Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Prayer Request 12/18 - 12/24

During the past twelve years banks in Shangqui, Henan have refused to accept small change. The local bus company had to pay their drivers with the change collected from bus fares. On payday the drivers would lug home a huge bag of coins or small bills. Chinese coins are practically worthless due to inflation yet it is common to see many small bills in the offering plate at church. Believers in China are no longer poor but the amount of their offerings has not improved. We ask the Lord to show them how we will all be blessed when we are faithful stewards of what He has entrusted to us and His house will then lack nothing.
Taking the average income as a guide, it takes 25 years to buy an apartment in Beijing, and 30-40 years in Shanghai or Shenzhen. In New York City, it takes about 6 years and 20.8 years in Hong Kong to pay for an apartment. We pray for all believers that their emotions will not go up and down because of the price of homes. We know our hearts should be on the Lord alone and not on the wealth we own, so we can love Him steadfastly.
In China, temporary workers are often used as a convenient scapegoat when something goes wrong. When chengguan officers severely beat a street vendor, the incident was blamed on “temporary workers.” When a building was wrongfully demolished, “temporary workers” get the blame too. In general, urban churches do not reach out to the large number of migrant workers from villages because they are uneducated or unsophisticated. We pray that we all would learn to love those people Jesus would welcome, the sinners and the social outcasts.
It is reported that the property market in China has started slowly to recover. In July, the average price for a new apartment in one hundred cities was 8717 yuan per square meter. This report also said that the road to recover former property will be a long, difficult one. Many Chinese have the ability to buy more than one apartment. Many speculators are stuck with houses bought when the market was high and even Christians are no exception. We pray for genuine faith in God, and contentment and joy from Him to rule their lives rather than the rising or falling price of real estate or the stock market.
Chinese people tend to put money away in savings rather than spending it since there is a lack of services available to finance loans or to borrow money to pay for things. People from the villages who go to work in cities, must accumulate enough cash to buy a house there or they will not be able to enjoy the social benefits city residents do. We pray for those Christians from rural areas who work in cities. They work hard to be able to send money home so they pay a huge price by sacrificing their family relationships to work. We pray for God's strength, a strong faith in Him, and always the strong desire to walk close to Jesus.
Under the one-child policy, Chinese parents know that if they don't have enough savings there might not be anyone to care for them because a young married couples must care for four elderly parents one day. Bible teaches us to honor our parents and not to despise them when they are old. We pray for those elderly parents who worry about whether their children will support them or not, especially those who have relationship problem with the in-laws. May the Lord bring about changes in their hearts and attitudes.
There are many churches springing up in the cities, the vast majority of them are independent and not connected or associated with each others. Believers usually do not know about believers in other, even for those churches who are nearby.We want to pray for these independent churches, for good ministry in worship, fellowship and discipleship. May the Lord release them from the sense of loneliness, but rather be used greatly by God, and become a great testimony in their neighborhood and leading many to Christ.

一份調查報告說,樓市已開始有些復蘇。7月中國100個城市(新建)住宅平均價格為每平方米8717元。然而房地產市場要恢復到曾經呈現的繁榮景象,將是一個漫長、艱難的跋涉。有能力買房子的中國人,持有房屋幾乎都會超過一套,不少買家也被房子套牢,就連信徒也不例外。求主堅定我們對神的信心,敬虔加上知足地在世度日,而不是受房價, 股票起伏的影響,失去在主裡的喜樂與平安。
中國一胎化生育政策導致一對年輕夫婦需要照顧四位老年人。中國父母知道:到退休前,如果不存夠錢, 將來到他們年老時可能會無人照顧。基督徒孝敬父母是理所當然的,奉養年邁雙親也是聖經的重要教導。我們為年長的信徒來禱告,尤其是那些擔心自己的孩子是否會孝順照顧他們的,尤其是家中有婆媳不合的問題,家中充滿了壓力。願主恩待他們,也改變他們兩代的心態。

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