Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Prayer Request 1/11 - 1/17

Frugality is a Chinese virtue and a legacy of the past generations of poor Chinese. However, the 350 million Chinese between 18 to 35 years of age, who have not-so-frugal spending habits, are considered to be critical in the recovery of the world economy and one day pushing China ahead of America as the biggest consumer market. Young Chinese believers also feel very differently about how money is used in church. There is often tension between the young and old believers regarding monetary issues. We pray for unity and humility for all believers, especially regarding offerings and church spending.
China’s change from a state-planned economy to a market economy has spurred the recent consumerism. In the world’s second largest economy, buying discounted merchandise and using coupons are quickly becoming a way of life for young Chinese people. Young Chinese believers have many reasons to not give to their church. We pray that older believers can be a powerful model for them, in their generosity, hospitality and trust in God.
The divorce rate in China has doubled in the past ten years, and one in five Chinese marriages doesn’t last. The generation of spoiled singletons, known in China as the post-1980s (1980's) generation is struggling with issues in marriage, i.e. forgiveness, understanding, tolerance and compromise. We pray for all of the young married believers in the churches in China where marital counseling is sparse. We pray for those who are doing such counseling as well as those who are struggling with their marriages.
Every year, tens of thousands of officials and professors in China are sent abroad to learn new management skills. However, once they, they often forget what they learned or their influence is minimized by the status quo. The call to change the way churches are "managed" invariably meets that same fate. Many feel that it is very hard to change the way things are done in the churches in China. Let us pray that younger leaders in the churches will be promoted and given an opportunity to lead and that the older pastors will imitate the humility of Jesus Christ.
The gender imbalance in the rural churches of China is far worse than that in urban churches because so many of the young men have left for work in the cities. This is the overall picture through the countryside in China with about 90% of households not having young men at home. Without the comfort and help from above, serving in rural churches in China can be very discouraging but every one of those churches is a testimony of God's miracles. The Lord has raised up some sisters who work faithfully. We pray for them to have God's gifts so they may serve with unity and give glory to God without complaining.
Churches in China tend to be feministic because there are more female than male members. This shows up in the praise, worship, testimonies, and even rituals. The atmosphere tends to be emotional, relational, soft, and tender. Being feministic is not a bad thing but the key is whether the gospel is preached or not. We pray that Chinese brothers will be revived with holy passion, will be more spiritual and less carnal, and will be able to stand firm being on fire for God.
Since the churches in China have very few men, it creates a conundrum for the sisters because there are no eligible Christian men. It is nearly impossible for Chinese women to marry someone who is less accomplished than she is and Chinese men feel awkward to marry someone "more capable" than they are. Many sisters feel parental pressure to marry "any available men" before they are too old. They struggle with whether to marry unbelievers and face discrimination by other married sisters. Let us remember them and pray for their spiritual life, friendship, well-being, and all of their needs.

中國每年送出不少高官和教師到歐美學習外國的管理觀念。然而學成回國後,就如「泥牛入海」被一種無形的強大勢力包圍而「銷聲匿跡」。要改變中國教會的傳統管理方式 也是很難。讓我們為教會能提拔新一代的領袖,有機會操練來禱告,也求神幫助他們在前輩身上學習到耶穌基督的柔順、謙卑。
中國教會一般姊妹多於弟兄,使得教會文化朝女性化發展。教會在 詩歌,崇拜,見證和禮儀等方面受明顯影響,往往注重並追求溫馨的、個人化的、有柔情的氛圍。這樣的現象有憂也有喜,有好也有壞,但大使命的託付是不變的。我們要恆切禱告那復興的靈火再次點燃弟兄們。喚醒他們不貪愛世界,能站起來,走出來,為主大發熱心。
中國教會女多男少,給未婚姊妹的婚配帶來很大的難題。一般人的觀念是男子可以娶學歷和收入不如己的女人,女子要想「下嫁」不如己的男人卻需要很大的勇氣;而男子「高攀」也有很多障礙。未婚姐妹有許多難處,尤其來自家人「找個男人嫁了就好」的壓力。要找信主的配偶還是就妥協找未信主的,成為她們難以抉擇的問題。 在教會中她們也無法被有家室的姐妹完全的接納。讓我們特別記念她們靈命、友情、心理、全人的需要。

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