Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Prayer Request 9/6 - 9/12

The city of Shenzhen, measured by the size, structure, number of contributions, and sustainability of the charity was ranked by the central government of China as the "most charitable city". Shanghai, Beijing, Wuxi followed closely behind. Shenzhen is judged to be the most generous city in China with a per capita giving of 400 yuan. The majority of charitable giving in Shenzhen comes from big companies and wealthy businessmen. Chinese believers often feel it is the responsibility of the rich people to give. May the Lord open our eyes to see how richly He has blessed us and teach us to give thanks for all things.

In terms of charitable giving, 78 percent of the eastern cities in China rank above the national average while the cities in the West are generally below and those in Central China are very much below the national average. We praise the Lord for this since most churches that are involved in mission and financially assisting poor churches are usually found in the East. Those in the West tend to be smaller and weaker and need our prayers. We pray for revival fire, strengthening of weak believers, and unity of heart and mind for all the leaders.

NGO's and charitable organizations are growing in China at the rate of 13.7 percent yearly. The number of Chinese volunteering is growing at 16% yearly. Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen lead in giving to charities and volunteering. The rest of the country has not really caught on. Churches in Beijing are well-known for their charitable activities and we praise the Lord for the positive impression they are creating for Christianity. May their labor continue to demonstrate God's compassion and love. We pray for their effort to be long-lasting and that each will make a great impact for the gospel in its neighborhood.

New mothers must guard against getting a chill since traditional Chinese doctors warn that it could lead to problems with the joints or other illnesses later on. "Sitting the month" or "Zuo Yuezi" is deeply imbedded in Chinese culture and goes back 2000 years. It is even mentioned in the old Book of Changes or I-ching. Ladies in the church will make a schedule to take cooked food to the new mothers. This is a wonderful ministry forming close bonds with the sisters and even gives them the privilege of sharing the gospel with the husbands of the new mothers. We remember all the sisters who are involved in visitation, caring for the younger women in their churches, and leading them in Bible studies.

Chinese people are greatly concerned about balancing yin and yang in all things. If the yin and yang are balanced in your body you won't get sick. If they are out of balance, it is easy to get sick. New mothers are supposed to observe a strict diet to prevent imbalance in their changing bodies. Chinese believers always need to balance the traditional beliefs with Biblical truth. Unbelieving family members will often ridicule believers for their prayer for health rather than using the traditional yin and yang balance. Let us ask God for faith for all the believers, especially as they pray for healing of chronic illnesses and emotional health.

Despite China's fast pace of modernization, the age-old practice of "sitting the month" is still flourishing among its young and lucrative postpartum centers are popping up in cities across China. Postpartum centers serve six meals daily and serve soup made with pig's feel and peanuts which is supposed to stimulate the mother's milk supply. Very few churches in China offer care for babies so their mothers can attend churches. Many mothers stay home for months to prevent their babies from being exposed to germs. Let us pray for all the new mothers. May they continue to grow spiritually and form a beautiful relationship with their children, praying for and committing them to God.

The China Disabled People's Federation runs nearly 1500 pre-school "hearing rehabilitation centers" established since the 1980's. Less than ten percent of the children who attend these schools are able to have an adequate enough grasp of spoken Chinese to enter public schools. The few who have enrolled in public schools are children with residual hearing or who were able to afford cochlear implants. Surprisingly there are more than thirty million deaf people in China. Most of them are uneducated and have a low income. They are often discriminated against and bullied. Let us ask God to comfort all of these despised, neglected people. May the Lord raise up more believers to reach out to them and help them by starting a ministry to the deaf.

深圳市被中央評為「首善城市」,在慈善事業的規模、結構、貢獻、可持續性,得分最高。上海、北京、無錫則緊隨在後。深圳每人平均慈善捐額400元,成為「最慷慨的城市」。當地的慈善捐贈,大部分來自大公司與富商們。中國信徒往往有個錯誤的觀念,認為「有錢的奉獻是應該,但我可不是那『有錢人』!」 求主開啟我們的眼睛,看見祂是如此豐富地祝福了我們,我們應常懷感恩的心將當納的獻上。

東部78%的城市慈善發展水平超過全國平均,西部城市則低於平均水平,而中部城市則最為落後。我們為弟兄姊妹參與宣教,支援外地弱小教會,大多數都是來自慈善發展水平較高的東部來讚美神。 中國西部的教會往往較為弱小,讓我們禱告那復興的靈再一次燃燒,堅定軟弱的信徒,也賜下合一的靈給眾教會的領袖、同工們。



“中國人非常注重所謂的陰陽調和,若是身體陰陽是平衡的,就不易生病,反之就易得病。所以坐月子的婦女更是要嚴格遵守飲食原則,在身體變化中,千萬不能失了平衡。弟兄姊妹們也常為平衡傳統習俗與聖經的真理而為難。當信徒為他們自己的健康禱告時,多半會遭不信主的家人譏笑,認為他們不信傳統的陰陽平衡。求主加添所有信徒信心,尤其有慢性病或精神上疾病的,能大膽向 神求醫治。


中國殘疾人聯合會自從80年代在全國各地開辦了1500個學前「聽力康復中心」。但受過訓練的孩子不到10%有能力且順利進入公立學校。這些能夠進入一般體系的孩子都是還有殘餘聽力或能花錢接受人工耳蝸植入手術者。 中國聾人數目龐大,估計超過3000萬人,大多是沒有學歷、無收入、受歧視,甚至是受欺凌的一群。求主親自安慰這些受創的心靈,並興起更多的教會信徒去深入接觸、關照失聰的群體。

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