Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Prayer Request 11/19 - 11/25

TuesdayChina implemented major change in its population control policy, allowing a second child for couples if one parent is an only child. Strict one-child policy has caused “people age before ever getting rich”, shortage of workers, and lack of post-retirement support. We are excited and thankful to God for China churches because of the future growth of children ministry. We pray that churches will put real effort into providing an environment where children learn to worship God and church lives, rather than just babysitting.
Chinese government has been under pressure to change the unpopular one-child policy. Since 2011, it started to allow second child, but both parents must be sole children themselves to be eligible. Rural families can have two children if their first-born is a girl. We pray for blessings for believers who desire to have a second child. May the Lord give them wisdom and strength. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Pro 22:6)
One unusual social dynamic created by the one-child policy is that many college graduates are “only children” so their parents and grandparents continue to nurture and provide for them even after they have become adults. We pray that the Lord will help Christian parents to know how to instruct their children to obey God’s Word and that they themselves will be a model for their children to show them how to follow the Lord all their lives.
An “only child” in China could receive money from at least six relatives, their parents and grandparents on both sides of the family. Despite some grumbling, their parents will send them money to help support their modest lifestyle. Many have observed that these children raised as an “only child” are not strong but are unable to face difficulties. Let us pray for the young people in the churches. May God grant them hearts that fear the Lord, revive them spiritually, and above all that they will be willing to be used by God.
The vast majority of young people in the churches of China are from “one child” homes. They enjoy all the provisions and attention of their parents. Some are obviously spoiled and very self-centered with poor interpersonal skills. Some are overly materialistic while others are weak and lack the drive to achieve. May the Lord remind us all that as parents we must teach our children to love God because it is the beginning of wisdom and brings His blessing.
The best job in China is a government job which offers security and a pension on retirement.. Young college graduates do not want factory jobs even though companies increasingly offer blue collar workers the kinds of benefits that many white collar workers did not have until recently. Young Christians balk at the idea of serving God in a church because they have seen their pastors labor without appreciation and spend a great deal of time at the church with little family time. We pray for the children of pastors that the Lord will comfort them and heal their hurts and that the pastors themselves will live a balanced and healthy family life.
Many of the poor churches in China, including those for migrant workers are able to pay only the basic living expenses of their pastors. This meager salary is not enough to pay for the education of the pastors’ children and they will never be able to afford to send them to college. We pray for God’s special grace for every pastor’s family, especially for their children so they will be able to appreciate why their parents serve the Lord in this way—not because they have to or are forced to but because they know they will be blessed by God.

中國計劃生育政策重大改變,現在夫婦其中一方只要是獨生子女,便可生育兩個孩子。一胎化政策造成 “未富先老”、勞動力短缺、獨生子女家庭養老問題。我們為此突破變感恩,能有條件昇第二胎, 必定讓兒童事工的需求更大。求帶主幫助眾教會認真將第二代事工成為重點,幫助信徒子女從小喜愛崇拜上帝,學習教會生活,而不僅僅是個”保姆事工“。
計劃生育政策不斷調整,2011年,“雙獨二胎”(夫妻雙方都為獨生子女,可生二胎)政策已經覆蓋全國。農村家庭如果第一胎是個女孩, 是准許有第二胎。 我們為計劃第二個孩子信徒來求神的祝福,給父母親們智慧和力量, 從小就 “教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。” 箴言22:6
政府的工作有就業保障,還有退休金在中國是非常受歡迎的。 雖然企業日趨為藍領工人提供很多白領直到最近都不敢想的福利待遇,但是年輕大學畢業生還是不願去工廠工作。年輕信徒不願全職在教會服侍,因為他們看見傳道人服事繁多,心力和時間大都放在事奉上,很少有時間照顧兒女。求主醫治牧者子女的心靈,傳道人能平衡關顧教會與家庭的需要。

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