Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Prayer Request 9/20--9/26

Hong Kong Disneyland opened to huge crowds from all over Asia. Hong Kong government owns 57% of this venture, and expects 1/3 of its visitors (5.6 million first year alone) coming from China. Shanghai Disneyland is scheduled to open in 2012. Tourists from Mainland China are flooding to Hong Kong and Taiwan, creating a huge opportunity for innovative personal and public sharing of Gospel. Let us pray for vision of evangelism among churches on both islands .

70% of singles older than 35 years old are female in Guangdong. Most marriage introductory agencies consider their female clients older than 38 years “unmarriageable”. Older than 35 is an obstacle in seeking a job in China, being 38 is even worse for single woman. Let us pray for all the single believers, may they find true fulfillment in their walk with the Lord, and contentment in the face of social pressure .

A pan-Asian survey reveals that 80% of Chinese women use cosmetics routinely, and nearly half consider themselves overweigh. For Chinese, 70% consider themselves most beautiful before 30 years old. The average age of female Chinese believers is probably 40-50 years old, and definitely older among the rural churches. Let us remember all the women in the role of teaching, preaching and leading the congregations, no matter of their ages .

Each family of the 123 victims in a flooded coal mine in China's Guangdong last month will be paid 200,000 yuan (25,000 USD) for compensation. The compensation is the highest for industrial-related death. “How much is a life worth?” Such a question may sound insensitive, but tens of thousands of poor church workers passed away and leave nothing for their families. Pray for God’s provision for the descendents of righteous .

Beijing University caught in discrimination controversy. Nearly 80% of its Foreign Language School is female and the school wants to lower the ratio by admitting lesser qualified male students. Another year of school means new faces in all the campus Bible study groups, many more women as well. Let us pray not only for new converts and even young men and women who will dedicate themselves to the Lord for full time ministry .

20% of sexually-transmitted disease cases are in Guangdong province. The incidence of HIV infection has also increased 10 folds, now 1.3% of the population. Admittedly, sex-trades is rampant not only in the large cities, but along the highway stops. Guangdong is a place of temptation for all believers. Let us pray for divine protection and guarding of hearts for all who lives, works and station there .

Chinese language can be very different in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. There are many unique phrases, terms and expressions, which confound and puzzling even Chinese. In order to translate Christian books and articles, at least 3 versions are needed to ensure “comfort level” of the intended readers. Let us pray for all the printing and publishing of Christian titles, teaching materials which must overcome some of these unique problems .






在廣東省, 隨著性觀念的開放,2004年新發性病案件比2003年同期上升超過20%,愛滋病經過性途徑感染的數量在過去五年間上升10倍,愛滋高危險群陽性率占人口的1.3%。我們必須承認,對所有的信徒而言,廣東是一個到處充滿誘惑的地方,讓我們特別為在當地不論是工作、經商與生活的所有人禱告,求主不叫他們遇見試探,保守他們的心勝過保守一切。


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