Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Prayer Request 10/4--10/10

Five years after it infiltrated China's historic Forbidden City, Starbucks has opened a shop at the Great Wall. With prices about the same as its American counterparts, going there is considered a status symbol, especially among young professionals.Translated American books are the majority of Christian titled published in China. Chinese believers in comparison have very little to read. Let us pray for more culturally relevant Christian books and other literature .

The city of Beijing will eliminate tenure for all professors and teachers employed in the municipal system and replace them by a comprehensive performance-based contract system. Teaching has been thought of as the last "secure job". We should take time to remember all the professors who teach in all the seminaries and Bible schools. Let us pray for their diligent teaching of the inerrant World of God with an emphasis on personal spiritual formation .

With a life expectancy of nearly eighty years, residents of Beijing enjoy the longest lives of any people in all of China. The government attributes this to the presence of more doctors, 3811 designated centers for exercise plus many activities for seniors there.The majority of Chinese senior citizens live with their families. Let us pray for all the churches who have special ministries reaching out to the homebound. A great need is for audio Bibles and devotional recordings for those who are not able to read well .

Road construction has become ubiquitous throughout the China's West. The Erlanshan tunnel, on the Chengdu-Tibet road, is celebrated as a Chinese engineering marvel as great as the Three Gorges Dam. (The) Dali Lama said easy transportation to Tibet could lead to "cultural genocide", the destruction of its cultural preservation. Let us pray for the slow, often difficult but steady work of evangelism in Buddhist Tibet .

In Chinese cities more than seventy percent of teachers are women but in rural regions only forty-two percent are women. Being a female teacher carries much stress and burden, such as becoming a parent to the students raised by grandparents.Rural church workers are mostly female. Shepherding multi-generations flocks with little support is common. Let us pray for strength, comfort and helpers for all female church workers in the rural and remote regions .

By the end of this decade, China will have twenty-three million more marriageable young men than women. Experts call this the "Marriage Squeeze" saying it will have a serious political and social impact the same as crime, HIV, and sexually transmitted diseases. More and more Christian young women must choose between marrying a non-believer or not being able to marry at all. Family pressure compounds the situation. Let us remember the young women in all the churches that they will be faithful and serve the Lord .

Even to Chinese from other parts of China, Shanghai is like a foreign city. Shanghainese, the local dialect is nearly unintelligible to untrained ears so the government has decided to enforce the use of Putonghua (official Mandarin Chinese) in all public communication including TV, radio, and schools.While many churches in Shanghai have been formed specifically for those seeking work there from the surrounding provinces, the city has proved to be a place where the local citizens are hardened toward the gospel. Let us pray for spiritual revival in this huge city and growing evangelism among the migrant workers .






中國人口男女比例失衡情形日益嚴重,到2010年適婚男性將比女性多出二千三百萬人。專家指出這種「婚姻擁擠」(Marriage Squeeze)現象,將會導致犯罪、愛滋病、性病交互傳染等嚴重的社會問題。越來越多的女性信徒,不是選擇與非信徒結婚,就是不結婚,來自家裡的壓力也使情況越來越複雜。讓我們在禱告中紀念單身的女信徒,願她們能以主為生命的滿足,一路跟隨主忠心服事主。


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