Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Prayer Request 1/4 - 1/10

Recent statistics tell us that the average college graduate in China makes only 300 yuan ($44 US) more monthly than the average Chinese migrant worker. In recent years wages of college graduates have remained steady at about 1,500 yuan a month. The wages of migrant workers, however, have risen to 1,200 yuan and it is estimated that in five years the difference will be negligible. Many young people in China come to know Jesus in college but after they graduate many of them also stop going to church. We pray for everyone who has professed faith but is no longer a part of a local church. May the Holy Spirit continue to stir their hearts and bring them back to His fold.
China has begun to limit the export of rare earth. China mines ninety-seven percent of the global supply of this product which is essential for the making of modern electronics but which also causes severe pollution. Terrible environmental pollution is the price China has paid for her rapid growth in the past forty years. We want to pray against spiritual pollution in churches in many provinces, too. Many rural churches are ravaged by cults and many urban churches are robbed of their love for the truth because of secularism and extremism.
People in China rush to buy houses and the mentality behind this behavior is simply that they do not know how much higher the price of the house will be tomorrow. The story of someone who makes "a half a million yuan buying a small apartment" further fuels this case. It is hard to inspire believers to consider the needs of the church when they are in the mood to buy houses. We pray for those who are in ministry and do not own a house, like Paul; “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you.” (2Co 12:15) May the Lord give them reassurance that their dedication to His work is not in vain and has great rewards.
Given the current annual 15% increase in the average wage, government expects in the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", by 2015 the average wage of a Chinese laborer will double. Despite this rosy projection, the generally low wages of workers and the huge discrepancy regionally, the gap between rich and poor in China continues to widen. The vast majority of churches in rural area are in a survival mode, not able to collect enough offering to support any workers. The work of God is not done with money but it is our prayer that more of the rural churches will become more financially self-sustaining, celebrate their presence in the community, and be able to broaden their scope of ministry.
There is a twenty-fold difference in the income of homes in the top 10% and those in the bottom 10% of households in China. Income in urban areas is about 3.3 times that of income in rural areas. Those the profession getting the highest income get about 15 times more than those in the lowest. Uneven distribution of income is a source of potential unrest. The difference between income in wealthy and poor churches in China is also about twenty fold. Many poor churches go to bigger churches looking for support in finance and manpower. We pray that wealthy urban churches will not stop thinking about those churches that have less income than they do.
High school students in China play a tug-of-war for their own interests and influence. Having a "good family background" means money and power for the students. Those who lack this must build their own guanxi (connections). Churches in China find it difficult to retain high school students because there is a lack of programs for them, there are not many young people, and those who do come have a heavy academic schedule. We pray for the spirituality of those who are still in the churches. May their faith be strong and may they be nurtured in their faith by their church.
In a study conducted among women in China who have had higher education, two-thirds of them considered themselves very ambitious and more than seventy-five percent wanted to be executives--a far higher percentage than women in the United States. We lift up all the sisters in Christ in China. They preach, lead services, do visitation, serve as ushers, sing in the choir, collect the offering, clean the church, teach Sunday school, prepare communion, and much more.

中國稀土資源占全球約 97%市場,稀土主要應用於高科技電池、電視、移動電話與國防產品的金屬。這種材料的開採和生產對環境造成非常大的污染。近年中國開始限制稀土出口配額,但可怕的環境污染已是過去30年中國快速經濟增長所付出的沉重代價。我們為信徒在靈性上也受到污染禱告,許多農村教會被邪教蹂躪,許多城市的教會也因受世俗主義和極端主義誤導而偏離真道,我們求主親手堅固信徒,時刻儆醒,敬虔度日,免得被罪迷惑。
中國人們如同買白菜般爭先恐後買房子,因不知道明天的房價又會漲到多少,「買個煎餅的功夫,一套房便漲了50萬(人民幣)」的故事屢見不鮮。當信徒滿腦子都在想買賣房地產時,自然不會有心思關心神家裡的需要。求主幫助無房的神僕,效法保羅的服事態度:『甘心樂意為你們的靈魂費財費心。』(林後12:15) 不為自己籌劃得甚麼,而是學像基督傾己所有擺上。求主也親自賞賜這樣的工人。
中國前10%的最高收入戶與後10%的最低收入戶人均收入相差高達20倍;城市與鄉村居民收入差3.3倍;行業間收入差距最高達15倍。所得分配不均問題已形成大陸社會潛在的不安因素。中國教會的收入,富裕和貧困之間的差距,也將近有二十倍。許多貧困的教會,得向大的教會求財務和人力上的幫助與支援。 但願富足的教會能時常記念軟弱教會的缺乏,將恩典流通出去,成就神的祝福。
一項研究顯示,在中國受過高等教育的婦女中,2/3稱自己很有野心,超過75%的中國女性渴望獲得企業高管的職位, 此比率遠超過美國的婦女。姊妹們在教會在不同的崗位服事主,他們有的講道、帶領聚會、探訪、接待、聖詩班、收點奉獻、清潔、教主日學、預備聖禮等等。我們求神特別祝福悅納她們的忠心擺上。

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