Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Prayer Request 11/12 - 11/18

TuesdayWhile the central government of China offers extensive, need-based grants and loans for students at four-year universities, little financial aid is available for students at polytechnics to help pay their higher tuition. All parents in China try to save to give their child a college education. We pray for believers who feel they do not have enough savings and feel guilty about it. May the Lord remind us all that the best education we can give our children is the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Students at polytechnics tend to be from poor or rural backgrounds. China’s education ministry said that last year, eighty percent of the students at polytechnics were the first in their families to receive higher education. These days, there are more college graduates among members of churches in China than before. Believers who have different levels of education understand what the pastor says at different levels. Let us pray that the pastor’s sermon can effectively appeal to a more educated group but the message will be both Biblical and applicable to daily living.
The work of evangelism is much more difficult now in China, compared to a few years ago. On Sunday, it is also difficult to ask Christians to bring their friends to church because many would work extra hours for extra pay. There are so much entertainment around and people are focused on materialism and enjoyment, with little spiritual appetite left. We ask the Lord to give urban churches wisdom and strategies for evangelism, so the Gospel can be taken into the society with His power.
Because church members are physically exhausted after work, Chinese pastors find it difficult to visit their flocks. In order to provide caring to those working, pastors have to spend more time visiting people at home or call them over the phone as the only way of ministering, It is nearly impossible for a pastor to care for everyone in church, simply because they do not have the time and there are too many church members. We pray for effective caring of church members, especially those members who need much encouragement but are not receiving enough attention, may the Lord speak and comfort them.
In the past, when Christians passed out tracts on the streets, at least some people will read them. Now, there are so much business ads and commercials, handing out Gospel tracts seem to be unproductive. People simply throw them away, making evangelism very difficult. We pray that Christians in their workplace, those Christian businessmen or social workers, will intentionally share the love of God and be a great witness for Him. They can be highly effective in loosening the hard soil.
Factory work attracts young people from the rural regions, inland provinces that are generally poor and these youth are predominantly middle school graduates. They work to send money back home and very few of the Chinese Christians in the cities know their stories. Let us pray that young factory workers who are from Christian homes can quickly find a spiritual home near where they work whether it is a church or a meeting place so they can continue to be fed with God’s word and be built up spiritually.
Although in the past extramarital affairs were unheard of in churches in China, they are no longer “big news”. Their evil influence is affecting churches very deeply, like cancer, and it damages believers, even the pastors. May the Lord have mercy on each of us, believers and leaders alike. Churches need to be transparent and discuss this issue openly teaching their people how to face sexual temptations by guarding their hearts and running away from the lures and traps of lust. We pray that pastors will lead the movement to the return to holiness.


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