Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Prayer Request 9/13-9/19

China donated 5 million USD to the Hurricane Katrina relief. Taiwan’s Buddhist Tzu Chi donated 4 million USD and sent volunteers to the nearby cities for relief assistance. Acts of compassion of Chinese churches often lack coordination and media exposure. Let us pray for the changing of mindset of believers and churches alike, to love not only within the church, but also to the community .

The story of three teenagers beating an innocent beggar to death in daylight shocked the nation. Violent crimes and gang activities, once unheard of, are now common and beggars, the truly needy ones, are indistinguishable from those who go begging just to make money. Historically Chinese churches focus inwardly on spirituality and shy away from social issues. Let us pray for compassion and the spirit of light and salt among all believers .

China has launched a new version of its currency. The largest bill is still 100 yuan (about 12 USD) but new printing technologies are incorporated into it to combat the rampant circulation of fake bills.In most churches, the offering is low so many churches are not self-supporting. One reason for this is the lack of teaching on the blessing of giving. Let us pray for cheerful giving in faith in an all-sufficient God among the believers .

Affluent schools have modern facilities and computers. Parents complain that schools discriminate against the poor students by giving them textbooks in black and white instead of in color and making them wear uniforms of colors different from the others. The gap between the rich and poor churches shows up in Sunday school. Let us pray for all the children who attend churches with few resources but that have teachers willing to tell the Bible stories .

Women compose twenty percent of the parliament in China. One-fifth of the members of the Communist Party (13 million) are women. More than half of the workers in rural churches are women and many women pastors lead the Three-self Churches. We take this time to praise and thank the Lord for all the women shepherds. Let us pray for them and their families that they will faithfully walk with the Lord tenderly caring for the flock and faithfully teaching the Word.

In China there are 685 deaths from suicide daily which translates to 250,000 deaths yearly. Suicide remains the fifth leading cause of death in China but it is the number one cause of death among those aged 15-34 years. China accounts for one-fifth of the population of the world but one-fourth of all deaths from suicide. What can churches and Christians do about this epidemic? Will any of them ever hear about Jesus ?

Do you need a "professional crier" for a funeral? Students from the music school will cry convincingly for 500 yuan an hour. Once strictly discouraged by the Party, funeral services have now become ridiculously elaborate. Families are pressured to give their loved ones a "proper" burial which is really a matter of "mienzi" (face). Let us remember all the funerals conducted in the Christian tradition that they will be used as an opportunity for evangelism for the livings .

中國政府捐贈500萬美元幫助颶風「卡崔娜」賑災工作。台灣佛教慈濟功德會不僅捐出400萬美元,他們的義工更深入災區幫助災民。紅十字會與救世軍等救援組織為基督教救難的主力,但是比較起,華人教會的行動往往缺乏協調與組織,果效便打了折扣 。「神能將各樣的恩惠多多的加給你們,使你們凡事常常充足,能多行各樣善事 - 哥後9:8」。求主激勵華人教會和信徒,將神上無比的愛與恩典擴展到關愛社區及整個社會的層面。







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