, worship, or even teaching and preaching. May their churches be greatly blessed because of their faithful service.
Another big reason why the Chinese family prefers a son is the lack of a social security system in the country. Parents are fearful that when a girl grows up and gets married, there will be no one left to care for them on their old age. Having a son is the only secure retirement for millions of Chinese farmers. It is frightening for elderly Chinese when they do not have a son to support them. Let us pray for all of the older rural believers to place their trust in God as they become older. May the Lord be close to them, answer their prayers, comfort them, and grant them renewed strength to serve in their churches.

中國郵政聞名遐邇,甚至幾十年前搬遷的地址對他們也不是問題。除了儲蓄銀行之外,現在快遞即佔郵政業務總量近五成。論到傳揚福音,使人得救的是聖靈,傳福音的是「郵差」。郵差長得如何、性格如何,並不能使人得救或不得救,郵差的工作就是忠心把郵包送到。我們求主興起更多中國信徒,願意為主大發熱心,無懼地迫切要把基督耶穌救恩的 禮物傳送給每一個家人和朋友,及周遭所有的人。
中國大學生找工作難!135萬人報考2010年國家公務員考試,而2008年有80萬人報考。最熱門職位的報考人數與職位數量之比竟超過四千比一。報考縣級以下職位人當中,應屆大學生就佔了61% 各地教會對外出求學的大學生都有負擔,每年回鄉後會給予栽培,以達到鞏固信仰的目的。這些學生大多數有基督教家庭背景,是有潛力成為未來教會領袖。讓我們為這些年輕人禱告,求神興起他們就像當年的但以理和他的朋友們。

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prayer Request 3/16 - 3/22

In China, for the generation born in the late 1980's, the imbalance between sexes was 108 boys to 100 girls. For the generation born in the early 2000's, the proportion of boys to girls was 124 to 100 and in some provinces there is an unprecedented ration of 130 to 100. By 2020 China stands to have as many as twenty-four million unmarried young men or "bare branches" as they are known. This huge disparity will affect the churches in China because female believers are in the majority and it would also imply that young female believers would have difficulties finding mates within the church as well. We pray for this unnatural shift in population and specifically those believers who are single either by will or unable to find a mate with the same faith.
Chinese universities are beginning to provide students with a "Safety Handbook" which addresses prevention of sexual assault, AIDS, on-line chat hazards, precautions about off-campus housing, and other ideas about practical safety for college girls. We praise God that many young Chinese come to know Jesus Christ and receive discipleship during their four years in college but many are also attracted to the highly aggressive cults on the campuses as well. We pray for the spiritual safety of these young sheep. May the Lord protect them and send forth more workers in the colleges of China.

Rural laborers are village people who have moved to cities to work and according to scholars they number 245 million. Most of them are low in skills and a large percentage are married males whose living quarters with bunk beds are not suitable for conjugal visits. The government, knowing the social and family consequences of their unmet sexual needs, has paid special attention to them. We remember all the believers who are away from their families because of work and pray not only for those who are away from home but their families who stay behind in the villages. We know it is not good for couples to be separated for a long time so may the Spirit comfort them and guard their hearts.

"School District Houses" is a Chinese real estate term which means an area with homes located in a district with good elementary and high schools so their only children will have a convenient place to get a head start and a competitive advantage in education. A house with such a designation can command a hefty twenty percent premium. Good education is the universally highest concern for all Chinese parents. We pray that Christian parents will trust God to meet the educational needs of their child and also strive to teach them God's word and take them to church from birth.

It is interesting to note why the only child who is most likely spoiled by the parents would run away from home in China. The child is usually the center of the home, and is self-centered so when things do no go according to the child's wish, he/she leaves home. Some children also use running away as a way to manipulate the adults in the home. Most Christian parents can do very little when their child refuses to go to church with them and such a heartbreaking experience is shared by both pastor and laymen. Let us remember in prayer all the families whose children no longer attend church. We pray that a good parent-child relationship will continue to remind the child that God loves him/her.
Scholars suggest that China's economic development models lack the process of reflection. They are all pragmatic, with the end justifying the means. Government slogans typify such a lack of reflection: "Black or white, as long as a cat catches mice, it is a good cat"; "Do not argue"; "Stability trumps everything."Chinese churches often "blindly" imitate church growth methods without reflection and adaption. We pray for all churches who are trying to grow but are not. May the Lord give comfort and assurance to them, as they strive to serve faithfully.
The reasons for young people running away from home are complex and varied. In general an unhealthy home environment and the poor disciplinary methods the parents use are the main reasons. There are also parents who are literally brutal in a lifestyle that is monotonous and repetitive as well as the usual lack of communication between parents and their children. We take this time to pray for Christian families experiencing problem in their parent-child relationship. May the Lord give parents wisdom and patience. We also pray the Holy Spirit work in the heart of their child, convicting them that Jesus is their personal savior and friend. It is our prayer that the church body can also pray for one another and encouraging the frustrated parents.

年晚期中國新生兒男女比例為108:100,在2000年初為124:100,有些區域男女比例嚴重失衡至130:100。到了2020年,估計男性可能比女性多2400多萬人。這些娶不到老婆的光棍”-會是一個極大的社會問題, 中國教會也同樣面對男女比例嚴重失衡問題,由於女性佔大多數,這意味著年輕未嫁的女信徒或許不太容易在教會找到配偶。讓我們為性別比例失衡所造成的問題來代禱,也為教會中沒法找到同負一軛的伴侶而選擇或被迫獨身者這來禱告。
有不少中國高校開始分發大學生安全知識手冊,此類手冊包括了預防性侵害、艾滋病、網上聊天陷阱等知識,還有校外租房的大學生可能遇到的問題,並提供其他實用的安全知識。 我們感謝神,很多年青年在求學期間中認識了耶穌基督為救主並且接受裝備栽培,可是也不少學生被校園中異常積極的異端邪教所迷惑了。讓我們在禱告中為這些小羊們來守望,也求主差派更多工人到校園中服事。
受到父母過度溺愛的獨生子女,為何容易離家出走? 一般家庭都把重心放在孩子身上,小孩自我中心,稍不順心,便極度受挫,甚至離家出走。有的孩子還會用離家出走的行為來要挾控制家人。許多基督徒家長對不願意隨父母同去教會的子女感到無可奈何,平信徒如此,牧師傳道亦然。讓我們為所有離開而不再上教會的孩子和他們的家庭禱告,求主首先幫助他們親子關係的建立,讓父母能夠提醒孩子神對他們的愛。
專家指出,中國發展模式裏缺乏反思的過程。「在中國的文化中有一個很大的弊病就是不反省發展的過程,而通常以結果論英雄。過去所提倡的『不論黑貓白貓,抓住老鼠就是好貓』、『不爭論』、『穩定壓倒一切』等都暗含著部分缺乏反思的思想。」 中國教會也常常不經反思地盲目模仿其他教會的增長方法。我們為試圖增長卻告失敗的教會禱告。雖未能增長,求主安慰他們,賜下繼續堅持忠心地服事的確據。

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Prayer Request 3/9 - 3/15

An official report compares delinquency among high school students in China, Japan, Korea, and the United States. It looks at smoking, drinking, gambling, pornography, skipping school, and drug abuse. Drug abuse is lowest in China but they rate highest in running away from home with a whopping one out of five students! Having only one child presents a great challenge to parents of teenagers. We pray for wisdom, patience, and gentleness for Christian people who are struggling with parenting issues, especially when their children are rebellious and no longer interested in attending church. We pray, too, that churches can provide assistance to parents through training and support classes. font>
The breakdown of communication between parents and their children is a prevalent and a major problem in China. Children turn deaf ears on their parents and will not even speak to them, so many parents are at a loss to know how to get their only child to talk with them. Believers have few resources teaching them how to raise children according to the Scripture. Most church leaders struggle with the same problem at home as the laymen do. We pray for healthy Christian families and parents who are able to demonstrate God's unconditional love.
Singapore opened its very first casino during the Chinese Year of the Tiger. It has an ambitious goal of attracting 13 million tourists, with 20-25% of them from China. Although Singapore is small, it has many tourists, students and even immigrants from Mainland China. Let us pray for all the mission works, seminary training, and church support coming from Singapore into China. May these ministries and resources accomplish great results among China churches.
No one knows the number of Chinese pastors who quit their churches because of problems or infidelity in their marriages or other temptations. We hear how some leaders fall but many more simply silently quit. When it comes to serving in Chinese churches, workers are falsely pressured into believing that their marriages and family should be second to their church work. Infidelity and divorce are common in and outside of the church including church workers and believers alike. Sadly, the Chinese church is in great need of more marriage counseling skills. May the Lord have mercy on our families. Many stand in the pulpit but their marriages and families are in tatters. Let us pray about this heart-wrenching reality.
Ancient politics was all about "personal relationship" which decided whether one got promoted or demoted. Modern China is not a whole lot different and thus this the famous saying, "Guanxi (relationship) is everything." Many Chinese believers wrongly believe the best way to share the gospel is through personal relationships done discreetly and privately to avoid bringing unnecessary attention to themselves and their church. They literally fear that their identity as Christians will be known. We pray that all believers will have the courage to witness for Jesus.
What is the most common parent-child relationship problem in China? For urban parents, it is being too busy. In rural families, it is the absence of parents because they go to the cities to work and families are re-united only once or twice a year. Let us pray especially for Christian families that are practically disjointed. We pray for the children who usually live with a relative, for their fledgling faith and for the parents that they will stay faithful sexually and continue to maintain their faith in God.
Some churches in China still hold to the extreme idea of "suffering" and see confronting the officials as "suffering persecution for Christ". Within some rural churches it is considered an honor to go to jail and they adore those who suffered persecution during the Cultural Revolution. To comply with the government regulations or go against them is not only a deeply emotional but also a personal thing. We pray for those who choose to defy the government and are willing to pay the price of such an action. We uplift them in our prayers and ask the Lord to give them peace, the courage to live out their faith and convictions, and above all to have the love of Jesus Christ in their lives.

古代官場的潛規則無非就是利用私人關係獲得恩寵,也因為失去私人關係而敗落。今天的中國社會仍是要靠關係,「『有關係』就沒關係;『沒關係』就大有關係。」 不少中國基督徒誤認為傳福音要看場合、時機,最好是利用私人關係如同學親戚等私下場合傳。這種教導的主要顧慮是,如果在公開場合傳或向陌生人傳福音, 容易使家庭教會受牽連被發現,導致聚會停止,教會受虧損等等。求主給我們智慧膽量,能在人前為耶穌做見證。
中國信徒往往對「受苦」推崇備至,視「為主受逼迫」、「為主坐牢」為一項榮譽。因而對在文化大革命為主受迫害的信徒深表尊敬。政府對教會頒行的措施,決定選擇順從或反對 ,對許多教會而言都是左右為難。讓我們在禱告中記念那些選擇不依循政府的信徒,深知他們所付上的代價,能靠著主有力量。同時為他們切切求主賜下平安、鼓勵、信心和勇氣,時刻活在基督的愛中。

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Prayer Request 3/2 – 3/4 8

Although crime rates in China were relatively stable from 2001-2008, in 2009 murders, robberies, and rapes shot up by 10 percent. This was attributed to the economic downturn, increased unemployment, and the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Chinese believers often lament the fact that China is much more prosperous than in the past but corruption and crimes do abound. We are called to pray for those who govern us, therefore let us pray that churches will have a positive and godly influence on the country and believers will sincerely pray for the officials and policies in their own communities.
Recent surveys show that the rich have gotten richer during the financial crisis in China and that has fueled strong resentment among ordinary Chinese who feel that official nepotism and corruption is making some people extremely rich. The average person believes the government crackdown on corruption and nepotism has failed. Chinese people resent the rich but want to be rich themselves. People simply accept that gaining favors by any means is the way to do business. Let us pray for all believers as they live out God's standard in their crooked world, knowing that God will not disappoint them because they refuse to compromise.
Although the Communist Party represents less than 6% of China's population, it accounts for 60-70% of the members of the People's Congress and those in various levels of the government. About nine percent of the delegates are from the military. Small groups of people often can have enormous influence over the whole nation. Let us pray for integrity, wisdom, and a sense of justice for all the members of the Communist Party. We remember also all the members of the party who are believers in Jesus but are not able to declare their faith even though they love the Lord wholeheartedly.
In a losing battle to combat corruption, the Communist Party updated a list of "forbidden activities" for its members. The original list made in 1997 included forty-one forbidden actions which has now been expanded to fifty-two. We know that rules and laws cannot stop corruption or greed and although citizens detest corruption by officials, "only a fool will pass up the chance to be rich". Let us pray that we as Christians will guard our own hearts from all these financial temptations. In 1 Timothy 6:6 we find that Godliness with contentment is great gain.
Life in the cities in Eastern China is definitely getting luxurious. People are not only looking for a place to live and to put their nice furniture but they also demand spectacular views and luxurious amenities that include a community pool, a club house, and even a fitness center. Many would say that the churches on the east coast of China are mostly affluent but numbers of the believers are being drawn into the pursuit of worldly possessions and are rather weak spiritually. Let us pray specifically for revival among affluent urban believers. May the Lord rekindle our love and passion for Him.
Being a female secretary in China carries a lot of baggage. She is expected to be a "pretty face", a babysitter for the family as well as going out to entertain clients in addition to her work for her boss. No wonder it is said that no self-respecting Chinese man wants his wife or girlfriend to be a secretary. Sexual harassment in the workplace is very rampant but making a fuss about it is considered suicidal. We take this time to pray for all believers, especially those who must endure critical, unreasonable, and even harassing bosses. We remember those who cannot quit because there are no other jobs available and those who must endure a poor working environment.
Vulgarity has become nearly universal in China. If anything displeases a person, you will hear him curse. Of course, there are common and favorite phrases and they are ubiquitous in movies and novels. Christians know that such found language does not honor God but we live in the midst of people who habitually use foul language. May we use our tongues to praise the Lord, to speak gently, and to give glory to God wherever we are.

