Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Prayer Request 11/5 - 11/11

In Xinjiang many of the Uighur people are convinced that Beijing is seeking to wipe out their language and culture through assimilation and educational policies that favor the Mandarin language over Uighur in schools and government jobs. It is difficult to share the good news of Jesus with the Muslims in China. Let us pray for the small number of Uighurs that has become Christians. May the Lord protect them, bless them, and give them boldness to stay firm in their faith.
In Xinjiang, clashes have been fueled by the discouraging realities of daily life: job discrimination, restrictions that prohibit those under eighteen from entering mosques, and the difficulty that many Uighurs face in obtaining passports. Han Chinese generally view all ethnic minorities as backward and not industrious. We pray again asking God to remove our prejudices and ethnic pride which seriously impede the missionary effort of the Chinese church.
Fear and mistrust between the Han Chinese and the Uighurs has worsened in recent years as more Han Chinese migrants settle into heavily guarded enclaves, especially in the southern crescent of Xinjiang which remains predominantly Uighur. Churches speak of evangelism to the Muslims in foreign countries but they have deep suspicion and even disgust toward the Muslim minorities in their cities. May the Lord examine our hearts so our love for the lost in indeed true.
Even in Urumqi where ethnic Han Chinese make up seventy-five percent of the population, knots of heavily armed police officers in fatigues are positioned throughout Uighur neighborhoods. Churches in Urumqi are mostly for the Han Chinese and are growing among the college students. We ask the Lord to raise up loyal believers who through their daily contracts can share Jesus with their co-workers or customers.
Beijing has coupled its “strike hard” security approach with turbo-charged economic development but even that has stoked resentment among Uighurs who say the best jobs go to the newly-arrived Han people. We pray for more Christians who appreciate the ethnic, cultural, and religious differences in the two groups and will help to educate Christians to understand complexities of cross-cultural mission, and instruct us how to befriend the Muslims in their cities.
Part of the anti-government sentiment is religious in nature. Muslim civil servants can be fired for joining Friday prayers and Uighur college students are often required to eat lunch in the cafeterias during their holy month of Ramadan. We pray for divine wisdom for those who set the policies and enforce them, especially in the Muslim regions of China. Ethnic discontent and strife impede and delay sharing the gospel. Again, we pray for improvement of life and job opportunities for all of the Chinese Muslims.
Certain policies and restriction have caused the Uighurs to be religiously radicalized. Five years ago it was rare to see a woman wearing a veil in Urumqi but now it is very common. Growing a beard and demanding their wives cover their heads in public has become an act of defiance. We pray for all of the Muslims, young or old, who have become Christians and are enduring pressure and opposition from their communities and even from family members. May the Lord or grace strengthen and bless them.

新疆少數民族抵制政府的情緒部分是由日益嚴重的宗教限制舉措所引發的。公務員可能會因為參加週五祈禱而被解僱。維吾爾族大學生在神聖的齋月期間,常被要求在學校食堂吃午飯。求主給當局在制定政策及執行上有智慧,盡可能減少種族之間的矛盾。我們除了為當地人民的生活及工作有積極改善來禱告之外, 我們也求主開啟這些地區福音的大門。

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