Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Prayer Request 10/8 - 10/14

To further strengthen ideological control and eliminate religious beliefs on campus, Beijing has adopted a series of policies to delete any religious words, like "God" and "Bible" in literary classics, dictionaries, and history textbooks. Christian parents in China are concerned about the atheist indoctrination in schools and the negative effects on children's faith. We know raising a godly child is an act of faith, just as Moses' parents who disobeyed the edict of Pharaoh because they believed God would use their child (Heb. 11:23).
In 2018, China launched a campaign to remove all references to religion in all schools. In 2019, in all textbooks and especially foreign classical literature, all references to "God" were changed to "lao tian ye", a vague and generic term for a deity. Once again, we pray for churches and Christian families in China. May God comfort the believing parents and add faith to them so they will know it is their responsibility to raise godly children. We pray, too, that churches will pray more fervently for the spiritual life of the children of believers and beseech His protection.
China has rolled out new textbooks in history, language, law, and ethics in all primary and secondary schools. The new books include studies of 40 revolutionary heroes, writings by revolutionary leader Mao Zedong, and China’s territorial claims in the disputed South China Sea. Christian parents are very much concerned about their children entering schools and being indoctrinated by atheism and losing their faith in God. We pray for His mercy for churches and Christian families, joy in the time of great pressure, knowing that He is in control of all things and that their steadfast love for Him is what pleases God.
Many Chinese parents see political indoctrination as an anachronism in an era when China’s more than 181 million school children need modern education in math, science and liberal arts to get ahead. We thank God that more Christian parents in China are paying attention to the issues of faith and education of their children. We pray for wisdom for parents that they will use all means to share with children why faith in Jesus is good for them and what teachers teach is not to be believed.
A small number of Chinese parents have started homeschooling in the recent past. Although the exact number is difficult to obtain, they were mostly in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong, covering all ages from kindergarten to high school. But, the government has cracked down on homeschooling lately. We pray specifically for parents of young children that they will be diligent in teaching Bible stories and praying with their children, always taking time to discuss issues of faith and intentionally lay an early foundation of faith.
In China, a second-grade lesson includes the story of the “little hero” Wang Erxiao, a 13-year-old cattle herder who is said to have died in 1942 while trying to protect the office of a Communist newspaper from Japanese soldiers. Let us continue to pray for Christian parents in China. They face unprecedented pressure in educating their children, not only the competition in schools but also making sure their children grow in Christian faith and resisting the atheistic teachings in schools.
While Mr. Xi is hardly the first Chinese leader to turn to patriotism to inspire the people, he has pushed a version that plays up the party’s role as a force for restoring China’s greatness. In some areas, students are required to report relatives who are Christians and they are warned that anyone who believes in Jesus will be expelled from schools. We believe that God can help the young Christian to stand firm in faith even under great persecution, just like Daniel and his friends who refused to compromise and to defile themselves.

自2018 年起,在全中國校園發起抵制宗教信仰運動,刪除一切涉及宗教色彩的內容。2019 年初,所有納入教科書的文學著作、語文課本,尤其是外國的古典文學,其中的 「上帝」都改成「老天爺」。我們再次為教會和信徒家庭向神求憐憫,願神安慰信徒家長,加添他們信心,知道他們為神養育愛主的孩子是應當的,也是蒙福的。同時,教會也能同為信徒第二代的靈命守望禱告,求神保守。
教育部在中小學裡開始使用新版歷史、語文、法律和思想品德教科書,這些新課本中包括四十名革命英雄的故事、革命領袖毛澤東的著作,亦包括關於南海主權的書籍。學校和社會灌輸給孩子的知識與家長教導的背道而馳,家長無疑是與世界爭奪孩子,求主給父母屬天的智慧。 我們為中國教會,信徒的家庭求神的憐憫, 在壓力中仍有喜樂,深知神掌管一切,他們堅持愛主是神所紀念的。
有些家長因著種種原因,開始讓孩子「在家上學」。雖然準確的數目難以得著,這種家庭在沿海一線城市等地比較多,也涵蓋幼兒園至高中的各個階段。 我們為家中有年幼孩子的信徒禱告,求主提醒他們要認真與孩子分享信仰,把握機會與孩子研讀神的話,趁早為孩子奠定良好的信仰根基。

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