Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Prayer Request 3/28--4/3

China announced several new sales taxes, on goods ranging from disposable wooden chopsticks to luxury items such as golf clubs, high-end watches, citing a need to protect environment and reduce the gap between rich and poor. China now consumes 1/3 of world luxury goods, but 30 millions Chinese farmers still live in poverty. Let us remember all the rural believers, whose unwavering love for Jesus serve as wonderful example for all of us .

The average starting salary for college graduates in Beijing is about 1580 yuans, about 16% lower than 2004. Overall, the lower trend is seen throughout the country. In Henan, some companies even offer 500 trial monthly pay, only a bit higher than laborers. Lower wages for college graduates have begin to reverse the thinking that college degree is worth a mint. College education typically cost a family 150,000 yuans. Let us pray for many rural church workers whose children cannot afford any higher educations past junior high .

Women who wish and can afford to skirt the one-child policy, are trying artificial insemination, which produces twins or triplets. The extra one-time expenses more than justify the penalties incurred by having the second pregnancy. Being unable to conceive carries great social stigma for women and men alike. Let us remember all the believers’ families without children. May the Lord use them even more in serving the church .

Over-packaging or unnecessary packaging for a common item is a trend now, commanding hefty profit margin and meeting the demand for “luxury.” Liquors, perfume, health supplements and “moon cakes” are the most over-packaged, over-priced items. Finding a gift that stand out in China is getting more difficult, as more people can afford common items. Showing appreciation to church workers is something rare among China churches. Let us pray for such attitude of thanksgiving .

Three things may become disadvantages for many who look for a marriage partner: Advanced degrees, advanced careers or high incomes. Finding someone else who is “compatible and properly matched” and not a “gold digger” proves harder to find. Finding a mate who shares a common faith in God and willing to serve is hard for countless women believers. We take the time to remember who desire marriage but remain single because of their dedication to Christ .

Eighty percent of urban seniors express contentment with their lives. Nearly sixty percent are optimistic about their financial lives, yet forty-four percent do not feel secure. Their common fears are illness and strangers. Some urban churches have very strong ministries for senior citizens even including senior choirs. Seniors also make up a large percentage of people at prayer meetings. Let us pray for all who lead and serve the seniors in churches .

According to study on behavior, nearly 90% of Taiwanese will not reveal their venereal disease to their spouse or partner. In the Mainland, only 20% will reveal one’s infection or marital infidelity. Venereal disease prevention is hard both from a public and personal health standpoint. We pray for guarding of hearts from temptation for all believers .




國內商品市場吹起過度豪華包裝之風,給商家牟取暴利留下巨大的空間,也滿足了富人追求「奢華」的虛榮心。過度包裝、包裝成本高昂的商品有:酒類、香水、藥品、保健品、月餅等。 隨著改革開放、越來越多人能負擔一般產品時,要尋找別出心裁的禮物也越來越不容易。然而,在中國教會中,向教會同工表達感謝之意的卻是少之又少,讓我們為著信徒能有感恩的心來禱告。




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