Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Prayer Request 4/14 - 4/20

For pastors in China, being ordained is not only a great honor but through it additional responsibility is entrusted to them. It gives them great encouragement and allows them to serve the church more wholeheartedly. We pray for renewal for all pastors in China, especially those who feel that their ability to minister is inadequate and those who are greatly fatigued from their heavy schedules. May the Lord give them an opportunity for further training.
Some churches in China have sent missionaries out but they have returned due to a lack of proper knowledge and training which causes them to feel fruitless and badly hurt. Churches in China often feel they can send missionaries out directly without proper training and the network needed. May the Lord take away our pride of "we Chinese can do it better than others" and give us the humility to learn from Western and Korean churches.
Despite China's spectacular economic growth, rural regions are still relatively poor. Pastors in rural areas do not get adequate compensation to meet their basic needs because believers are slow to respond to the teaching that it is their responsibility to support their shepherds. Believers in rural areas will give toward building a church but often demand that their pastors live by faith with little salary. We pray that they will know how wrong this is and will honor God's servants so churches will not be without workers and God's house left unattended.
In China, many pastors take on a side job because they feel they must provide for their children's education, health expenses, or support their own parents. Working overtime is not only tiring but it also undermines their ministry. We lift our prayers for all of the pastors in China, especially those who are able to serve only part time in the church. May the Lord strengthen them so they will not be discouraged or frustrated because they cannot meet all of the needs of their church members.
People from Wenzhou are usually close-knit and cliquish by nature, they do not accept outsider well even in church. Wenzhou Christians have started many churches, but they tend to be for people from Wenzhou mostly. Chinese enjoys conformity and avoid people who are different. We pray for openness, accepting and being hospitable for all churches, like urban churches accepting migrant workers, city churches accepting those who are not-so-educated.
Many new Christians in China consider serving God full time but then balk when they find out the low living standard of pastors. Many Christian intellectuals discover they can join the Communist Party, get a good job with a good salary and still be a good Christian rather than being a poor pastor. We know many are called but few are chosen so we pray for those who are contemplating and even those who are now serving the Lord full time. May the Lord give them assurance and peace knowing the Master has called them and He will provide everything they need.
In China, rural pastors usually have some land to farm and can be self-sufficient but pastors in the cities do not have this option so when their church fails to provide financially for them, they either quit or have to work a side job. We pray for an extra measure of strength and a spirit of encouragement for those who have a side job. May the Lord give them harmony in their marriages and families knowing the Lord will never forget what they have done in His name and that through them He will bless many.
對許多中國教會的同工來說,「按牧」不僅是榮耀,也是責任的託付,激勵他們更珍惜在主前的職份,要加倍為神國事工獻上自己。 我們一起同心懇求主,復興所有中國的傳道人,特別是那些自認為不夠資格,缺少裝備以及疲憊不堪的,求主賜給他們更新和更多進深、充實的訓練的機會。
有些教會有心宣教,只苦於缺乏對宣教的相關知識與訓練,使得許多差派出去的宣教士因無足夠的裝備鎩羽而歸、傷痕累累。許多教會自認為他們可以直接差派宣教士,也不重視宣教訓練。求主挪去我們常有的自傲,認為 "中國人比外國人都好,也更能吃苦。” ,能夠謙遜地向西方差會及韓國教會學習他們累積的宣教策略和經驗。
中國的傳道人難免為了生活及子女教育、醫療、奉養父母等等需要而需兼差打工,不僅身心勞苦且對教會服事是極大的虧損。我們要舉起禱告的手,為在各地兼差打工,奔波忙碌於工作與事奉間的傳道人代求。願主親自堅固、保守他們, 不因無法全時間充份供應信徒的需要而感到灰心、挫折。
農村傳道人還有種田、收麥與養殖等自給自足的機會,但都市知識份子的傳道人,恐無法有這種機會,所以不是放棄傳道就要兼差才能養生。 我們為兼差的傳道人祈求,神會加添他們力量和雙倍的恩典。賜給他們的婚姻與家庭滿有主的保守和祝福,深知神必紀念他們為主的名和善工所擺上的犧牲和辛勞。

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