Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Prayer Request 8/30 - 9/5

Hong Kong has 268,000 housemaids from Philippines and Indonesia. They allow Hong Kong mothers to work outside of home and are an integral part of economy. Recently, High Court will decide whether to grant permanent residency for maids who have worked more than 7 years. Many believer families employ maids as housekeepers or caring for elderly parents. It is common that maids follow them to attend church service. We pray that the believers will have a powerful and godly influence on their live-in workers, especially those from Muslim countries.

The declining ratio of rural students to urban students in the top-tiered universities is increasingly alarming. Although 62 % of the rural students took the national college entrance exam in 1910 and passed, in Tsinghua University only 17% of the freshmen were from rural areas. People who live in rural areas have the same desire to see their children excel academically and have a good future as do those who live in cities. Christian parents worry and pray fervently that their children will pass the entrance exam to college and then do well in their studies. We pray that parents and their children will have faith and truly trust God to care for them, knowing that He has the best in store for them.

Overall the number of rural students attending universities in China is rising. In 1998 only 43.4% of first-year students were from a rural area but in 2005 it had risen to 53%. However, in Beijing University, students from the countryside represent only 10% of the student body so we see that most of them are going to second- or third-tier universities or vocational colleges. Paying tuition for students to go to college is a huge burden and constant worry for parents and especially those who live in rural areas. May the Lord grant each of us an unwavering faith in Him, to know He will not neglect us and we can trust that He truly is Jehovah-Jireh, the God Who provides for all of our needs.

China church has always been known for “Many women, many old people, many peasants, many illiterate and few church workers”. We praise the Lord for a miracle in the past decade, that is raising up churches in the cities and among the college students. This new development has injected much needed new blood to the graying church.

Sending missionaries to other countries has long been a dream for churches in China. Many church groups have young people willing to go but they need solid theological training as well as skill in the language of the country and cross-cultural training. In the past many of the people sent to Muslim countries have returned because they just could not survive there. We pray that churches in China will not be discouraged in their efforts to send missionaries but will use past efforts to learn from their mistakes. Many Chinese look down on the Muslims because they are an ethnic minority in their country. Let us pray for a true passion for the Muslims in the church in China.

In the 1980's churches in China, especially the rural churches grew at a phenomenal rate. It was an amazing testimony of God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit coupled with the hard work of believers. However, since the late 1990's, rural churches, especially those in Henan and Anhui, need our prayers. Many of the believers who have little Christian background have fallen pray to various cults and the occult.

There are two main branches of the church in China--rural and urban. In recent years, churches in the cities have experienced explosive growth. Wenzhou is a case in point of how quickly this growth has transpired. We pray for church workers who must have proper and systematic theological training to be able to minister to the members in their congregations who are more intellectual than they are.

香港現有26.8 萬名菲籍或印尼外傭。她們的存在使女主人能夠外出工作,被認為香港經濟推手之一。最近法院將判決居港滿7年之外傭應否享有香港永久居民身份。許多信徒家庭也聘請外傭負責家務或照顧家中老幼,並同上教會崇拜。求主賜信徒在外傭面前有美好見證。感謝主近年感動一些教會關懷外藉傭人的需要,為她們預備合適的聚會。大部份印傭是穆斯林,我們特別為她們能在香港認識及接受福音禱告。



中國教會常有「四多一少」的困境。「四多」一般是指﹕「婦女多、老人多、農民多和文盲多」,而「一少」是「工人少」。 我們特別要向主感恩,因為獨行奇事的神在近十年中,在城市教會和大學生群中卻行了大事,使他們成為中國未來發展的一股生力軍。讓我們敏感於神的腳步聲,配合神的心意,以恆切的禱告為中國各處的教會守望。

中國教會在派遣傳教士多有挫折及付代價的學習,他們往往缺乏宣教課程的培訓和宣教士的培育、訓練, 包括跨文化、近文化, 即便是城市宣教就有許多適應上的需要,就已整裝出發去宣教。以致許多年輕宣教士因無足夠裝備鎩羽而歸、傷痕累累。求主讓他們不氣餒,從錯誤中吸取教訓,更謙卑的努力。許多中國人,包括信徒仍有看輕中國回民的心態,求主賜中國教會一顆真正關愛穆斯林同胞的心



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