Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Prayer Request 7/5 - 7/11

Traffic accidents are common in China, with more than 250,000 traffic related deaths yearly. Long-distance buses are popular as a cheap way of travelling between cities. Competition between bus firms can be fierce, but there are plenty of safety concerns. Many church workers must travel between meeting points far away or in other provinces. We pray for those who travel frequently, not only for their physical safety but also protection from all temptations.
Cults are particularly active on​ college campuses in China where students lack Biblical and theological understanding and are easily led astray. Some cults are very aggressive, well-trained, and good in recruiting students. ​Most​ campus fellowship groups do not cross paths with each other because there is competition involved but cults exploit these gaps in communication and steal new Christians from them. We pray that campus ministries will evaluate their strategies and co-operate to keep the cults away from the young people.
Cults among college students have mushroomed, ​ and​ they have branches on​ different campuses. Their expansion and growth build on their appeal to students. Urban churches must be alarmed and warn their young people. Some students with a ​church background believe falsely they are with ​an ​orthodox church group but are actually ​in ​cults. We must pray that churches will teach their youth how to discern ​which groups are ​cults and not become their victims.
Trafficking of children has a long history in China,​ so​ it is often not seen as a crime but rather a tradition. We pray for the protection of children across the country and ​that​ churches will really focus on the spiritual health of the little ones. We pray for a change in the attitude that enables child trafficking. May the Lord raise up more churches who will speak against such evil.
Child trafficking has become a major concern in China, as traffickers seek to profit off from​ a growing demand for healthy babies from potential adoptive parents in China and beyond. We thank the Lord for believers who are involved in orphanages and caring for​ handicapped children. The Lord sustain their strength, add to them the love of Jesus Christ and provide all the resources they need.
Whenever a city in China open​s​ up a safe-harbor to accept abandoned babies, it invariably quickly shuts​ down, because so many parents drop off their unwanted babies and overwhelm the system. ​ The most common reason parents leave their babies is that they are too poor to pay for their medical care when they get sick.​ We pray for the needs​ of all the orphanages​ run by Christians or churches. May the​ Lord richly reward them because what they have done is for Jesus Christ Himself.
Many rural believers fall ​victim to cults because they know little of what they believe and there is a dearth of well-qualified church leaders​ who can discern orthodoxy. So many churches have been destroyed by cults, and even their leadership kidnapped. We must pray for all the believers trapped in cults,​ that​ the Lord ​will ​lead them out of their captivity, and ​they will ​be free again in the Truth.

每當開闢新的僻護所來接收棄嬰, 往往是被迫迅速關閉,因太多家長將孩子棄置,最常見的理由是無法承擔殘疾嬰兒的醫療費用。因而造成收養機構的照顧人力、財力資源與設施無法負荷。我們為基督徒或教會舉辦的孤兒院禱告,求神大大地賜福他們,因為他們所做的,都是做在主身上。

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