Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Prayer Request 4/21 - 4/27

TuesdayA typical Chinese worker who is thirty years old or older has usually left his family in a village to go work in a factory. There is much personal sacrifice as well as hours spent working overtime​ involved but these virtues and work ethic are rapidly disappearing in the younger generation of workers. ​Many​ Chinese churches neglect their young people or do not promote hiring of younger workers resulting in the loss of young people and leadership to fill in the gap. We pray for humility, mutual encouragement, and respect, not merely promotion of the Chinese tradition that "age is wisdom".
Formerly, migrant workers left home and worked hard to feed themselves and their families but the new generation of workers go to work so they will have money to spend rather than supporting their families since they lack the strong sense of responsibility the older workers had.​ ​An​ increasing number of migrant workers are leaving factories in the coastal cities to work in the smaller inland cities near their hometown. We thank the Lord for this new development to help the churches in the interior of China. May the Lord bless those churches that intentionally serve the Christian workers nearby.
The factory workers in China have three goals: financial security, better quality of life, enough money to buy an apartment​ and they can usually make a decent living. However, workers in the countryside have less stable lives and their only dream is to earn more money to send home. ​The number of migrant workers continues to swell but the window for these factory workers may be closing ​rapidly. May the Lord be gracious to billions of laborers who are at the bottom of the ladder socially and may we take the good news to them about salvation in Jesus.
Evangelism among migrant workers has proven to be​ relatively difficult because they work long hours and often change the places where they work. Many of the factories/shops where they work run twelve hours a day seven days a week. ​May the Lord comfort all those who are called to serve those low in society in the grassroots​ areas of the country and help them to realize that what they are doing in God's name, they are doing for Jesus. We pray for migrant workers who once attended churches that they will continue to stay close to God.
Generally, a white-collar workers stays in the same location and settles there. College students usually stay at least four years but the Chinese factory workers stay only six to twelve months in the same place. Factory workers who stay longer than two years usually have their family and children with them.​ ​Many churches in China have little burden for or else do not know how to reach out to laborers or others in the service sector around them. We pray that churches will reach out to these people in love and not be judgmental.
Some Chinese factories offer vacations for workers but it is not so for those in the service sector, such as restaurants, massage parlors, hotel receptionists, etc. It is the norm for them to work twelve hours a day seven days a week.​ ​Let us pray that churches will reach out to these who work in the service sector even though it is much harder to reach them than migrant workers. We cannot talk about sending missionaries abroad and then totally neglect the largest segment of our society whom we see daily unless we share the gospel with them, too.​
​Many of the groups that minister to college students lack even a basic curriculum (evangelistic methods, teaching on Christian dating)​ which are critical for the young people to whom they minister. Some groups do not even have solid Bible teaching. It is difficult to effectively lead a college ministry group when it grows larger than twenty to thirty students. Let us pray for all of the leaders and for the difficulties they encounter whether it is in reaching out to new students or teaching and following up new believers.

當今中國30或30多歲的勞工典型,是願意做出個人犧牲,為了家人超時工作不知疲乏地加班掙錢。 然而,這些優良品德和工作態度正在更年輕一代勞工身上急速地消失。許多教會往往看輕年輕一代的能力,年輕的同工因缺乏栽培提拔,造成教會老化及領袖接班的斷層。求主幫助我們謙卑,彼此激勵愛主,學習事奉、追求成長;而不是唯有要求尊崇傳統的 "听老人言 "才是明智之舉。

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