Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Prayer Request 10/27 - 11/2

The most polluted provinces in China according to a recent poll​ were Henan, Hubei and Hebei. Beijing ranked fourth. All of those areas have heavy industrial factories that rely on burning coal. Vehicle exhaust also contributes to pollution. ​Prosperity theology is polluting many churches in China with believers seeking God only for blessings, health, and wealth. We pray that each of us would seek to follow Jesus and participate in the suffering of His cross.​
The most polluted provinces in China according to a recent poll​ were Henan, Hubei and Hebei. Beijing ranked fourth. All of those areas have heavy industrial factories that rely on burning coal. Vehicle exhaust also contributes to pollution. ​Prosperity theology is polluting many churches in China with believers seeking God only for blessings, health, and wealth. We pray that each of us would seek to follow Jesus and participate in the suffering of His cross.​
The three cleanest cities in China​,in order, were all in the far west: Linzhi in Tibet, Lijiang in Yunnan Province and Altay in Xinjiang. Prosperity theology teaches "name it and claim it", all you need is have enough faith. We pray that we do not twist the Bible, taking God's promise out of context to satisfy our needs.
A new law in China give employees a paid annual leave.​ Those who have worked a year but fewer than ten years get a 5-day leave. Those who have worked ten years but fewer than twenty, get a 10-day leave--all in addition to national holidays. As more and more people travel on their vacations, it will be harder to have plan church events for the whole church. We pray for ministries in the church that there will be planning and participation by more of the members.
In 2008 a survey showed that 76% of the respondents in China had a desire to retire (the highest in Asia).​ The official age for retirement is 50 (female) and 55 (male). Many believers in China say they will serve God more after they retire. We pray this will not be a mere empty promise but that they will learn to serve with their spiritual gifts. We also pray that leaders in the church will find ways to encourage people to serve.
According to a new survey of “stress level”, China is number one and Hong kong the fourth in the world. Shanghai and Beijing are leading cities for being “most stressful”. Church life in Shanghai and Beijing can also be described as “hurried”, “rushed for time”. We pray for the caring ministries in these urban churches, and for the spiritual health of believers so they would not be merely “Sunday Christians”.
Official report says that 25% of Chinese women have experienced domestic abuse. Almost 40% of Chinese women who are in a relationship or are married have experienced some form of abuse. Pray that social attitudes towards domestic violence would continue shifting and that awareness of rights would increase.

政府的空氣污染數據顯示, 在三百六十個城市中,逾九成在今年首三個月未能達到國家空氣質量標準。中國教會世俗化是當今最大的問題。求主幫助信徒知道神造人的目的是,榮耀祂、信靠祂和敬拜祂,我們當追求內在豐盛的生命,越更像主,過聖潔的生活,而非外在的「福氣」。
空氣污染最嚴重的省份是河南、湖北和河北,北京排名第四。這些地區都有依賴燃煤的重工業工廠。另外,汽車排氣也是污染的來源。 「成功神學」也污染了許多教會,信徒只求神的賜福,求健康、物質豐裕。求主校正信徒的價值觀,學習背起自己的十字架跟從主,捨己事主愛人。

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