Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Prayer Request 12/28 - 1/3

The Academy of Social Sciences of China said in 2010 that the average price of an ordinary apartment in thirty-five cities has increased by 29.5%. This implies that an ordinary urban resident will have to spend his entire income for 8.76 years to buy a house and 85% of the households do not have the ability to buy a home. Let us pray for those believers, especially the younger families who are trying to buy their own homes. May the Lord add to their faith the trust that He will provide and care for all of their need.
Beijing, Shanghai, and other cities have a price/earning ratio of twenty or more which means it takes a person's entire salary for 20 years to buy an apartment.Shenzhen requires 15 years, Guanghzhou 13 years, and Nanjing 12. Although average incomes have increased, housing costs have jumped ahead of income. Rent increases when the price of housing goes up. Many urban churches that meet in residential apartments now must pay higher rent. We pray for their relationship with their landlords, their desire to own a meeting place of their own and above all, unity in their planning.
The churches in rural China are being hit hard by secularism. Believers are ravaged by cults and there are even growing waves of serious corruption among church leaders. It is worrisome that the once-thriving rural churches of China are now the disaster zone of secularism. We need to redouble our efforts in prayer for rural churches in China and especially for the believers who are robbed of their shepherds or become disappointed by bad shepherds. May the Lord grant them mercy,return to the fold and a renewed faith in Him.
In the traditional Chinese home, the children will take over the family business and continue the family line. Experts warn parents not to call their only child every day but give them plenty of space when they leave home. Will the children from Christian homes continue to keep their faith after they leave home? We pray for the young men and women in China who grew up with believing parents. May the Holy Spirit continue to remind them of their sincere faith like Timothy (2 Timothy 1:5)
When their only child turns eighteen and leaves home, the average Chinese parent is about 45-47 years old so there are fifteen more years before they become senior citizens. Experts advise them to make sure they have their own social circle and interests and do not depend on that of their child. Many Christians claim they will start serving God when their child is grown. We pray for all those who have made such prayers that the Lord will stir up in them a passion for His word, a love for His people, and the humility to serve Him.
The economic disparity between urban and rural areas in China has caused many young and able farmers to go to the cities to find work. As believers move to the cities, the rural churches have suffered a huge drain in manpower and financial resources. We believe God can do miracles for the rural churches and we pray that believers and those shepherds who stay in the countryside will not be discouraged. May the Lord raise up many shepherds and mature believers to fill the gaps and even start new ministries.
What is a typical rural church in China like? For example, among churches boasting of hundreds of thousands of believers, there are no young people willing to serve because they all choose to work in the cities. There is great pressure for young people to find work in the cities because they know that the churches expect them work hard with little pay and no benefit packages. Few believers want to marry pastors either because they are poor. Let us pray for those who are making the decision to answer God's call. May the Lord give them faith to trust Him for every need.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Prayer Request 12/21 - 12/27

Christmas dinners and "Silent Night" specials are offered by hotels and restaurants throughout China now. Because of inflation, the average cost of these lavish dinners is nearly 10% higher this year than it was last year. Christmas Day falls on a weekend this year so merchants and consumers alike expect a bonanza. Many churches plan to make their Christmas celebration a time of outreach. Many also have special musical programs and services. We give thanks for the greatest Gift of all the ages and pray that every Chinese church will gain new friends through their outreach efforts this year.
Officials in China have reiterated that police there will no longer treat any woman who is arrested for prostitution with discrimination, abuse, assault, parading them through the streets and exposing them to public humiliation. They will stop calling these women "whores" and will instead refer to them respectfully and call them "fallen women". The vast majority of Chinese Christians looks down on and would not bother to reach out to those they consider to be sinners. The problem is that our Savior came to this world to be a friend of sinners. We pray that all of us will be reminded that we live by the grace of God and need to learn to have the compassion of Jesus as we strive to be more like Him.
The Chinese government has invested heavily in scientific research to garner a Nobel Prize. However,when a Chinese citizen was awarded the Peace Prize, officials said that was awarded to a "criminal" and they felt they have totally "lost face". Preserving "face" is very important in Chinese society. Admitting faults and being transparent are considered weaknesses rather than strengths. We pray that this will be a time of soul searching for all Chinese and that believers will have true peace and a love for other believers rather than pretending that nothing is going on.
Since the financial turmoil two years ago and while Western countries have been laying off talented people, China has been hiring people with talents in finance and technology and luring them to work there. Many Chinese people have returned home because they believe that they have better opportunities in China. We pray for those who are believers. May the Lord open doors for them, not only to find spiritual homes there but also to be able to serve Him in those churches.
In spite of the effort China has put forth to recruit talented people in the world market, many highly-talented Chinese people are not "returning home". In fact, more than four hundred thousand Chinese people emigrate abroad each year. It is also difficult to attract top workers from foreign countries to live and work in China long term. There are many Chinese pastors who desire to return to China to serve in a church or teach but few of them are able to stay long term because of family and finances. We pray for those who enter China to do short-term teaching. May their labor be fruitful and long-lasting.
As the first people in the "only child generation" grow up and leave home for college, work, or marriage, it is common to see 40-50 year-old couples left in an "empty nest" in the cities.Young believers are usually so busy with their child that they find little time to get involved in church. Middle-aged believers have the advantage of having more time and maturity. We pray that more of them will seek to grow spiritually and better equip themselves with the scripture to serve in the church.
In the Women's Prison in Shanxi nearly half of the prisoners are there because they were unable to bear the violence inflicted on them by their husbands so they themselves turned to crime. Many victims of domestic violence in China run away from home, commit suicide, or turn to violence on their spouses. Many of the women in the churches in China have husbands who abuse them physically, verbally, or even emotionally but the majority of the churches are unable to help or the sisters are ashamed to tell others about it. Let us pray for them that they will have strength to trust in God and that He will bring deliverance.

中國雖非常努力吸納海外人才,但許多海外的中國頂尖人才仍然「不想回家」;每年仍有超過四十萬中國人才移居海外。要吸引頂尖人才長駐中國,確實有相當難度。許多華人傳道盼望回到中國服事、培訓弟兄姊妹,但因著孩子的教育和經濟需要,長期留下來的可能性不大。 我們為在中國做短期培訓事工的同工禱告,願他們的辛勞不但碩果纍纍,更有長遠的果效。

Monday, December 13, 2010

Prayer Request 12/14 - 12/20

The Shanghai World Expo, from May to October boasted a staggering seventy million visitors. November's Asian Games in Guangzhou had 6.5 million visitors, and there were 1.16 million registered volunteers, or one for every eight people in Guangzhou. It seems that China is now an international powerhouse and destination, attracting people around the world to see the new China of the twenty-first century. Will the Chinese government give up its high-pressured way of dealing with the churches in China? We beseech the Lord to give the atheistic officials a heart to favor the Christians in those churches. We pray, too, that believers will be firm in their faith knowing that God has called them to give a strong testimony to His great power.
Several former top Chinese soccer officials will stand trial on charges ranging from taking bribes for fixing the outcome of games to placing players on the national team. A player had to pay 100,000 yuan (US$14,800) to 300,000 yuan to be picked and to play on the national team, Many believers in China do not trust those concerning the way their offerings are spent so they hold back in giving to the church. We pray that there would be more transparency among churches. We also pray that believers will learn to be cheerful givers and " That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute" (1Ti 6:18)
About 2.79 million villagers in northwest Shaanxi Province who have been suffering from frequent natural disasters and poverty are to be moved to new homes with better conditions next year. This relocation will be the largest in the history of the country since 2006 when the Three Gorges Dam project dislodged nearly 1.5 million people to make way for the world's biggest dam on the Yangtze River and is scheduled to be complete by 2020. Let us lift up the churches in Shaanxi. Many of them are impoverished and without shepherds. (Eze 34:6) We pray that the leaders of the churches will see this great opportunity to share Jesus with many who were unreached before. May the Lord revive the churches in the whole Shaanxi Province.
Many churches in China do not give their pastors any salary and in most of them it is not a lack of offerings but the tradition of asking the shepherd to live by faith. Therefore, many pastors in the house churches are only part-time workers who are unable to devote full attention to their ministry. A lack of full-time ministers hampers church growth. We must pray for a change in the fundamental attitude of believers since they wrongly believe that church workers should not be paid lest they lose their trust in God. They also believe that a poor worker in the church is a more spiritual person.
An expert commented, "Is this revival of the church in China a thing of the past? Although house churches seem vibrant on the outside, there are many hidden crises inside and there are also some significant setbacks." It is true that economic prosperity, secularism, and decisions based on theological differences are the things that kill the house churches. But, God has done a miracle and He will continue to do great things for the churches there, We are committed to keep praying for believers in China.
In China there is the phenomenon of the "one-voice church". One person built the church or the meeting is held in a person's home, therefore that person gets to make all the decisions for that group and no one else can give feedback or raise a dissenting voice. We do not doubt the love and faithfulness of many of the church leaders but their authoritarian leadership style stifles the vibrancy of the body of Christ. May the Holy Spirit convict all of us to see that others are better than we are and give us the joy of seeing others grow mature spiritually.
In the past, many of the churches in China grew rapidly but lacked a clear administrative policy. Traditionally the monthly finances or offerings are reported each week during the service but numbers of churches never tell anyone about their finances and many believers feel uneasy about where their offerings will end up, so they hold back in their giving. We pray that the churches in China will soon learn how to manage their finances and there will be more discussion about their financial accountability and stewardship.


Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Prayer Request 12/7 - 12/13

Over the years, China's economy has depended mainly on cheap labor and the government has tolerated low wages for workers. So far, the government has mandated a "minimum hourly wage" in the coastal provinces and cities of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Shandong. The rest of the nation will follow. The church in China is rapidly shedding the image of being poor and dilapidated. We give thanks to God for this change. May the Lord bring revival to churches in these wealthy regions and stir the heart of believers there to trust in Him rather than in their wealth.
Doctors in China accept red packets (gifts/bribes) from patients. The city of Beijing has begun to crack down on such practices but ninety percent of the patients believe that in case of serious injury or if they need an operation, they need to give their doctors a monetary gift. Twenty years ago miraculous healing was very much a part of life in the churches in China. Many came to know Jesus because of the miracles. We continue to pray that God will revive believers who would seek His power and give Him all the glory.
The main reason that people in China give monetary gifts to medical doctors is that they do not trust the medical system. When they enter the hospital, they feel it is necessary to bribe the doctors in order to be admitted and begin to receive tests. Chinese people want to "buy" favor or connection with their money. We pray for those believers who feel they do not have money or special connections. May the Lord give them confidence that they are important to Him and special in His church.
Patients give doctors money when they need surgery, have serious illness, or require major procedures. Over the years patients have come to feel they must give a money gift to the obstetricians so twenty-four percent of Chinese mothers have given red envelopes to doctors for the birth of their child. We remember those believers who will need surgery or to receive the diagnosis of an incurable illness. Their family will want to spend all they can afford to seek a cure for their loved one. We pray for all who might not be able to afford the care, that the Great Healer might comfort them.
When patients go to a famous hospital or a well-known doctor, they typically will give more red envelopes than to lesser well-known places or physicians. Giving doctors a monetary gift gives the patient peace of mind and most people believe they actually receive better treatment because they have "bribed" the doctors. The greatest fear for many Chinese people is that they will not have enough money to pay for future illnesses. We pray for all believers that they will put their trust in God, give Him thanks for their present health, and most importantly desire to serve the Lord while they have good health.
The cost of giving red envelopes to medical doctors has increased steadily over the past ten years. More than half of the patients said they give 1000-5000 yuan (US $150-$1000) or more. Many patients say they also try new and different ways to give money to doctors. We take this time to remember all the believers who have chronic illness and the expenses of medicine and follow-up which they face. We pray for continuing faith in God and trust in Him that He will not abandon them but keep them in His hands. The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. (Nah 1:7)
It is common in the churches in China not to tell their members anything about their finances. Although there usually are different people who handle the receiving of the money and the paying out of the expenses, there is often no real supervision or accountability on how the money is spent. We pray that the Holy Spirit will guard those who are in the position of overseeing the finances of the church and that all of the believers will have integrity and be faithful to the Lord. May the Lord protect each of us from pride, greed, and self-deceit.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prayer Request 11/30 - 12/6

The British author of Harry Potter made more in royalties in China in the past ten years than any of the local authors. A Taiwanese Buddhist master whose writing is very popular also made the top-selling list of authors. Christian books are available in China but none of them reaches the masses. We pray God will raise up Chinese authors who can effectively convey the essence of Jesus' message in a way that will break down the inherent Chinese bias that says Christianity is foreign and imperialistic.
In recent years, young readers have become the major buyers in the book market in Mainland China. Young readers prefer imaginative, relaxed books with interesting themes. They differ greatly from adult readers who tend to want to read a different style of book about more practical topics. Although in the cities of China there are more young believers, the fact is that many young people are becoming religious and turning to Buddhism like their parents. We pray that more church leaders will have the vision to reach out to the younger generation instead of criticizing and even rejecting them.
In China, books that are heavy with Buddhist philosophy but are still highly personal and easy to read have become bestsellers. They appeal to weary Chinese who desire to share their deeper thoughts and are looking for comfort on a spiritual level. Although the image of Chinese churches full of peasants has changed some, we pray that there will be more bridges and ways to present Christianity in a favorable light. We pray, too, that the Word of God can be communicated to Chinese society in very relevant ways.
A report on fears in China shows that people worry most about earthquakes followed by the safety of food products and the quality of their drinking water. When disaster strikes most Chinese expect the government to provide the assistance they need. People, however, don't trust the government to provide for them and in response to such anxiety, they hold tightly to their money. Many believers have great difficulty trusting God to supply their needs in emergencies. May the Lord grant us peace and security in Him with a willingness to trust Him.
Chinese officials have confirmed that every 30 seconds a baby with a congenital defect is born in China and incidences of birth defects are increasing in both cities and villages. Shanxi province which is rich in coal, leads the nation with the highest rate of birth defects. Officials blame this on the huge chemical industry complexes there. Having a "defective" or handicapped child still carries a stigma in much of China. There is little by way of support groups or special facilities for them. Let us lift up all the handicapped children and their parents in prayer. May the Lord bring believers to share the love of Jesus with them. We also pray that churches will reach out to minister to the families of all those who are handicapped.
It is very difficult to find a meeting place in the city in which to minister to college students. People going in and out attract attention from the neighbors as well as the police. It is hard to balance the growth of ministry and still keep a low profile. Many young believers do not have time or training to grow spiritually themselves, let alone care for the spiritual needs of other students. This is the new Macedonian Call in China--"Come and shepherd the believers in colleges". May the Lord of the harvest send forth His workers.
Being a young Christian in some areas of China, especially the coastal cities such as Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Weihai, Dalian, does have many benefits. In general the college ministries in those places have very good shepherds and leaders. However, young believers in other cities have fewer resources and opportunities to learn about the Christian life.We cry out to You, Almighty God, to send more workers and to raise up leaders who are people after Your own heart to shepherd the students in China. May they be an example for their flocks and imitate the Chief Shepherd so there will be nurturing of the spiritual needs of the believers.


Prayer Request 11/30 - 12/6

The British author of Harry Potter made more in royalties in China in the past ten years than any of the local authors. A Taiwanese Buddhist master whose writing is very popular also made the top-selling list of authors. Christian books are available in China but none of them reaches the masses. We pray God will raise up Chinese authors who can effectively convey the essence of Jesus' message in a way that will break down the inherent Chinese bias that says Christianity is foreign and imperialistic.
In recent years, young readers have become the major buyers in the book market in Mainland China. Young readers prefer imaginative, relaxed books with interesting themes. They differ greatly from adult readers who tend to want to read a different style of book about more practical topics. Although in the cities of China there are more young believers, the fact is that many young people are becoming religious and turning to Buddhism like their parents. We pray that more church leaders will have the vision to reach out to the younger generation instead of criticizing and even rejecting them.
In China, books that are heavy with Buddhist philosophy but are still highly personal and easy to read have become bestsellers. They appeal to weary Chinese who desire to share their deeper thoughts and are looking for comfort on a spiritual level. Although the image of Chinese churches full of peasants has changed some, we pray that there will be more bridges and ways to present Christianity in a favorable light. We pray, too, that the Word of God can be communicated to Chinese society in very relevant ways.
A report on fears in China shows that people worry most about earthquakes followed by the safety of food products and the quality of their drinking water. When disaster strikes most Chinese expect the government to provide the assistance they need. People, however, don't trust the government to provide for them and in response to such anxiety, they hold tightly to their money. Many believers have great difficulty trusting God to supply their needs in emergencies. May the Lord grant us peace and security in Him with a willingness to trust Him.
Chinese officials have confirmed that every 30 seconds a baby with a congenital defect is born in China and incidences of birth defects are increasing in both cities and villages. Shanxi province which is rich in coal, leads the nation with the highest rate of birth defects. Officials blame this on the huge chemical industry complexes there. Having a "defective" or handicapped child still carries a stigma in much of China. There is little by way of support groups or special facilities for them. Let us lift up all the handicapped children and their parents in prayer. May the Lord bring believers to share the love of Jesus with them. We also pray that churches will reach out to minister to the families of all those who are handicapped.
It is very difficult to find a meeting place in the city in which to minister to college students. People going in and out attract attention from the neighbors as well as the police. It is hard to balance the growth of ministry and still keep a low profile. Many young believers do not have time or training to grow spiritually themselves, let alone care for the spiritual needs of other students. This is the new Macedonian Call in China--"Come and shepherd the believers in colleges". May the Lord of the harvest send forth His workers.
Being a young Christian in some areas of China, especially the coastal cities such as Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Weihai, Dalian, does have many benefits. In general the college ministries in those places have very good shepherds and leaders. However, young believers in other cities have fewer resources and opportunities to learn about the Christian life.We cry out to You, Almighty God, to send more workers and to raise up leaders who are people after Your own heart to shepherd the students in China. May they be an example for their flocks and imitate the Chief Shepherd so there will be nurturing of the spiritual needs of the believers.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Prayer Request 11/23 - 11/29

China showcased proudly its largest (190 seats) commercial airliner which is scheduled for delivery in 2016. It was given the name, “C919”, C stands for China, and the number was chosen because it sounds like “very durable” in Chinese. These days every accomplishment stokes nationalistic pride in China. Christian believers there feel the same way. May the Lord give the church in China the vision of global missions, not out of nationalistic and ethnic superiority but purely because of their burden for lost souls.
Concern over the loss of languages and dialects in China is growing in Tibet and Xinjiang. Some ethnic Tibetans and Uighurs say that the use of Mandarin as the official language in schools has weakened the fluency of use of local dialects among the young people. Officials say that mastering Mandarin is important for students who want to compete for jobs and university slots. Reaching the young people of various Chinese ethnic groups has become easier with Mandarin as the official language. However, older people are still more comfortable using their own dialects. We want to remember all those who work in churches in the ethnic minority regions, especially those places where the younger pastors must use Mandarin and are no longer able to use their own dialect to share the gospel.
As a whole charitable organizations in China still suffer with the struggle to be opaque due to a lack of proper accounting and management. There have been many scandals involving the misuse of money that was raised for disaster relief by charities being used for personal gain. Charities in China suffer from low creditability. Many Chinese believers are reluctant to tithe because they do not know who will decide how the money will be used. We pray that many more churches will become more transparent in their use of their finances and will encourage believers to give cheerfully to God's work.
Many of the pastors in the house churches are old but the problem really is that they refuse to cultivate and train younger people to be leaders. This often leads to a "one man show" church because these older leaders are afraid of potential competition. Yes, we are sad to see people claim a church as "my own church". May the Lord remind us that we need to be faithful servants and not be afraid that others will replace or outshine us. Lord, grant us Your humility, we pray.
Usually a house church in China can run rather well as a centralized, "one man show" without checks and balances. However, when there is dissension among the co-workers and/or believers, the church quickly unravels because the people turn against the leader. There are many reports of church splits and believers who are badly hurt by dictatorial leaders. We pray specifically for those who have stopped attending church because of being hurt there. May the Lord help each of us to focus on Him alone and forgive others.
Unfortunately many older church leaders feel insecure when younger leaders are more gifted and better trained than they are. They often refuse to ordain them and send them far away to another location, thus, casting doubt on the young leader and making people think he is not mature or not reliable enough. We cannot force people to change but we know God is in control of His church so we pray that young leaders in the church will not be discouraged and will trust God knowing that all things work together for good to those who love Him and are called to serve Him. We pray, too, that they will remain faithful in serving their Master.
Since many house churches in China are not able to get registered, they operate in limbo legally without a real administrative mechanism. Many churches encounter problems in the area of finances since there there no check and balance system so they operate in a vacuum. We pray for those churches that struggle with the decision of whether they should register or not. We also pray for churches that lack a functioning or healthy administative system. May the Lord raise up leaders who seek His own heart, flawless in character and integrity.

有些家庭教會發展迅速又沒有明確的管理機制認證,很容易出現管理上的問題,例如:教會財政沒有監督、沒有審計、沒有調查,形成了監管與權限制衡上的真空。 我們為那些正在討論是否要向政府登記的家庭教會禱告,求主給他們智慧的決定。我們也為那些缺乏有效管理的教會代禱,願主興起合祂心意的僕人,以品格和忠心來照管神的家,服事羊群。

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Prayer Request 11/16 - 11/22

The wife of the potentially next Chinese leader is a famous singer. In China, the wives of politicians have long been viewed suspiciously--ever since Chairman Mao's wife, Jiang Qing, promoted his very radical policies and took part in purging opponents and ultimately made a grab for power. We want to remember the spouses of all those who serve in ministry in the churches. Couples serving God really need to be a team so we pray the Lord will give them an extra measure of patience and joy as they shepherd His flock.
Contemporary Chinese leaders will never let their wives have a high public profile. The wife of the president of China is rarely seen except during state visits with the spouses of foreign leaders. This kind of image portrays an authoritarian style of leadership for running the rising global power at an impersonal distance. The wives of pastors do not get much attention and many remain in the background for diverse reasons. Serving the the church with low pay and high demands can add a lot of stress and strain to any marriage. We pray for protection and God's grace for the marriages of all of the shepherds.
The post office in Beijing is offering its very first "Christmas post office" this year. Chinese people can buy special Christmas stamps as well as send letters to and receive letters from Santas in Finland. This is the time that churches in China are getting ready for their Christmas celebrations, often with dramas, musicals, or special concerts. Many of these performances target young intellectuals with the gospel message. We pray for the process of preparation and the stirring up of hearts for evangelism through it.
As the people in China become more affluent, they are eating more meat and less rice than ever before. That is the one key reason China's imports of corn and soybeans increased a lot this year--to be used mainly to feed livestock. Many of the Chinese believers want their shepherds to provide them with messages that are relevant and practical to their daily lives. However, the shepherds often find this difficult since they have little time to prepare a good message. Let us pray for the preparation of every sermon preached this week.
The number of college students should reach 30 million in 2010. College students represent a tremendous consumer market, but they only represent 5% of entire Chinese population. This group is indeed the future of China; they are the brightest, most gifted bunch, but they are still in need of much character formation. We continue to pray for the college ministries available in nearly all campuses across China. One alarming trend is religious cults, and they are also building up presence on Chinese campus, attracting many to their English classes. Young converts are led astray. We pray for everyone who works with students in Jesus' name.
Many Chinese who have talent in the area of finance and high-tech have returned home from abroad since the global economic downturn. The migration of top-notch people is quite evident and there are plans to move these talents from urban to rural areas as well as even hiring people who have masters and PhD degrees in companies. Traditionally urban pastors have been better trained than those in the country. However, in the past few years rural pastors have been receiving more training. Let us pray for the education of new pastors and continued equipping of those serving in the villages.
In October,China’s Consumer Price Index shot up 4.4%, a 25 month record high. Food prices rose 10.1%. This is an unprecedented rise. Everyone is concerned about rising prices, but the retirees who live on fixed income, savings or depend on their children will feel the pinch more. At least half of China believers fall into such category. We remember them, as the Lord has told us, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. “ (Matt 6:34)


Prayer Request 11/16 - 11/22

The wife of the potentially next Chinese leader is a famous singer. In China, the wives of politicians have long been viewed suspiciously--ever since Chairman Mao's wife, Jiang Qing, promoted his very radical policies and took part in purging opponents and ultimately made a grab for power. We want to remember the spouses of all those who serve in ministry in the churches. Couples serving God really need to be a team so we pray the Lord will give them an extra measure of patience and joy as they shepherd His flock.
Contemporary Chinese leaders will never let their wives have a high public profile. The wife of the president of China is rarely seen except during state visits with the spouses of foreign leaders. This kind of image portrays an authoritarian style of leadership for running the rising global power at an impersonal distance. The wives of pastors do not get much attention and many remain in the background for diverse reasons. Serving the the church with low pay and high demands can add a lot of stress and strain to any marriage. We pray for protection and God's grace for the marriages of all of the shepherds.
The post office in Beijing is offering its very first "Christmas post office" this year. Chinese people can buy special Christmas stamps as well as send letters to and receive letters from Santas in Finland. This is the time that churches in China are getting ready for their Christmas celebrations, often with dramas, musicals, or special concerts. Many of these performances target young intellectuals with the gospel message. We pray for the process of preparation and the stirring up of hearts for evangelism through it.
As the people in China become more affluent, they are eating more meat and less rice than ever before. That is the one key reason China's imports of corn and soybeans increased a lot this year--to be used mainly to feed livestock. Many of the Chinese believers want their shepherds to provide them with messages that are relevant and practical to their daily lives. However, the shepherds often find this difficult since they have little time to prepare a good message. Let us pray for the preparation of every sermon preached this week.
The number of college students should reach 30 million in 2010. College students represent a tremendous consumer market, but they only represent 5% of entire Chinese population. This group is indeed the future of China; they are the brightest, most gifted bunch, but they are still in need of much character formation. We continue to pray for the college ministries available in nearly all campuses across China. One alarming trend is religious cults, and they are also building up presence on Chinese campus, attracting many to their English classes. Young converts are led astray. We pray for everyone who works with students in Jesus' name.
Many Chinese who have talent in the area of finance and high-tech have returned home from abroad since the global economic downturn. The migration of top-notch people is quite evident and there are plans to move these talents from urban to rural areas as well as even hiring people who have masters and PhD degrees in companies. Traditionally urban pastors have been better trained than those in the country. However, in the past few years rural pastors have been receiving more training. Let us pray for the education of new pastors and continued equipping of those serving in the villages.
In October,China’s Consumer Price Index shot up 4.4%, a 25 month record high. Food prices rose 10.1%. This is an unprecedented rise. Everyone is concerned about rising prices, but the retirees who live on fixed income, savings or depend on their children will feel the pinch more. At least half of China believers fall into such category. We remember them, as the Lord has told us, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. “ (Matt 6:34)


Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Prayer Request 11/9 - 11/15

The latest statistics show that in China in the first six months of 2010 there where 848,000 couples that filed for divorce which amounts to five thousand divorces a day. This is the seventh year that the divorce rate has increased augmented by extramarital affairs, couples who lived in far apart, and a negative birth rate. Let us remember those believers who are having difficulties in their marriages, especially those who are unable or unwillng to seek help from other believers. We pray they will know that God loves them, that He knows the hardship they are going through, and that they will rely on His all-sufficient grace.
Prior to 2003 Chinese couples who were seeking divorce had to obtain the written permission of their boss or the leader of their neighborhood unit. Many chose to live in a "dead marriage" to protect their privancy or avoid criticism. Now the simplified marriage and divorce process allows people to marry and divorce as they wish. The vast majority of churches are unable to help couples with marital problems. We pray for mature Christian couples who are able to give advice to others on marriage and communication. There is a great need for such resources, professional counselors and training for church leaders among the China churches.
One fourth of the divorces filed in Shangai involves couples who are residing in other cities. Many couples are separated because of work but many also find a great difference in their family and cultural backgrounds as well as their value systems. Let us remember those couples who are believers but live apart because of work. May the Lord protect their marriages, guard their hearts, keep them from temptation,and above all help them to continue to grow in faith and in love.
Generally speaking, the relationship between churches and the government has improved in China. When the police intervene they are usually polite and both sides tend to avoid confrontation. However, the police often seize ID's and follow that by a short detention and questioning. Usually the churches know the limits and minimize the chances of police intervention. We continue to pray for wisdom for all church leaders. May the Lord give them favor. We also remember those brothers and sisters who desire to exercise their beliefs and have issues with their local officials.
Together the Yellow, Yangtze, and Pearl River form a delta which is made up of 160,000 square kiloments with a total of nearly 100 million people living on it. For more than three hundred years it has been known as the most densely populated and fertile district in China. It is true that away from this area Christian churches in China tend to be few and weak. The penetration of the gospel is also minimal. We pray that the Lord of harvest will raise up and send more workers from the local churches in China and that they will not merely rely on workers coming in from the outside or foreign workers.
The Pearl and Yangtze River Delta is the richest region in China, the so-called global manufacturing center, but it is continuing to run out of land. In contrast the Yellow River Delta is growing in size yearly due to the large amount of sediment deposited there which creates new fertile land. However, water pollution is an alarmingly serious problem in all three areas. Just as we see the problem of development bringing the risk of pollution, so we see that along with material wealth comes the danger of spiritual pollution. We pray for renewed faith in God and strong preaching of God's word, especially among the affluent churches. Many present day Chinese believers would rather give money as an offering than giving their time and effort to the Lord's work.
In the past local officials provided cheap land and a lowered standard of pollution control to attract outside investments. Such an attitude once fueled rapid developoment in many cities. However, now there is a growing consensus by officials and citizens alike that a good environment in which to live is a very desirable goal. Many churches are debating the question of registering their churches in order to be able to have their own church building and expand their ministry. We pray for unity in the church body as they seek to work through all of the problems they face. May the Lord give each of us humility and kindness in seeking His will for our own local church body.

大體而言,近年政府對教會有明顯的放鬆,公安的態度大致良好,大家都盡量避免衝突,縱或有信徒被拘捕,也只是短時間收走證件和問話就放人。中國教會逐漸也知道當局的立場,儘量溝通增進彼此的瞭解。我們繼續為教會領袖祈求智慧,願主使他們在官員面前蒙恩。我們也記念弟兄姊妹在公安面前見證自己的信仰,幫助他們以真實的善行、美名把基督的愛有效地傳揚 。

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Prayer Request 11/2 - 11/8

Although in the past ten years the average wage in China has risen 2.5 times and the annual increase is about 10%, there is still a great discrepancy in the amount of wages earned for the same job across China. According to a survey, nearly a quarter of wage-earners have not received an adjustment to their wages for five years. In the Three Self Churches, salaries for workers tend to be much better than those in the house churches, and are adjusted yearly. It is very rarely that a worker in the house churches receives a raise and this fact of lower compensation is the major reason young people are unwilling to go into the ministry. May the Lord remind each of us to respect His servants.
“It matters not to the Chinese government whether you are the Red Cross or the Catholic Church. If you gather people, have authorities in place, financial means and some control over groups of people, the government wants to know and have a say.” We lift up those churches that are constantly being monitored by the police. May the Lord give them favor in the eyes of the officials and help them to be a good testimony in each of their neighborhoods. We pray for growth both in numbers and in their understanding of God's word and His will.
Chinese society is still heavily influenced by patriarchal traditions and businesses and companies tend to be very family-oriented. The wealth they accumulate is passed down to their heirs. This is quite different from the American way of thinking which encourages people to "start from scratch", be independent, and advocates "self-made success". Many Chinese churches give the impression of being family-run or father-and-son enterprises. We know that multi-generational families faithfully serving the Lord is a beautiful testimony and pray that God alone will receive all of the glory.
Years ago, Chinese went overseas to find work, now wealthy Chinese merchants are seen with suspicion by the locals. "We (overseas merchants) don't know what to do. China is big and getting stronger, but here we are still outsiders." There are thousands of Chinese churches in the world, unfortunately the great majority of them have little interaction with or outreach to the locals. Overseas Chinese churches are mission-minded but focus mostly on fellow Chinese. Let us pray that our eyes would be opened to see from His eyes as well.
Chinese youth are catching a "collective nostalgia" and a retro trend has spread throughout China. It is interesting to see stylish young people wearing rubber-soled shoes from the '50's and 60's, a naval shirt, or carrying a Liberation Army green canvas bag. Young believers have few memories of the days when churches were persecuted. We pray that God will raise up a new generation of believers and younger leaders who are more fervent that their predecessors and also more passionate about serving God.
Beginning next year all employees of state-owned enterprises in China must do the exercises broadcast on the radio at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. After it was started in the 1960's, this tradition became unpopular but now it is being re-instated. We all need spiritual exercise, too. There are many Chinese believers who have not been in church for years and many do not know how to pray or read the Bible for themselves. Let us pray for genuine and deeply-rooted growth of all believers there.
In China the government mandates daily fitness routines which are broadcast on the radio as a way to combat the epidemic of obesity. Five thousand exercise instructors are sent to the factories to teach the program because they say, "Individual exercise is boring but group exercise is fun and good for the job, too."Few churches have midweek prayer meeting because of low attendance. Let us pray for those who are the prayer warriors, who stand as guards for churches, and who provide the spiritual fuel for revival in their local churches.

中國社會深受傳統的宗族觀念影響,家族至上,並以將財富傳給子孫後代為己任。而美國人則奉行「勤儉刻苦」、「自立」、「自我實現」等價值觀,崇尚白手起家, 讓後代自我奮鬥成功。全家蒙恩、奉獻事主,多代服侍神是何等的美事,我們特別為這樣的家庭獻上感恩。求主讓他們服事的心志、為神全然的擺上,成為美好的見證,將榮耀歸於神。
中國年輕人掀起「集體懷舊熱」, 復古思潮早已蔓延到全國各地。路上不時能看到時髦男女腳踩回力鞋,解放鞋,身著海魂衫,或挎著軍綠色的帆布包。年輕一代的信徒對往昔教會被迫害的經歷已無印象。讓我們求神賜給中國教會新一代的信徒及領袖,比他們的前輩更愛主,更加火熱服侍祂。
明年中國所有國營企業的僱員,都必須做上午10點和下午3點的廣播體操。一天兩練的運動成型於 60年代,後來不再流行。但現在又撿起了老傳統。同樣的,神的兒女也需要屬靈的操練。許多中國信徒已多年未踏進教會,也有不少信徒不會自己讀經禱告。求主賜給我們對神有真正的渴慕,使靈命成長有根有基,且向上結實豐碩。
中國人收入越來越高,體重也不斷增加,政府推動全民運動,派出 5,000位教練教授廣播體操。「一個人鍛煉很無聊,集體性鍛煉會使人們更放鬆,工作效率也更高。」信徒參加周間教會禱告會的人數越來越少了。讓我們以禱告托住所有中國的禱告勇士們,他們是教會信徒的守望者,也是點著當地教會屬靈復興火炬的强力燃料。

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Prayer Request 10/26 - 11/1

It is said that, while doing business in Shanghai, there is no need for socializing, no need for drinking, only to let it be known that there is money to be made and that would be enough. Shanghai is a good place to make a deal, legally. Beijing people like to say, "Shanghai people are businessmen; they do everything by the book." Conducting business with integrity is very challenging in China. We pray for all believers as they strive to live according to God's high standard. May the Lord give us all conviction to refuse to compromise and He will not fail us.
Shanghai people are pragmatic in every way. If you told a Shanghai person that you are an author, he would ask you, "Is your book selling well?" If you told him that you are a professor, he will certainly ask you, "Do they pay teachers well?" Certainly, believers have little idea how much their pastors are paid (this is not usually made known to the congregation in China). However, few parents would encourage their children to go into ministry because of its meager salary. We pray that Chinese believers will be good stewards of God's money and that they will take good care of God's servants, financially.
To be the most livable city in China it is required to have the following qualities: fast and convenient transportation, be clean and orderly with no pollution, have good air quality. A recent survey listed Shanghai as the first on the list with Dalian following as the second one. Both cities have many foreign companies, many expats, and many Chinese who have been abroad and returned there to live. Many of them are Christians who have formed fellowship groups for Bible study. May the Lord use them to lead others to Christ and become a great resource for the local churches.
In China, religious beliefs have gone beyond the place where the government is able to control them any more. Two-thirds of those who described themselves as religious in a 2006 survey said they were Buddhists, Taoists, or worshippers of a folk god such as the Dragon King or the God of Fortune. Many Christians have observed that preaching Jesus is now meeting opposition in China. It can be discouraging to see many temples popping up everywhere. We pray that the desire to evangelize there will not fade and that many more of us will see the urgency to do so also.
In the Taoist and Buddhist religions Mazu is a goddess who protects sailors. Recently the worship of Mazu was reclassified as "cultural heritage" rather than a religion, thus making it acceptable for Communist Party members to practice it. Communist Party members are still prohibited from believing in Jesus but we know God still loves every one of them. We pray for those who have the seed of the gospel but are afraid to profess the name of Jesus. May the Lord show Himself real to them.
In 2009 the Chinese government reversed its decades-long prohibition of ancestor worship and made the traditional Grave Sweeping Day a national holiday. This made worshipping ancestors legal and encouraged officials to participate. For centuries the question of whether believers are allowed to worship their deceased parents or not has divided the church in China. We pray for those who are afraid of accepting Jesus because they feel they would longer be able to honor their parents after they are gone.
The Chinese government has given special favor to Buddhism and its activities saying it is a Chinese cultural heritage and must be promoted. Some scholars believe that this move is made to counterbalance the rapid growth of Christianity in China. The resurgence of temple worship in China is very striking and it even includes little children. However, it is illegal to share the gospel with children or anyone under eighteen years old. We pray for new strategies, urgency, and a burning passion to take Jesus Christ to the new generation of Chinese.

宗教信仰的傳播之快,遠遠超出政府預期,多種中國傳統宗教也日漸復興。官方說,自認有信仰的人中,有三分之二是信奉佛教、道教、龍王或財神爺。 許多中國基督徒都能感受到,現在傳講主耶穌,越來越被人抗拒;,然而寺廟卻幾乎無處不在。求主幫助我們,無論得時不得時,務要積極傳道,在這末世人心厭煩真道的時候,有更多信徒仍然信心堅定,興起發光為主盡力搶救靈魂。
政府對佛教活動常給予特別的優待, 認為是中國傳統文化。有學者認為,此舉意在使佛教與眼下在中國傳播發展迅速的基督教信仰相抗衡。 近來中國的廟宇煙火興盛十分驚人,甚至孩童也參與其中。但是現時向18歲以下的人傳福音仍屬違法。求主賜給我們智慧、使命和火熱的心,將主耶穌的救恩傳遞給中國的新一代。