Monday, December 15, 2008

Prayer Ruquest 12/16-12/22

An express passenger train which operates at 200 km/hr connecting Wenzhou to Fuzhou (literally connecting the Yangtze and Pearl River Deltas) is nearly completed. Taking this train will be faster than taking a plane and will connect some of the spiritually most vibrant cities which will have an enormous impact on church development. Let us pray specifically for churches in the prosperous cities of Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Fuzhou, and Xiamen that they will become a greater blessing to many of the weak and poor churches in China.

As the economy roars into a chilling winter, job prospects for college graduates turn bleak. It is even a desirable option to become a civil servant now. With only a mere 13,500 positions available, 700,000 people recently took the official examination for a government job. As the number of college graduates has increased, starting salaries have steadily decreased. Let us pray for the Christian college students that their faith in God will sustain them as they study and direct their lives after their graduation.

According to survey, 60% of rural Chinese teenagers consider extramarital affair is normal part of family lives. Among the migrant workers, those who left the families in the villages to work in the cities, 3/4 of them watch pornography. Extra-marital affairs and marrying unbelievers are huge issues facing rural believers' families. Marital discord as a result of finance is another one. Rural churches lack the resource to help and train their believers. Let us pray for comfort and help for all these hurting and wounded families.

The government promised it will make possible 100 "handicapped friendly" cities across China by 2010. China has only legally allowed seeing-eye dogs for the blind in April 2008. China has only recently improved the civil rights of handicapped citizens. The vast majority of Chinese churches are not handicapped-accessible. Let us pray for the health, physical and spiritual alike, of all the handicapped, those who are stroke victims and those who are blind. We also remember the labor of their family members.

As tens of millions of laborers return to their village homes after being laid off in the factories, many have no land to cultivate at all. It will be a long winter as they literally sit at home and have little do. Invariably, family tension and marital problems will skyrocket. Many rural believers' families are strained because adults have been working in the city so much and their children are literally neglected. Let us pray that this will be a window of opportunity for families to rebuild relationships and experience personal spiritual revival.

A blockbuster Taiwanese movie "Cape, No 7" has received approval and will be released in China. Although it has no political content the question is whether the Mainland audience will appreciate the movie which is in the Taiwanese dialect and full of Taiwanese flavor and humor . There are many differences in mentality, taste and culture depending on which side of the Strait one is visiting. Let us pray for churches on both sides for the removal of a sense of superiority and a spirit of humility that they may learn from each other.

To stimulate the island's economy, the government of Taiwan will issue a $120.US voucher to every citizen. In Beijing, the government of the city has announced that it will subsidize any employer who hires an unemployed individual. The global economic downturn is hitting the region hard because it is very dependent on exports. Let us pray for the financial need of churches and the work of the Kingdom, as well as for those believers who are struggling financially.

溫福鐵路(溫州-福州)是大陸即將完工的快速鐵路,是第一條鏈接長珠兩三角的客運專線。每小時200公里的行駛速度,搭乘列車將比乘飛機更快捷。這條鐵路也將沿海幾個非常有活力的城市連接,對教會事工的發展將產生重大的影響。 讓我們為上海、寧波、溫州、福州及廈門等繁榮城巿的教會禱告,求主幫助他們有效運用這種便利,成為神施恩的管道,為資源困匱、缺乏牧人的內地教會帶來祝福。



中國政府承諾2010年前建成一百個「無障礙城市」方便殘障人士. 直到2008年四月,盲人攜帶導盲犬出入公共場所,才獲得法律保障。殘疾人事業是中國人權事業的亮點。 絕大多數的中國教會設施對殘疾人士極不方便。我們為所有殘疾的信徒禱告,求主給他們身心靈的健康, 不論是中風的,失明的,殘缺的都有足夠的恩典。讓我們也紀念照顧他們的家人的辛勞。




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