Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Prayer Request 12/21 - 12/27

Christmas dinners and "Silent Night" specials are offered by hotels and restaurants throughout China now. Because of inflation, the average cost of these lavish dinners is nearly 10% higher this year than it was last year. Christmas Day falls on a weekend this year so merchants and consumers alike expect a bonanza. Many churches plan to make their Christmas celebration a time of outreach. Many also have special musical programs and services. We give thanks for the greatest Gift of all the ages and pray that every Chinese church will gain new friends through their outreach efforts this year.
Officials in China have reiterated that police there will no longer treat any woman who is arrested for prostitution with discrimination, abuse, assault, parading them through the streets and exposing them to public humiliation. They will stop calling these women "whores" and will instead refer to them respectfully and call them "fallen women". The vast majority of Chinese Christians looks down on and would not bother to reach out to those they consider to be sinners. The problem is that our Savior came to this world to be a friend of sinners. We pray that all of us will be reminded that we live by the grace of God and need to learn to have the compassion of Jesus as we strive to be more like Him.
The Chinese government has invested heavily in scientific research to garner a Nobel Prize. However,when a Chinese citizen was awarded the Peace Prize, officials said that was awarded to a "criminal" and they felt they have totally "lost face". Preserving "face" is very important in Chinese society. Admitting faults and being transparent are considered weaknesses rather than strengths. We pray that this will be a time of soul searching for all Chinese and that believers will have true peace and a love for other believers rather than pretending that nothing is going on.
Since the financial turmoil two years ago and while Western countries have been laying off talented people, China has been hiring people with talents in finance and technology and luring them to work there. Many Chinese people have returned home because they believe that they have better opportunities in China. We pray for those who are believers. May the Lord open doors for them, not only to find spiritual homes there but also to be able to serve Him in those churches.
In spite of the effort China has put forth to recruit talented people in the world market, many highly-talented Chinese people are not "returning home". In fact, more than four hundred thousand Chinese people emigrate abroad each year. It is also difficult to attract top workers from foreign countries to live and work in China long term. There are many Chinese pastors who desire to return to China to serve in a church or teach but few of them are able to stay long term because of family and finances. We pray for those who enter China to do short-term teaching. May their labor be fruitful and long-lasting.
As the first people in the "only child generation" grow up and leave home for college, work, or marriage, it is common to see 40-50 year-old couples left in an "empty nest" in the cities.Young believers are usually so busy with their child that they find little time to get involved in church. Middle-aged believers have the advantage of having more time and maturity. We pray that more of them will seek to grow spiritually and better equip themselves with the scripture to serve in the church.
In the Women's Prison in Shanxi nearly half of the prisoners are there because they were unable to bear the violence inflicted on them by their husbands so they themselves turned to crime. Many victims of domestic violence in China run away from home, commit suicide, or turn to violence on their spouses. Many of the women in the churches in China have husbands who abuse them physically, verbally, or even emotionally but the majority of the churches are unable to help or the sisters are ashamed to tell others about it. Let us pray for them that they will have strength to trust in God and that He will bring deliverance.

中國雖非常努力吸納海外人才,但許多海外的中國頂尖人才仍然「不想回家」;每年仍有超過四十萬中國人才移居海外。要吸引頂尖人才長駐中國,確實有相當難度。許多華人傳道盼望回到中國服事、培訓弟兄姊妹,但因著孩子的教育和經濟需要,長期留下來的可能性不大。 我們為在中國做短期培訓事工的同工禱告,願他們的辛勞不但碩果纍纍,更有長遠的果效。

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