Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Prayer Request 7/12 - 7/18

Since July 2009 there have been fourteen cults posted on the government website in China and their leaders are under arrest.​ There are other cults not listed officially but they are real and dangerous. Beijing actively suppresses the activities of cults and arrests their leaders. Cults are moving away from the villages to the smaller and mid-size cities. Their members often infiltrate a church by volunteering to visit members. We pray for alertness and wisdom for all churches to safeguard their sheep.
On the surface, it is good that the​ Chinese government has turned actively against cults, but the heavy-handed approach endangers some legitimate churches when government officials confuse the house churches with the cults. We pray specifically for those orthodox churches that are caught up in the government's sweep of cults that God will have mercy on them and strengthen them to boldly and lovingly share the gospel. May the Lord bless them with much fruit.​
Because of the low level of education of the people in villages in China, cults are rampant there. Few farmers are literate enough to read the Bible so they lack spiritual knowledge and discernment making them easy prey for the cults.​ ​Many believers in rural areas are passionate but naïve and lack spiritual discernment. We pray for wise and capable spiritual leaders who are discerning and will protect these believers from false teachers who devour the weak sheep like raving wolves.​
People who live in the countryside in China lack doctors and medicine. Their level of spiritual attainment is also rather rudimentary. They seek healing and search for happiness and more money. There is really no spiritual depth or understanding of God. We pray for the mighty protection of the Holy Spirit for believers in these rural areas.​ May the Lord give them depth and a solid foundation in their faith as well as more teachers to help them discern what is false and what is true.
In China many of the believers in rural areas do not have a real understanding of God. They accept any superstitious way of thinking that comes along and are easily drawn into it. A dire shortage of good pastors allows false teachers to lure unsuspecting believers into all sorts of heresies. Naive believers are often attracted to the cults because the members of those cults are very fervent, caring, and sharing. We pray that churches will be especially diligent in protecting their sheep and that they​ will teach them how to discern between cults and the truth.
While the false and extreme teachings of cults are ravaging rural churches in China, in the big cities, foreign cults are stealing young and innocent believers from the urban churches. We pray for God's mercy for all the churches there. May the Lord raise up more spiritual watchmen who will stand in the gap by praying for young believers, alerting them to the danger, and warning them to flee from the deceptive practices of these cults.
Churches in China are facing a new wave of attacks from cults coming from North America. Their propagators are clean cut and polite so they attract young people by visiting their homes and conducting English classes in the big cities. We pray for spiritual alertness for all believers and for the calling of more prayer sentries. May the Lord protect and be merciful to all of those in urban churches. ​

14個中國官方指名的邪教從2009 七月在官方網站上公佈後,也抓捕他們的領袖。但還有其他沒名列其中,但真實存在且極具危險性的邪教存在。異端已經明顯地轉移陣地開展到中小城市,他們的成員往往熱心投入教會關懷事工,藉探訪信徒贏得人心。求主保守城市信徒不落入他們的詭祕計俩,而教會領袖也有智慧多有警戒,守護羊群平安。

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