Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Prayer Ruquest 12/9-12/15

There are now 70 million people of the "only child" generation in colleges or working in society in China. When they were surveyed, nearly half of the college students reported a lack of close friendships in spite of having a large social circle. Many feel the "only child" generation struggles with forming healthy relationships. We pray for all of the young and newly-converted believers, especially those in the urban churches. May the Holy Spirit transform their lives teaching them to be humble and not self-centered in their fellowship with other believers.

Shanxi province provides nearly 70% of the coal for China and nearly 40% of the electricity. About 3 million people work in coal mines and related industries there. The recent economic downturn has hit Shanxi hard and 100,000 miners have been laid off. Let us pray for the churches in Shanxi where many of their family members are miners. Some churches are vibrant but many do not have shepherds and have been badly hurt from attacks by cults in the past.

In 2008 a total of 200 million Chinese people went online and of these, nearly ninety percent were under thirty-five years of age. About forty percent are 18-24 years old. The government has attempted to clean up online pornography but with little success. Nearly all parents complain that their children spend too much time playing online games. Let us pray for Christian parents who are concerned about their children' s internet and online pornography addiction.

The government has always kept the food prices artificially low with subsidies. The "Low Grain Price" policy has hurt the income of farmers but the government is now abandoning these subsidies and allowing regular market pricing for grains, thus increasing the farmers' income. Rural churches in China are known for their love for God in spite of their poverty. We pray for a more abundant growth and joy in the harvest.

The population of China has jumped from less than one billion to 1.23 billion since the economic reform thirty years ago. In the meantime disposable income has shot up forty times to 13,786 yuan ($1970. US). Both of these situations contribute to the rapid rise of food prices there. For many churches, the giving of believers for ministry has not kept up with church growth. Let us pray for a generous and cheerful heart for all believers, even in the economic downturn.

Yunnan. Guangxi, Henan, Xingjian and Guangdong are the Chinese provinces with the highest number of HIV patients. In Xingjian, one in a thousand people is infected and eighty-eight percent of the counties in China have reported cases of HIV. We put the churches of Xingjian into God's hand. There are many restrictions there particularly among the Muslims. We beseech the Lord for believers willing to share the Good News with those who are affected with HIV/AIDS.

There are four common causes for the spread of HIV in China: drug abuse, the constant movement of the population, unsafe sex, and a lack of knowledge about HIV. There is a tremendous amount of discrimination toward those affected with HIV and their families. There are churches formed by the HIV patients because they are not welcomed in regular churches. We pray for comfort and God's grace for all the sufferers.


山西省供應全國七成以上的煤焦炭和四成電力。從事煤礦廠業及相關工業約有三百萬人。近期國際金融風暴直擊山西,十萬煤礦工人頓時失業。 山西教會信徒家庭中有許多是礦工。雖然一些教會活力處處,但一般都缺少牧人照顧。過去異端襲擊教會,很多教會嚴重受創,讓我們為山西的信徒禱告,求主保守堅固他們的信心,也在經濟上供應充足。



中國改革開放30年,人口從9.6億升至13.2億。城鎮居民收入也從343人民幣上升到13,786人民幣($1970美元),增加逾40倍。收入的提高使其糧食購買力增加,也是糧價上漲趨勢的動因。 在很多教會裏,信徒人數的增長往往與奉獻的數量不成正比。讓我們為所有信徒,即使在經濟衰退的大環境下,仍能懷著感恩之心,慷慨和樂意地奉獻來禱告。



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