Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Prayer Request 9/29 - 10/5

TuesdayChinese house churches face many challenges, establish and implement reasonable compensation is on the foremost. Lacking such provision is the key reason impeding the growth of many house churches. We praise God for how so many house church’s pastor who are impoverished and still serve so faithfully. We pray that Chinese believers would stop demand their pastor must be poor in order to serve faithfully. The Lord cause us all to honor His servants by providing them well.
In the past, student ministry to Chinese students could be done only in China. Now, however, many college students from China are going to Taiwan on their own. We pray that churches on the island will grab this window of opportunity to share the gospel with the mainland students without even having to leave home. May the Lord stir up the fire of evangelism and use the churches in Taiwan as a channel of great blessings.
In China every college student has a computer and is online all of the time. Internet is the most influential element for those in their twenties. Churches need to include the internet in their reaching out to the young people in China. There are indeed many people sharing their faith online so we pray for those who create these testimonies and the online-sharing. May the Lord use this content to draw people to seek and find out what the gospel is all about.
Seventy percent of the people on the internet in China are younger than 30 years old and they spend about three hours daily online. One hundred million more people access the internet via their hand phones. We pray that churches in China can reach out and serve the young people who seek to know more about the faith online, that they will give them support and provide a positive environment to make church a friendly place for them and their friends.
College fellowships in big cities can be quite internationals, drawing Christians students from many countries, especially from South Korea. Some even meet in their own cafe, playing worship songs. We pray for these fellowship groups and their leaders, the Lord use them to attract more Chinese students. Although the local police know of their existence, we pray for their safety as they grow in numbers.
Many of the Christian college students born after 1990 are quite bold, they sing and hands out church bulletins on the street, and pass out Bible on campus. Some of them even use social media to support churches that faced demolition, rising housing cost and corruption. Chinese churches are slow in accepting young people. We pray for churches in China as they learn to accept the young people and making some changes to welcome the young people. It is our prayer that young Christians will bring vitality and fresh outlook for many churches.
In China, middle class accounted for three-quarters of all the divorced couples. Extra-marital affair is the leading cause of divorces. In Shanghai, that rate is about 56%. Extra-marital affairs happen among Christian families, but scarcely few churches can really provide help or counselling. We pray for guarding of our hearts and fleeing from all temptations for all Christian couples.

「現在的大學生人手一台電腦,善用網路的影響力非常很重要。」 大家公認網路的普及應用對九十後影響最大,所以網路是當前教會必須思考的宣教策略。網絡上確實有許多人發表自己的信仰見證,我們為那些為主,以文字做見證的信徒禱告,求神使用這些內容吸引那些對信仰好奇的年輕人,能真正尋得真理和救恩。
有些大城市的大學團契相當國際化,吸納了來自各國學生基督徒,特別是南韓留學生。他們常常在自己開設的咖啡店裡,放聖歌,提供基督徒聚會。我們為所有這類的團契和他們的帶領者禱告,願神將更多的大學生賜給他們。 為他們聚會安全禱告。
不少90後年輕信徒勇於在街上唱聖歌、發禮拜傳單、在校園送聖經;他們甚至透過微博,一同聲援那些被拆的教會,還有批評高漲的房價、貪官腐敗。華人教會比較不善於服事年輕一代。 求主幫助中國教會能從新一代的信徒學習他們的勇氣,也願意為他們做些調整。願主使用90後的基督徒為教會帶來朝氣和新的展望。
在中國眾多離婚的夫妻中,中產階級者占到四分之三,而婚外情是“頭號離婚殺手”。一個上海的統計,因“婚外情”引發的 離婚案占56%。信主的家庭也有婚外情的發生,但能在教會中找到幫助或是諮商的,卻是寥寥無幾。求主保守信徒夫婦們的心懷意念,逃避誘惑、欺騙,也求主供應教會有適切的婚姻家庭輔導服事。

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