Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Prayer Request 12/7 - 12/13

Over the years, China's economy has depended mainly on cheap labor and the government has tolerated low wages for workers. So far, the government has mandated a "minimum hourly wage" in the coastal provinces and cities of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Shandong. The rest of the nation will follow. The church in China is rapidly shedding the image of being poor and dilapidated. We give thanks to God for this change. May the Lord bring revival to churches in these wealthy regions and stir the heart of believers there to trust in Him rather than in their wealth.
Doctors in China accept red packets (gifts/bribes) from patients. The city of Beijing has begun to crack down on such practices but ninety percent of the patients believe that in case of serious injury or if they need an operation, they need to give their doctors a monetary gift. Twenty years ago miraculous healing was very much a part of life in the churches in China. Many came to know Jesus because of the miracles. We continue to pray that God will revive believers who would seek His power and give Him all the glory.
The main reason that people in China give monetary gifts to medical doctors is that they do not trust the medical system. When they enter the hospital, they feel it is necessary to bribe the doctors in order to be admitted and begin to receive tests. Chinese people want to "buy" favor or connection with their money. We pray for those believers who feel they do not have money or special connections. May the Lord give them confidence that they are important to Him and special in His church.
Patients give doctors money when they need surgery, have serious illness, or require major procedures. Over the years patients have come to feel they must give a money gift to the obstetricians so twenty-four percent of Chinese mothers have given red envelopes to doctors for the birth of their child. We remember those believers who will need surgery or to receive the diagnosis of an incurable illness. Their family will want to spend all they can afford to seek a cure for their loved one. We pray for all who might not be able to afford the care, that the Great Healer might comfort them.
When patients go to a famous hospital or a well-known doctor, they typically will give more red envelopes than to lesser well-known places or physicians. Giving doctors a monetary gift gives the patient peace of mind and most people believe they actually receive better treatment because they have "bribed" the doctors. The greatest fear for many Chinese people is that they will not have enough money to pay for future illnesses. We pray for all believers that they will put their trust in God, give Him thanks for their present health, and most importantly desire to serve the Lord while they have good health.
The cost of giving red envelopes to medical doctors has increased steadily over the past ten years. More than half of the patients said they give 1000-5000 yuan (US $150-$1000) or more. Many patients say they also try new and different ways to give money to doctors. We take this time to remember all the believers who have chronic illness and the expenses of medicine and follow-up which they face. We pray for continuing faith in God and trust in Him that He will not abandon them but keep them in His hands. The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. (Nah 1:7)
It is common in the churches in China not to tell their members anything about their finances. Although there usually are different people who handle the receiving of the money and the paying out of the expenses, there is often no real supervision or accountability on how the money is spent. We pray that the Holy Spirit will guard those who are in the position of overseeing the finances of the church and that all of the believers will have integrity and be faithful to the Lord. May the Lord protect each of us from pride, greed, and self-deceit.


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