Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Prayer Request 9/25 - 10/1

Shopping in China has slowed down along with the economy. The stock market and currency there have slumped and the trade war between China and President Trump has left many people feeling pessimistic. This recent downgrade of the "consumption culture" can be a potentially worrisome development. When people feel “less rich”, they often give less to their church. It is our prayer that every Christian will:“ In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. ” (1 Thess. 5:18)
Consumer spending in China has not stopped but on the streets and on the internet, people are talking about cutting back on spending in ways both large and small. Young people talk about reducing their spending, and perhaps the most worrisome for the leaders, is the reluctance of the young people to have children. Many have worried about the prevalent attitude of over-consumption. Let us pray that young Christians will learn to put God and His work first. We pray they will care about God's work and His kingdom rather than their own needs.
The talk among young people in China is about how to buy things cheaply from online vendors and save money. Retail sales this year have grown at their slowest pace in more than a decade. Wages in the private sector are growing at their slowest pace since the global financial crisis. There are several reasons believers do not give as much as in the past. One reason is they have little confidence in how the money is used. Financial transparency is difficult when the church itself is “illegal”. We pray for the financial need of every church, for the pastor’s salaries and ministry operation.
There are several factors which are driving down spending among young people in China. The cost of education is escalating and housing has become unaffordable for many in first-tiered cities like Beijing. Even many people who have high salaries are concerned because they do not expect their salaries to increase as they have in the past. Middle age believers in China do not give to their church as much as they should because they want to save for retirement and pay for an apartment for their children. We pray that God will change our hearts so we can fully trust Him for all our needs. (Matt. 6:21)
Many young professionals in China do not expect their salaries to rise very much. In the past decade pay raises of fifteen to twenty percent a year weren't uncommon in fast-growing industries. Now people can hope for only a mere five percent. It is difficult to pastor and build up a church ministry when the members do not give financially. Let us remember the smaller and poorer churches, especially those in the countryside. May the Lord give them courage, strength, and vision to do great things--to see people coming to know Jesus and grow in Him even though they lack money.
Young people are under pressure to get married, own an apartment, and ultimately pay for their parents' secure retirement. These requirements preclude the young people's being able to give sacrificially to the Lord's work or being able to answer His call to work for Him. We pray that God will call more people who are willing to work wholeheartedly for Him.
For some young people in China, their main financial worry is to save money for retirement. This is more important than even having a child. Others are saying, "No" to bigger households which is a problem for the central government who are already worried about the problem of aging in the land and the dwindling population. We know God is able to raise up young people who are gifted and also love the Lord above all things. We pray for believers who would resist the temptation and expectation of material wealth, but rather focus spiritual things, serving the church and His people.

一些長期因素拉低了年輕人的支出。除了教育成本上漲外,像北京這樣的一線城市的住房,對許多人來說已經負擔不起了。許多高收入者也感到焦慮,認為將來薪資不再會如過去一樣年年上漲 。中國教會的中年信徒也不太願意奉獻,因為他們要為自己的退休儲蓄,並為子女結婚時的房子買單。求主調整我們的心態,叫我們能完全信靠祂,不為明天憂慮,將神的物歸給神。(太6:21)
過去十年,在中國快速增長的行業中,每年加薪15%到20% 的並不罕見。現今年輕的專業人士已不再期望工資上漲太多,每年能有5%的加薪已不錯了。當信徒不願意奉獻,教會的牧養和事工推動就更艱難。我們要在禱告中記念弱小和貧窮的教會,尤其是農村教會。願神賜給他們事奉主的能力、勇氣和異象,成為神所要用的人,作成神感動他們做的工,引領更多人認識主。

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