Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Prayer Request 3/7--3/13

The Rolling Stones will perform in Shanghai this April. Chinese officials have told the group not to perform four sexually explicit songs, including "Let's Spend the Night Together". Government has cracked down on pornographic content, mostly online, but porn in other formats are readily and widely available, especially to students. Let us pray for guarding of the hearts of all believers .

Half a million people have applied to take the Joint Civil Service Examination for 2006. On an average, only one in fifty will be accepted since nearly thirty percent of the positions require a college degree and two years of prior work experience. No one knows exactly how many people will enter training to go into full-time work in the churches each year. Let us remember all who are struggling with the decision now and are seeking confirmation from God for this life-time calling to His service .

"Fu rong Jie jie" or "Sister Lotus" as she is know to millions of internet users who are fixated on the sex life, music, videos, and everything else about her, is a pretty, intelligent college girl. Her fame, however, rivals any of the movie celebrities. Young Chinese believers have NO idols or role models. Let us remember this generation of young people who search for spiritual models and mentors in their walk with God .

The four years spent in college are the time of romance for young Chinese students who for the first time in their lives are independent. However, eighty percent of these couples will choose to end their relationships after graduation. Finding a Christian partner in school is very difficult for young believers. Let us remember all the young men and women who are graduating this summer and will trust the Lord to direct and provide them with a life partner .

Before examinations seventy-six percent of the students who are high school age or younger in China say they are very anxious. One in ten says he/she is depressed and even feels hopeless academically. Steep competition is a cold reality in the Chinese educational system. Parents feel the only way to get ahead is to push their only child to study hard. Let us remember all the Christian parents as their raise children to first and foremost be godly rather than scholarly people.

How do the students at Guangdong University choose their friends? The top reasons are compatible interests and similar aspirations. Being attractive in appearance ranks last with only nine percent choosing it. All Christian parents desire their children to have believers as friends but many believers end up marrying non-believers. Let us pray for the boldness of the church to encourage its young people and also parents to stress the blessing of a family serving the Lord together .

College students usually meet and socialize in classrooms, the cafeteria, the library, and dormitories. However, in China, one in four (26%) consider internet cafes and bars important places in which to meet friends. Nearly every college in China has a student fellowship and many campuses have thriving Bible studies and evangelistically-oriented English teaching. Let us uplift all who are involved in reaching the young people of China and especially Christians who live their lives determined to be witnesses for God in college .








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