Monday, January 30, 2017

Prayer Request 1/31 - 2/6

Some of the open churches in the cities of China offer two or three Sunday services with hundreds in attendance at each service from the thousands of members they usually have. We pray for all of the churches in China that they will be able to worship freely without unnecessary hindrances and that they will become bright lamps in their communities as the Lord adds to them newly saved people.
Many churches in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces have as many as four Sunday services, not only in Mandarin but in Korean. In these worship services, there are just as many seekers as believers. Churches in Korea support ethnic Koreans ministries in Northeast China. We thank the Lord for their zeal to lead Korean-speaking Chinese to Jesus. May this kind of passion and love be an example for all churches.
Among the seekers in churches in China, many started coming to church out of curiosity or by invitation of friends. Many churches have a​ long line​ waiting outside​ before their Sunday worship services and lines are even longer on Easter and Christmas. We pray that​ the​ Holy Spirit will attract, touch, and enlighten the souls of all who come to church, and ​that they will come to know Jesus Christ. We too pray that churches will be effective in ministering to seekers in their midst.
Sunday worship services in China usually last an hour and a half with thirty minutes of preaching. Because of the time limit and the broad audiences, sermons tend to be​ only an overview or explanation of the truth rather than deep theology. Open churches do encourage their members to read the Bible daily and also give out magazines that contain testimonies. We pray more believers will hunger for God's Word, not merely listening to God's Word on Sunday but that they will live out the truth of the Word.
In general, pastors in the Open (Three Self) churches do not have time nor venues to have a deep relationship with their flocks. We could say that there is basically no relationship between the pastors and their members/believers. We pray specifically for believers who attend only Sunday worship and have little interaction with fellow Christians. May the Lord safeguard their faith so they do not give up meeting together and will be willing to participate in the services and learn to serve together to build up the body of Christ.
In every city in China, there are migrant workers, particularly in Shanghai, Guangdong, Fujian and other coastal cities that are prosperous. In these cities, churches for migrant workers are more mature and there are dedicated workers serving those migrant workers. We pray for those who serve the migrant workers who are very mobile so it is difficult to follow up. These people have many difficult family issues and sad personal stories. May the Lord have mercy on them and reward those who minister to them.
​In China, in the urban churches, women outnumber men by three to one or even four to one. Similarly, and maybe even more drastically, there is evident disparity in the rural churches or those in smaller cities.​ We pray for a revival of men in the churches in China. May the Lord bring about a miraculous change among the male believers so they will have the zeal to witness and lead their friends, neighbors, and families to Christ.

中國的教堂使用率,最高的是在吉林、黑龍江省,許多教堂的主日禮拜多達四堂。他們不但有普通話禮拜,也有朝鮮語聚會, 信徒和慕道者的比例大約是 1 :1 。朝鮮族的事工常有來自韓國教會的資助,我們來為他們領人歸主的火熱感恩,願眾教會也因著主愛,以及他們力行福音大使命的好榜樣,無論得時不得時,都樂意為主作工。
中國教會會眾以姐妹居多,在城市教會中相當明顯。男女比例是 1:3甚至1:4。在沿海發達的城市尚且如此,其他城市的情況更可想而知。我們為中國教會的弟兄得蒙復興來仰望主,願神施行奇妙作為,激勵弟兄的靈命更新,有火熱見證,能帶領更多家人、朋友和鄰居信主蒙恩。

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