Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Prayer Request 1/21 - 1/27

China has shown signs of relaxing the hukou (residency) system. Recently, the Guangdong Public Security Bureau has replaced the Temporary Residence Permit with the Residence Permit. It is estimated that in the next five years, there will be equal numbers of people living in cities and the countryside in China. In the past, many urban churches have flourished but rural churches have generally declined. The massive exodus of young people from the villages has crippled the rural churches. We pray for the rural believers who are left disheartened and disappointed. May the Lord comfort them and renew their churches.
The number of rural believers has declined, but the most disheartening reality is the exodus of coworkers (e.g. volunteer preachers, choir members, youth leaders, etc.) who were the backbone of the rural churches. However, only some of them have joined churches in the cities, many were lost to the church.We praise God for everyone who has continued to serve in the local churches wherever they are. We pray specifically for those who have stopped attending churches. May the Lord lead them back.
In the past, rural preachers used the example of Demas in the Bible to preach against young believers going to work in the cities. But, the reality is that young people work in cities, not seeking pleasures of the world, and farmland is diminishing while the cost of living continues to rise.The economic condition of rural families has improved, but family structures and relationships are in shambles. We pray for rural Christian families, especially those with parents and children who are separated, so they can find ways to make up the missing communication and bonding.
To retain people, rural churches must provide solid Biblical teaching, stir passion for rural ministry more than nostalgia, and manage to provide some solutions to social and economic issues like the rapidly rising cost of living.We pray that God will raise up an army of people who have a burden for rural churches, willing to stay and nourish the believers. We give thanks to God for those who have stayed and continue to serve in their church, even with declining attendance. May the Lord reward them for their faithful services.
We envision a city church forming a close relationship with one or several rural churches in China, such a bond is built on friendship, rather than control or command, without a sense of disparity or superiority, but one that is of sharing the grace of God and of equality and mutual respect. We pray that urban churches in China will not forget and forsake the poor rural churches. May the Lord raise up many city believers who care deeply about rural ministry and will self-initiate ways to support churches in the countryside, especially those without a pastor.
Programs to train pastors have been shut down or severely curtailed inside China recently. We pray that some urban churches will support those who intend to serve in the rural churches by providing them training, enabling them to return and serve, by supporting them financially initially to allow them to return and forming a partnership between the sending and receiving churches as the bond grows deeper.
Almost all young people and more than half of middle-aged people have moved from rural to urban areas in China, and the urban population has risen sharply. Rural churches face the crises of the aging population, no young people, lack of pastors and resources, these are facts with little or no solutions in sight. You might ask, “Is there still hope for the rural church in China?” Let us beseech the Lord that rural churches will at least train up their young people before they move to the cities en masse, and that they will do their very best to lay a foundation of faith so they will survive spiritually in the cities.

去年初中國政府發佈,除13個城區人口在500萬以上的超大城市和特大城市外,其餘城市將全面放開放寬落戶限制。最近廣東省公安局把臨時居住許可証都换發成一般居住證了. 有估計再過五年,中國城鄉人口會各佔一半。過去,許多城市教會發展了,可是農村教會卻普遍衰微,農村教會出現青黃不接的危機。我們來為農村教會的弟兄姊妹禱告,願神親自安慰他們,不灰心失望,靠著主無論得時不得時,總要盡力完成神交託的使命。
有農村傳道人用底馬貪愛世界的例子來評斷中青年一代會友,事實上農民外移是為生存而不是為享受。另外,因種種原因,農村耕地日漸減少,而農村消費卻在逐年提高。許多農村家庭經濟條件固然有了改進,但是家庭關係卻反道而行。我們為農村信徒家庭禱告,求神保守祝福父母子女分隔兩地的家庭,讓他們在有限的資源下,用其他方式來維繫感情, 鞏固親子關係的聯結。
農村教會希望信徒能留守家園,除了憑著信仰、鄉土的情感之外,還得要切實地解 決信徒生活與生存需要的問題。我們禱告神興起對農村教㑹有負担的精兵, 願意留在那里餵養信徒. 也求神親自供應農民的需要,改變人心讓嚮往與神親密的關係過於家道的豐富。我們又為農村教會同工們在聚會人數日漸下降, 仍忠心的擺上感恩,願主親自報答他們。
近年在中國,許多屬靈領袖的培訓聚會都遭禁止,聚會點也被查封,還有信徒家屬 被勒令監督有信仰的親人,警告若再聚會就要嚴懲。我們求主興起一些城市教會支持農村教會的事奉人員 ,又幫助一些在城市務工的信徒在接受裝備後, 有負担回鄉服事, 跟城市教會形成友好的合作關係, 城市教會也願意擔負他們的生活需用。我們更要為農村教會牧者能繼續牧養,為主發光禱告。

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