Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Prayer Request 4/9 - 4/15

Under China's hukou (residence registration) system, millions of migrant workers are not recognized as being residents of cities and do not qualify for cheaper health care at government hospitals, nor can they go back to their hometowns to take advantage of the subsidized medical care there due to the long distance they would have to travel. Let us pray for believers who have health issues, that God would heal them and then He could receive glory for it. We remember those who are poor and sick and ask that they would not lose faith in God but would experience His presence in their difficult time.
Millions of migrant workers provide labor for China’s economic boom but when they are sick, they are forced into the seedy and unregulated world of the back alley “black clinics”. Migrant workers are the main patrons of these places due to flaws in the health insurance system. Let us pray for all Christian medical professionals since they are the ones who provide advice and help for ill people in the churches. We ask the Lord to give them love and strength so they can uplift those who are weak spiritually.
According to government statistics, since 2010, the Beijing government has shut down about a thousand “black clinics” a year. However, many reopen nearby or in the same place only days after they are closed. There are many believers who are ill and cannot afford the medical care they need. Many who have terminal illnesses stay home to die. We pray for their churches that they would reach out to help these believers who are in great need.
Migrant workers know about the substandard facilities and lack of care in the “black clinics” but they are forced to go there for medical care. A visit for a common cold can cost eight hundred yuan (a quarter of their monthly salary) at a government hospital in Beijing. Believers who are poor resort to borrowing money to get good medical care for their parents. There is a Chinese proverb which says, “Parents with prolonged illness lose filial sons”. Let us pray for kindness and patience for believers.
The hukou system which dates back to 1958 has split China’s 1.3 billion people along urban-rural lines and has prevented roughly 800 million people who are registered as rural residents from settling in cities and enjoying basic urban welfare and medical services. Many believers who are registered in their home village are now working in cities and they need our prayers because many of them have stopped attending church. May the Lord revive them and guide them back to worship and fellowship with other believers.
Health insurance works locally but when people go to other places to work, not all of those places provide health insurance and even that is very difficult to obtain. It could take months and then still not come through. For those who are insured, reimbursement comes only after they pay themselves and it is often complicated by bureaucratic red tape which puts the families at risk of bankruptcy when major health problems strike. Pastors and church workers in the house churches are unable to get the health insurance the government offers because churches are not considered legal employers. Let us keep pastors and their families in our prayers, for their health and also that their churches will be able to provide the necessary insurance coverage.
It is common for Chinese church workers to teach the Bible and caring for the flock daily. Sometimes they err in their Bible teaching unintentionally but are not aware of it. The lack of supply of spiritual books stifle their spiritual growth and affect the long-term development of the church. We pray for pastors who lack spiritual resources, books or opportunities for renewal. May the Lord equip them and renew them.

北京百萬的農民工由於得不到居民的身份, 無法在城市中的醫院裏享受相對低廉的醫療服務。當農民工需要醫療時,他們的老家遠在千里,根本無法回到老家接受應有的醫療補貼。我們求神施憐憫垂聽他們求醫治的禱告。也特別記念那些貧窮又有慢性疾病的弟兄姊妹,求主堅固他們免得失去信心,能在困難中天天仰望並經歷神的同在。
上千萬的勞動農民工是中國經濟繁榮所依賴的基礎,但農民工在生病的時候,卻只能求助於簡陋的非法「黑診所」。 他們之所以成為黑診所的主要對象,是因為醫療保險體制的問題。我們為基督徒的醫護人員禱告,求主使用他們不但能夠幫助會友的醫療難題,也因著他們滿有愛心及力量,能成為許多有困難的人得祝福的管道,更藉此扶助靈命軟弱的肢體。
根據北京市政府資料顯示,自2010年以來每年關閉大約1000家黑診所。 然而,許多黑診所在關閉後不久便在附近或原地重新開業了。我們要為患病卻沒有能力支付醫藥費用的信徒, 還有那些病危或在家接受臨終關懷的肢體禱告。求神特別憐憫恩待這群貧苦的信徒,感動當地教會的弟兄姐妹能伸出愛心的援手,來幫助這些有大難處的信徒。
農民工都知道黑診所的醫療衛生條件比較差,但是他們確實去不起大醫院。舉例而言,一次普通感冒去北京一家醫院看病,得需要花800元人民幣,相當於他們工資的四分之一。父母有病痛,再貧困的信徒也得舉債求醫,希望能盡心力讓父母治癒。中國人說「久病無孝子」 ,我們為家中有久病的親人的肢體來禱告,求主幫助他們從神那裡支取力量,更有愛心,耐心來侍奉病親,在家人面前活出美好的見證。
在中國的醫療體系裡,對那些享有醫療保險的人來說,必須先付錢後報銷,而且報銷常常受到繁瑣手續的困擾,往往導致參保家庭一旦遭遇大病大災,就有可能陷入破產。家庭教會的牧者傳道人,因為沒有正式的工作身份,無法申請醫療保險。 我們來為傳道人家庭的健康禱告,也為他們的醫療保險需要,求主感動教會來關心、供應。

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