Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Prayer Request 12/31 - 1/6

A recent Hong Kong survey shows that the main reason a believer left a church was his/her disappointment with the church and they dislike their church culture. Responses also included issues with church polity, how the church handled issues, and their church's response to political and social issues.Chinese churches rarely admit or speak about our own errors in church ministry and therefore deny ourselves the room to improve. We pray that church leaders will be more transparent and willing to talk about how we can improve the way ministries are done.
Respondents also complained about their churches being more like a community centers or lacking any spiritual emphasis. People who gave such responses say that they prefer to experience faith individually and have less interaction with others. Chinese churches rarely allow discussion of how to better our ministry for the fear of causing dissension. We pray for unity in all churches and genuine humility and to see that others are better than ourselves.
Christians in Hong Kong who have left their churches also mentioned the following reasons. Their life challenges, especially the busy work and life, unable to experience God in their church, and subsequently choose to spend time on things outside the church. Even mature or strong believers can become lukewarm spiritually. We pray for ourselves that none of us will boast in our own strength just like Peter who denied Jesus three times.
Those who left their churches said in the survey that they realize a church does not equal God, and they will not abandon their faith, simply because of the problems of the church. So many churches fail to grow, not because of no newcomers, but of people leaving; both young people and frustrated coworkers. We pray that church leaders will seriously improve this gaping hole and strive to make their church healthy.
Most of the respondents mentioned that they have less Bible reading and prayers after leaving their church, but they still claim God has an important role in life.Church life is really about people, not about projects. We all need to repent from where we have fallen and became weary and cold, and commit to walking closely with our Lord again.
Almost all who have left their church are mature believers and many have served in their church as a leader. They all claim that they have a strong faith and are still serious Christians. We pray for God's comfort and revival for all who have left their church and even have started to doubt their faith, just like the prophet Elijah who experienced renewal in the cave.
The reasons given for Hong Kong Christians who left their churches in a survey included, church polity, poor conflict resolution, more emphasis on rules than grace, criticism, feeling hurt, lack of tolerance, hypocrisy, division, too many ministries, too social outreach programs in the church. We need to acknowledge people's disappointment, anger, helplessness and fatigue. Let us all be encouraged that "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them" (Hebrews 6:10 ).

一份香港教會調查中顯示,會眾離開堂會的主要原因是教會一些做法叫人失望,以及不喜歡該教會的文化。回應也是主要針對教會制度和處理事情手法,以及教會對社會政治議題的回應。中國教會很少承認或談論我們在教會事工中的錯誤,並且總是否認自己有改進的餘地。我們祈禱教會領袖能更加重視溝通,決策過程透明化, 並願意與會眾談論並檢討如何改進各部的工作方式。
香港教會調查中一些受訪者抱怨: 教會像社區中心,缺乏靈性上的交流,寧願在個人層面經歷信仰,不被其他人影響。中國教會較少討論如何改善既有的事工,因為害怕引起一些不同意見造成的紛爭。我們祈求所有教會能胸懷團結和真誠的謙卑,並看到別人比我們更好而受激勵見賢思齊。
香港教會調查受訪者也提及實際生活上的挑戰,特別是工作和生活忙碌,加上在教會內未能經歷上帝,所以選擇花時間在返教會以外的事情上。即使是靈性成熟或堅強的信徒,有時候在精神上也會變得冷淡。我們要時常為自己祈禱,不落入像彼得三次否認耶穌那樣, 在先前以自己的意氣誇耀。
調查中這些已離開自己教會的會友,堅持他們能清楚分辨教會不等於上帝,所以不會因為教會的問題離開上帝。如此多的教會未能成長,並不是沒有新人加入,而是因為人們離開, 包括了年輕人和受挫沮喪的同工。我們祈禱教會領袖們能認真改善, 堵住這個破口,並努力增強他們教會的健康。
大部份的受訪者都提及自己少了讀經祈禱等的信仰行為,但他們都分享到神在生命中重要和堅定的角色。離堂會後仍維持與上帝的關係。真實的教會生活是關注於人,而不是關於項目。我們都需要悔改,看看我們在哪裡墮落並變冷,就在那裡靠主恩典站起來, 並承諾再次與主密切同行。
所有受訪中離開自己教會的人都是信主多年的成熟信徒,相當多曾擔任事奉崗位和領袖角色。但在離開教會後仍然確認自己的信仰,並承認自己為基督徒。我們要為所有離開教會甚至開始懷疑他們信仰的人祈求主的安慰和復興,就像在洞穴中經歷更新的先知以利亞一樣, 走過流淚谷, 卻在將來得享豐收的歡呼。
在調查中, 人們離開教會的原因包括:教會政體不良,衝突未解決,強調規條而不是恩典,遭受批評,感到受傷,缺乏寬容,虛偽,分裂,過多的事工部委,過多的社會外展計劃。我們需要承認人們感受到的失望,憤怒,無助和疲勞。讓我們所有人都得到從上而來的安慰和鼓勵,上帝會記念我們以他的名義所做的一切善行。

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