Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Prayer Request 9/22 - 9/28

TuesdayThere are many pastors who are thirty years old in the churches in China and most of them are better trained theologically than their older counterparts. Although, young pastors have the Bible training and basic teaching skills, we need to pray for improvement and maturing of their leadership skill, and ability to work with people of different ages and walks.
Young pastors in China also face challenges later on in life when their become husbands/wives/parents because the churches demand so much of their time, it will be difficult to know how to balance both areas of life.May the Lord also prepare mentors for them, to help them grow spiritually and personally, nurturing them to be a new generation of church leaders。
Widespread infiltration of cults and sects into the church in China has caused many believers to leave the churches. Cults and sects remain active despite official clampdown on them. The biggest is Eastern Lightning (aka Church of Almighty God) which often targets leaders. May the Lord have mercy on those believers who have fallen victim to the cults and help them to see through the deceit, bondage, and control in them. We pray the truth of Jesus Christ will set them free and give them true salvation in mind and soul.
In the rural regions of China, many pastors and believers are ignorant of or lack teaching in basic Biblical truths so they are easily swayed by the false doctrines spread by the cults. There is a dearth of spiritual resources so believers usually cannot tell what truth is. May the Lord bless believers with wisdom to help them identify the false teachings of the cults which deceive many and not to spread them.
China’s aged population will reach 248 million by 2020. An official report states that 14 provinces could not pay the old age pensions owed to their senior citizens in 2011. That number has increased to 19 in 2012. Caring for the elderly in the churches of China is greatly needed and it cannot be shouldered by the pastor alone. We pray for more believers who will serve the elderly people in the churches. May the Lord remember them and richly reward their acts of love.
There have been debates over the issue of delaying the mandatory retirement age of 55 in China. However, this would be complicated so now there are suggestions that the time for retirement be flexible and the policy tailored to each different sector. As the policy of respect for the elderly wanes, may the Lord teach young believers who have grown up under the "one-child policy" to support and look after their parents, not only financially but also to be a great Christian witness to them.
The​ ​people in the new Middle Class like to be fashionable but they do not feel they must wear limited editions of luxury outfits. Instead they feel that a clean and fresh hairstyle, healthy skin, and decent clothing are enough. They are environmentally conscious and involved in doing charitable works. Young professional families usually find that both spouses are busy executives trying to balance work, young children, and church. We pray for their marital relationship, guarding of their hearts from temptation of all kinds, and wisdom in rearing their children.

現在中國教會中開始有 30歲多歲(80後)的牧者,與上一代的傳道人相比, 他們普遍都有更好的神學訓練。雖然他們有較好的聖經和神學知識及訓練,但在領導才能和靈命的成熟度上,我們更要為他們向神代求守望,求主厚賜做人的智慧和愛心,能帶領、牧養,供應教會中各樣不同人的需要。
延遲 "強制55歲退休"的議題,在中國引發了極大的爭論。政府需要提供新的政策,准許在不同的行業中,有靈活的退休政策。面對不斷增長的高齡人口,尤其在尊重老人觀念減弱的今天,願主教導年輕信徒,要承擔照顧他們父母的責任,不單單是經濟上的,更是盡到在主裡的孝道,成為好基督徒的生命見證。
中國新中產階級雖熱愛時尚,但不是限量版的奢侈品包,而是一個乾淨清爽的髮型、健康的膚色以及得體的衣著。 新中產階級也熱愛環保和參與慈善項目。城市教會中的年輕專業人士家庭,一般都是夫妻倆忙碌工作,照顧孩子,還要忙教會。我們為這些年輕信徒夫婦的婚姻禱告,求主保守他們的家庭,不落入各樣的引誘和試探,更有智慧養育敬虔愛主的孩子。

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