Friday, December 26, 2008

Prayer Ruquest 12/23-12/29

From junior high on, Chinese pupils are taught about Christianity: "In the first century, the Romans occupied and ruled Palestine ruthlessly; so people dreamed of a savior to deliver them. Jesus was born and gave hope to people in desperation" This is how each student in China is taught. Let us pray that more people will come to the true knowledge of this Savior of the world and that more believers will be willing to share with others, especially during this Christmas season.

Through the opening of franchised restaurants, genuine Peking duck will soon be available in Taiwan and fresh ducks from Beijing will be flown in. Direct fights between Taiwan and some cities in China have already started. We look forward to this new two-way flow of pastors and believers as they visit each other and worship together. May the Lord use this opportunity to stir up more churches as they exchange stories of His grace and blessings.

One problem in urban churches is the disparity and tension between the rich and the poor. Some are the "newly rich" or very well-off from their businesses or real estate while others live on a limited income or pension. This tension makes shepherding difficult because the poor feel they are neglected or slighted. We pray for true love, consideration and unity between believers in all of the urban churches.

Prosperity has brought many professionals and "lao ban" (business owners) to the churches. They are very different from the older majority of believers who are retired blue-collared workers or even the less-educated people. They are also more likely to give to church building projects and general offerings. We praise God that the churches in China are shedding the image of "a church for the poor and uneducated" but many pastors are intimidated by the wealth and education of this new group of Christians. We pray for all the pastors and believers in the church that they will know how to Biblically minister to their wealthy and better educated brothers and sisters.

Direct commerce, shipping, and postal delivery have started between China and Taiwan. This is both historic and convenient. It will save much time and expense, especially for merchants from Taiwan who have factories and business in China. We thank God for bringing this moment which many thought was impossible in their lifetime. May the Lord bring both sides closer to each other, not only sharing experience and resources but becoming one in Christ.

Although we rarely hear reports of them, incidents of rioting often ignited by the perceived injustice of local officials have steadily increased in China. When they think they have been robbed of their rights, people are now more daring to protest en masse than they were in the past. We pray for those churches who are negotiating with the authorities regarding their church property rights and restrictions of worship. May the Lord give them wisdom, favor before men and the liberty of worship they seek.

The rising price of food, the prohibitive cost of health care, the disparity between the rich and the poor and unemployment are top concerns for people in China. Believers share the same concerns but we are called to seek His kingdom first and all these will be provided for us. We pray for assurance of His promise and peace for all who trust and believe in Jesus, especially those who are unemployed and are hurting financially.

中國的教科書上從初中到大學,這樣描述基督教:第一世紀的巴勒斯坦人受羅馬統治,處境悲慘,幻想有救世主來拯救他們,於是就有了耶穌的降生,給絕境中的人們以精神的 寄託。」在這聖誕佳期,求主在神州賜給我們更多的靈魂能認識祂,真心接受耶穌為他們個人的救主,也興起基督徒願意與人分享耶穌基督寶貴的救恩。







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