Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Prayer Request 3/21--3/27

“Study hard!” is the most common thing (34%) mothers say to their child in China. “Have you finished your homework?”(17%) and “I know you can do it!” (17%) rank next highest. Mothers place great hope on their only child in China. Let us pray for all the mothers who do their very best in raising godly child, despite the lack of children and youth programs. We remember especially those mothers whose child is considering serving God full time.

The business of private detectives for investigation of extramarital affairs is booming in Beijing, costing 10,000 yuan (1250 US) per case. 70% of cases are initiated by women, and 60% cases involve business owners and businessmen. Sexual temptations abound for businessmen and believers alike. Let us pray for the guarding of hearts and minds of all church workers, Christian businessmen and missionaries .

One in five Chinese women owns her own business (or self-employed) according to the Women’s Federation. Twenty percent of Chinese entrepreneurs are women. Let us remember all our sisters in Christ, in particular, all who serve the Lord in various capacities in churches. May the Lord blesses China churches through all the women believers even more abundantly in the coming year .

In 2005, Chinese Communist Party disciplined and expelled 25,000 people, nearly 1.7% of the total membership. Corruption is the leading reason for such punishment and primarily is found within various Party leadership positions. The issue of integrity and faithful stewardship plague church leaderships as well. Financial transparency is hard to come by, and many receive support from multiple sources for the same ministry. Let us pray for godliness and contentment among all believers .

82% of Chinese mothers know the current interest of their teens. 61% of the mothers can give names of the 3 best friends of their child. The majority of Chinese mothers stay in close contact with their child’s school teachers. A totally different matter for Chinese Christian parents is going to church with their teens because of the lack of focus and resources for teen ministry. Let us remember all the families who struggle to ensure build a spiritual foundation for their teens .

Half of Chinese mothers do not know when their daughter’s menstruation started. Only 40% of mothers ever discussed sex with their children, giving embarrassment and lack of knowledge as the most common reasons. Students get little teaching regarding sex and abstinence. Churches have traditionally been silent as well. Let us pray for wisdom for all who are involved in teaching the Biblical value of sex and marriage in Sunday Schools and in youth groups .

One third of Chinese mothers refuse to physically discipline their child no matter what. Of those who do, “child lying,” “disobedience,” and “poor academic performance” are nearly equal reasons given for hitting the kids. Teaching a child to love the Lord in the atheistic educational system is difficult. Let us come along all the parents who pray for the salvation of their only child, so they may know the Lord in their young ages .
中國婦聯「對孩子瞭解多少」的問卷調查顯示 - 「好好學習」,是媽媽對孩子說的最多的一句話,占34%,其次是「功課做了沒有」與「相信你,你一定行」,各占17%。母親們對獨生子女有許多期望,在教會普遍欠缺兒童與青少年相關事工之際,讓我們紀念投注所有關愛與心力來照顧子女的母親,也特別為有孩子正在尋求全時間服事主的母親禱告。



2005年中共各級委共立案147,539件,結案148,931件。給予黨紀處分115,143人,占黨員總數的1.7 %,其中24188人被開除黨籍。受懲者在黨內高低階層皆有,貪污是構成黨紀處分的主要原因。教會領袖也深受「清廉正直」與「忠心」的考驗。財務無法透明,多方的資源管理運用不當是弊端之源。讓我們為著所有信徒能夠有從神而來的滿足禱告。

「對於孩子瞭解多少」的調查結果顯示, 82.35%的媽媽知道孩子現在的興趣是什麽;61.25%的媽媽能說出孩子最要好的3個朋友的名字;大部分的也媽媽經常和孩子的老師交流。由於國內教會青少年事工資源缺乏,青少年多與一同父母參加成人的主日崇拜。讓我們在禱告中紀念有孩子的基督徒家庭,能不辜負神的託付,奠定下一代不動搖的屬靈根基。



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