Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Prayer Request 4/30 - 5/6

The earthquake in Lushan, Sichuan laid bare the extent of damage to the reputation of the Red Cross Society of China. After it announced the disaster relief fundraising, people openly scoff and ridicule its effort and advise against giving to the Red Cross. Many Chinese Christians have the similar mistrust about giving to the church, because the vast majority of churches do not publish its financial book. We want to pray for an improvement to churches administration and financial accountability, and more church leaders willing to share these details with members.
China’s Red Cross became a pariah in the eyes of many Chinese after a huge scandal two years ago that centered on Guo Meimei. Although it has tried to change the public perception by instituting public oversight, but public trust will be difficult to recover in short term. Unfortunately, Chinese believers have also grown distrustful of any fundraising in church, especially with church building or mission. We want to pray for all the churches trying to purchase meeting places this year, for the unity of church and the growth of their ministries.
For much of its existence, Chinese Red Cross ran like a semi-official entity fraught with corruption, lacking transparency and accountability. After the earthquake, many people are donating instead to a new public charity, started by action movie star, Jet Li. Many churches and mission organization will be collecting donation within China and from abroad earmarked for earthquake relief. We pray for wise use of all the money, not only it will help the truly needy, but also provide an opportunity to share the Gospel and build up churches in the disaster area.
The vast majority of Christians in China are in the following provinces: Henan, Anhui, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Fujian. We pray for the Lord's grace for churches in these provinces and that the Lord will use them to be a true blessing to all the churches in China. We ask God to cause believers to grow in knowledge of His word and in maturity so they will be truly Christian and not in name only.
Nearly thirty years ago the churches in rural China experienced a great revival. Believers were very fervent in sharing their own testimonies and telling of God's miraculous acts. Rural churches grew fast in the ensuing decade. We pray for another revival in rural churches so they will see not merely their own poverty, weakness, and deficiency. May the Lord give them the passion to share the gospel and be on fire for Him once again. We pray that the Holy Spirit will do great things in the hearts of believers today so they will love the Lord more fervently.
Hosting a wedding dinner costs a great deal of money but a cheap banquet is guaranteed to hurt the reputation of a family. It is a difficult decision to make. Guests expect a lavish dinner worthy of their gifts while hosts expect to get enough red envelopes to guarantee a profit. As a result both the cost of a dinner and the standard rate for a cash gift continue to spiral. We pray that all Christian couples married in churches will have a great love for the Lord accompanied by a strong desire to serve Him. We pray, too, that those who have married non-believers will have such a good testimony that their spouses will be willing to turn to God and serve Him.
Being a part of the clan or the community is more important in small cities and the countryside than it is in the cities where people have few dealings with anyone other than their own acquaintances. One missed social occasion has the potential to put an end to relations between two families in the rural setting. Many believers fail to attract their friends and relatives to go with them to church because of their poor personalities, their reputation, or their lack of love. It is our prayer that all believers will have powerful testimonies and will be filled with the sweet fragrance of the Lord Jesus.

三十年前, 中國農村教會經歷了極大的復興,信徒廣傳福音,勇於將自己的見證和異象分享出來,在那十多年中,推動了農村基督教的發展。求主再次興旺農村教會,使教會不再看自己的貧窮、軟弱或缺乏,能再次有分享福音的熱忱,能為主大發熱心,聖靈也在眾信徒身上大大工作,使他們都能盡心愛主。
在小城市和農村裡,成為家族或社區的一份子非常重要,因為村子裡的人就是生活圈的主要部分。 因此,不送禮或不應邀都會造成家庭間的關係緊張。許多信徒不能吸引朋友或親戚來教會,常是由於他們的個性讓人不易親近,為人處事有缺點或有令人非議之處。我們為神的兒女禱告,願主幫助我們活出基督的樣式,更多散發祂的溫柔與恩慈,時常流露基督榮美的馨香之氣。

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