Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Prayer Request 10/2 - 10/8

Most Chinese churches still teach that when an abused sister seeks a divorce, she commits adultery. Some preachers even go as far as to say that abused women cannot divorce, and she must endure persecution and suffer for the Lord and for righteousness, to conquer evil with good. We pray for women in churches suffering domestic violence. May the Lord open a door for them. We pray that churches can actually help the victim by involving the police, and not criticizing them with the Bible. May the Lord help us to accept, care, love, heal and help them with concrete actions.
Domestic violence happens in every church, but many churches still teach that victims should never consider divorce. Sometimes, the husbands involved are church leaders. Victims of domestic violence are afraid to call the police or inform their church to save face. May the Lord have mercy on us. Christian men cannot be double-faced at home or in church, nor can they excuse themselves for lack of control of their temper. We pray for the Spirit of God to bring repentance, help them to be truly born again, and know the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ.
On March 1, 2016, the first anti-domestic violence law was formally implemented in China. Domestic violence refers to the physical and mental infringement of family members by beating, binding, mutilation, restriction of personal liberty, and frequent verbal abuse and intimidation. The church is the House of God, the Body of Christ. So, churches should function as the city of refuge and a haven of love. We ask God to give church leaders wisdom in how to help all victims of domestic abuse, not only in their church but also in their community.
After the implementation of the "Anti-Domestic Divorce Act". the number of reported victims has increased greatly as more family members, classmates, colleagues, or bystanders call the police to report abuse. Officially, one person dies of domestic violence every day in China. There is still much room for improvement in how a church can help victims of domestic violence. We pray God will raise up pastors who deeply care about the family and can preach strongly on helping men to love the Lord. "The Lord hates the one who mistreats and divorces his wife" (Mal. 2:16)
The "Anti-domestic violence law" also includes all kinds of beatings, such as parents hitting children, parental abuses, hitting husbands, boyfriend beating girlfriend (those in cohabitation), ex-husbands hitting ex-wives (divorced but living together). There are also many believers who are enduring restriction of personal freedom, those who suffer frequent intimidation. We pray for them and pray the Lord gives them strength and protection. We pray that they will have wisdom knowing how to protect themselves and their children.
In the past three years, cities in Northeast China's Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning Provinces actually had a higher percentage of divorces than cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen.We pray for believers who are seeking divorce because of infidelity. We pray they will not give up their marriages so easily, but will rather seek the will of God with much prayer. May the Lord comfort them in the time of disappointment and hopelessness.
According to experts, the Chinese government’s efforts to reduce divorce stems from the Confucian belief that a stable society is made up of wholesome families. “Only through tens of thousands of harmonious families can the whole society achieve harmony.” We pray that God will surround those who are considering divorce with Christians, to accept them, giving them time and space to heal. And, when they are ready to open up, believers will listen attentively, with patience, pray with them and provide them with appropriate advice or assistance.

中國從2016年3月1日起正式實施首部《反家暴法》。其中明訂"家庭暴力"是指家庭成員之間以毆打、捆綁、殘害、限制人身自由,以及經常性謾罵、恐嚇等方式實施的身體、精神等侵害行為。教會是神的家,基督的身體,也是神設立的理所當然的「逃城」- 愛的蔭庇處。求神賜屬靈領袖聰明智慧,能更積極介入,實際幫助教會中和社區中的家暴受害者。
《反家庭暴力法》實施後,受暴者報警率飆升,許多是受害者的親人、鄰居、同學、同事或旁觀者代為報警 。據統計,平均每天超過一人因家暴致死。教會在如何有效幫助家暴受害者方面,還有很大改進空間。求主興起關懷家庭事工的信徒和牧者,能給予適切的幫助與輔導;更求主憐憫,教導弟兄做一個真正的大丈夫,成為合神心意的男人。「休妻的事和以強暴待妻的人,都是我所恨惡的。」(瑪 2:16)

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