Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Prayer Request 2/7 - 2/13

A tourist at the Ningbo Zoo was killed by tigers as he climbed the fence to avoid paying for admission. A search on the Internet produced tens of thousands ​of ​“strategies” to evade paying entrance fees to popular attractions in China. Chinese people like to save--even if it is only a small amount of money. May the Lord remind each of us that "Whoever will save his life shall lose it but whoever shall lose his life for My sake and the gospel's, he shall save it. For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:35, 36)
Many people in China avoid paying for subway rides or train tickets. Most of the time, the staff can do no more than discourage them or slap a nominal fine on them.​ Weak law enforcement and light penalties are the key reasons for rampant violations of the law. Those who don't pay for their tickets are notorious for their rudeness. Believers in China tend to be judgmental and even ferociously attack fellow believers who have fallen into sin. The Lord reminds us all: "Hypocrite! First cast the beam out of your own eye, and then you shall see clearly to cast the splinter out of your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:5)
"Smartness, Chinese Style" includes being opportunistic, unwilling to pay the price of hard work, and believing that finding a shortcut can lead to a quick return or success. Jesus admonished His followers to "count the cost and follow Him". (Luke 14:28. We pray that Chinese believers will not merely seek God's material blessings and overlook the price of carrying His cross as they face unbelieving family members and co-workers.
Many people in China break rules,​ not because they cannot afford the price of admission tickets but because there is no punishment for doing it. Avoiding paying a nominal bus or train ticket gives them a great sense of luck or accomplishment. Many Christian parents in China make the same mistake. May the Lord convict us that we need to be the example for our children and teach them by both words and actions, not to gloat about all the ethical shortcuts we can make.
According to the official count provided by the Three-self churches, there have been 1200 incidences of forceful demolition of church building​s​ and removal of crosses in Zhejiang province in the past year and half. We continue to pray for congregations who suffer these setbacks. May the Lord strengthen them, knowing not to take pride in the​ grandness of buildings, but rather experience a renewal of resolve in sharing Jesus Christ ever more boldly.
Those who have returned to China after going abroad for higher education naturally prefer to stay in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, or Shenzhen but jobs are hard to find in those cities. Many ​of those returning are settling for jobs in second and third tier smaller cities. We should pray for those who return as Christians but are still babes in Christ with a shallow understanding of their faith. May the Lord open the eyes of people in the churches in China to see this great need and stand in the gap to prevent the loss of the new believers.
Young people from China who study abroad and return with PhD. degrees can command a monthly salary of $900-$1500 USD but those who have a Master's Degree receive barely $900 USD a month. A foreign education no longer has the "Midas touch" it once did. Unfortunately fellowship groups in urban churches in China​ are made up of people who get similar salaries. May the Lord help us not to judge others based on their education, salary, or houses but may we rather have the heart of Jesus.

寧波動物園,發生一起遊客翻牆逃票被老虎咬死的悲劇。目前中國最熱門的景點都有「逃票攻略」,在網上搜索關鍵詞 「逃票攻略」的相關信息數以萬計。求主再次提醒眾人生命的意義,追求永遠不能失去的遠比苦苦緊抓錢財更有價值。「人就是賺得全世界,賠上自己的生命,有什麼益處呢?人還能拿什麼換生命呢?」(可8:36-37)
地鐵和鐵路都常有乘客逃票的現象。工作人員一般只能勸阻,偶爾作出處罰,但執法力量單薄,處罰過輕,逃票者甚至以惡劣態度面對工作人員的勸阻。 信徒也常會有自以為義的趨向,熱衷批評、批判跌倒者和犯了罪過或錯誤的信徒。求主校正我們的心思意念:「你這假冒為善的人!先去掉自己眼中的梁木,然後才能看得清楚,去掉你弟兄眼中的刺。」(太 7:5)
人常有投機取巧和急功好利的心態,不願意付出辛苦勞力,盼靠小聰明取得成功,甚至以懂得使用這種"中國式聰明"自豪。 耶穌提醒我們,要計算代價來跟隨祂 (路14:28)。求主幫助我們,不單求物質上的祝福,更要知道跟隨主,堅守真理的立場,是要付重大的代價,尤其在面對未信的家人和同事時。
有許多人違反規則來逃票,不是因為買不起車票或門票,而是因為覺得沒後果要承擔,甚至為逃票成功而有成就感,以僥倖、投機和破壞的心態沾沾自喜。 許多基督徒家長,很遺憾的,也有這樣的弱點!求主提醒我們,教導子女不單要有言教,更要身教,總是給孩子樹立守法和不貪便宜的好榜樣。
海外歸國就業的,雖然都希望留在北京、上海、廣州、深圳等所謂的 "北上廣深"。但由於大城市就業、落戶的難度加大,而二三線城市開出的條件相對地更為豐厚,留學生們經理性選擇後,紛至二三線城市就業。我們需要為回國的基督徒禱告,他們靈命尚弱,許多沒有扎實的信仰根基。求主讓中國的教會也能看見這個危機和急切的需要,回應神的呼召來填補這屬靈的破口。

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