Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Prayer Request 1/24 - 1/30

For forty days during the Chinese New Year, the annual spring migration takes place in ​China. Billions of people travel back to their home towns via all modes of transportation but train travel is the most common and in demand. We pray especially for Christians as they enjoy their reunions with their families. May the Lord give them a joyful time sharing what the Lord has done for them and the gospel with relatives who are still not believers.
Seventy percent of the train travel in China during the Spring Festival originates from the Beijing-Shanghai-Guangzhou and the southeastern coastal provinces. Forty percent of train tickets are sold from Guangdong province alone.​ Church ministries also take a break at this time as people return to their homes or go traveling. We pray for rest and revival for all of the church leaders. May the Lord give them vision and direction for their churches for the new year.​
As people take trains to go home for the Chinese New Year, the most​ popular destinations are Hunan (13%). Hubei (13%), Henan (9%), Sichuan (8%), Jiangxi and Chongqing. These provinces provide the factories for workers in China. Many Christians who work in cities have drifted​ away from God because of busyness or other excuses. We pray as they return to their home churches during the Spring Festival, God will grant them a revival and stir ​them ​to walk closely with the Lord once again.
In China, Steinway sees potential and huge market in what it calls the “tiger mom” phenomenon, middle-class parents willing to spend small fortunes to produce high-achieving children with musical talent. By some estimates, the country has as many as 40 million piano students, compared with six million in the United States. We pray Christian parents who give their children music training will also teach them to serve the Lord humbly with the talent God gives us and not merely seeking vainglory.
As it pushes to remake the country into a cultural superpower, the Chinese government has encouraged students to take up the piano by building concert halls and investing in music education. Among the country's wealthy families, arts have become spiritual fulfillment and a status symbol. Music is a part of church ministry. We pray for song leaders and musicians as they serve with their heart, mind and strength in leading people ​to ​worship God every week.
Many Chinese intellectuals who have been converted while they were abroad are influenced by rational thinking so they believe in only what they can see with their eyes and can understand rationally. When these people speak in church they can influence many people. Let us pray for this dangerous trend of rejecting the miraculous work of God and rationalizing the Christian faith. These are people who pride themselves on intellectualizing Christian faith but leave out God's sovereignty.
Many highly educated Chinese espouse "Rational Christianity", which refutes God's sovereignty and people who are affected by it reject all the supernatural works performed by the Holy Spirit. This kind of thinking holds the key to the future growth of churches in China. May the Lord bless believers so they can have a complete understanding of Christian truth and true faith in God and His grace. May He also give them unity so they will not criticize others carelessly.
春運火車票的始發站,七成以上集中在北京、上海、廣州一線以及東南沿海地區。特別是廣東省,作爲中國外來人口最多的地區 (佔四成春運火車票),需求量最大,搶票難度較高。許多教會的事工因弟兄姊妹回鄉過年或旅遊而停頓。求主賜眾教會領袖的身心靈有休息及復興的時段,讓他們重新得力,從神得著新一年的異象與方向。
中西部地區都是中國勞動力輸出大省。春運火車車票中,終點站最多的是湖南(13%)、湖北(13%)、河南(9%)、四川(8 %)、江西和重慶等省份。許多到城市工作的信徒,往往因著忙碌和種種藉口而放棄追求主,以致靈命枯乾。當他們在春節期間回到老家的教會時,求神復興他們,激動他們再次親近主,立志與祂同行。
在中國,中產階級父母願意花錢把有音樂天賦的孩子培養成才,即所謂的 "虎媽現象"。有估計認為在中國裡,學鋼琴的孩子有四千萬人,差不多是美國的七倍 (美國只有600萬)。求主幫助信徒家長給孩子音樂訓練不是出於虛榮,而是願意裝備孩子成為神所使用的人,將來在教會能參與敬拜讚美、服事神的聖工。

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