Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Prayer Request 10/13 - 10/19

Ministries to college students have sprung up in the larger cities of China in recent years. Students, pastors, and the churches themselves have started​ them. We pray for fellowship and mutual support in these Bible studies as well as fellowship between the groups. Often because of theological differences, theses groups have no fellowship at all and even become outright hostile toward each other.
Leaders in the ministry to college students take great pride in having large groups. At the beginning of the school year they go to the freshmen dorms to find new students for their groups and try to find those who are already Christians so a good number of the newcomers in these ministries are Christians who have been ministered to by other churches for many years. May the Lord help us not to be prideful in counting numbers but rather, rejoice with all who serve the young people whether in churches or colleges.
Nearly half of those who accept Jesus in the college ministries have had prior contact with the gospel. As a result, we can see that college ministries are literally a continuation of ministries of all the local churches. We pray specifically for the Christian college students from Christian homes. May the Lord give them godly friends and a fellowship/church so they can fit in well, especially those who are now serving as leaders in their college fellowship groups.
The legendary Chinese pastors, Wang Ming-dao and John Song both have roots in the college student ministry and it is fair to say that college student ministries have laid the foundation for today's overseas Chinese churches.​Those leaders in college who have been trained and equipped will be the leaders of the church tomorrow. We pray for more people to get involved in this ministry and for more churches to devote resources to reaching these students for Christ.
Sadly, many churches in China have no interest in reaching college students. They say, "The college ministry is an expense and they do not stay long term." It is little wonder that many college ministries find no support in local churches.​ We pray for more churches to catch the vision of being involved in a ministry to college students and then be revived themselves as they reach out to these young people. We truly believe​ that the students they raise up will be key leaders in the church in the future.
In early September, college fellowship groups organize outreach teams to comb the dormitories for newly-arrived freshmen for their groups. It is not uncommon to have a "race to grab new students". We are thankful for the zeal young Christians have in reaching out to share the gospel with their fellow students and we pray they will find many souls hungry for the Lord.
In China, one has to 'buy' a doctor's effort to save lives.'' ​​ 'The goal is to bribe the physicians to perform the surgery to the best of their ability. Chinese love to give gifts, in the hope of currying favor or building relationship.We pray that churches will not despise the migrant workers, or in fact, all those believers without higher education, because they cannot really contribute to ministries, but rather accept and care about them with the love of God.
很多大學生團契的帶領人,很容易為自己的事工成就沾沾自喜。如在新學期開學之時,他們通過去新生宿捨一一打聽的方式,找到一定數量的基督徒學生。今天的大學生團契的成長,其實有很多都是諸多教會主日學的辛苦栽培。 求主叫我們不以我們的人數自誇。因為神給我們恩典收割,與那些別人辛苦的撒種,澆灌,一起歡樂。
今天很多教會不願參與大學生的福音工作,甚至說:“大學生事工沒有奉獻,他們不在教會停留太久”。這樣的短見,自然會導致大學生團契另起爐灶。我們為更多教會參與到學生事工中來禱告,盡應盡的責任,為教會的複興獻出一份力量。 讓今天的學生能被神使用成為明天教會的精兵!

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