Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Prayer Ruquest 2/10-2/16

Guangdong province continues to draw tens of millions of workers after the New Year holiday. Among those laid off two million will be hard pressed to find jobs. Since the job market is very tight it is difficult to find work if one has no skills and also there are many college graduates competing for work. Let us pray for all the believers who are looking for work. May their faith in God's leading and provision not waiver in this time of uncertainty.

The worst drought in 60 years is affecting northern China where 43% of wheat is grown. Henan and Anhui are the hardest hit and most of their winter wheat crop will be lost. Many of the farmers will be hurting because on top of a diminished harvest, their family members who lost their jobs in the cities have returned home. These two provinces have a large number of Christians but weak churches. Let us pray for the believers and the churches there--for both their financial and spiritual needs.

China plans to invest a huge sum to stimulate the economy and lowering interest rate to encourage consumer spending. However, Chinese in general are not willing to spend money, because people must save for their children education and saving money for health care. Let us pray for all the believers who worry about saving for children’s education. May we all have faith in God’s provision, believe that God has a purpose for our children and desire to raise them up knowing Him.

In the past many of the farmers in Wenzhou set up little family-run businesses by offering cheap labor and low cost for their material. Today there are 300,000 small factories in the Wenzhou region but family-run factories are not expected to do well in this competitive environment. We praise the Lord for Wenzhou churches that have enjoyed favor from local officials and a comparatively good amount of liberty to worship in the past. We ask God to use these churches as they continue to provide a lot of training for Sunday school teachers for the churches in China.

The majority of Chinese parents who push their children to attend college do not have a college degree themselves. They realize that without higher education their children will not be successful in today's society. So the parents feel lost and even hopeless when their children do not get into college. We pray for parents who are in anguish and disappointed by their children' academic performance, for faith in God and their willingness to trust God to do the best for their children.

While national attention has focused on family violence. Many families are suffering because of poor marital quality, lack of affection and extra-marital affairs. Many Christian families struggle the same problems but are either too embarrassed to ask for help or has no one to turn to. Many even adopt the attitude of “Accept it, this is very normal now.” We pray for divine healing and transformation for these hurting families, especially grace of God for their children.

Half of the Chinese high school students believe premarital sex is an individual choice. Overwhelming majority of college students approve premarital sex. Yet, young people still expect their future spouse be virgin. We take this time to pray for Christian couples who badly need healing from the memory and hurt from their promiscuous past and strength in keeping their commitment to a Christ-centered family.

過年之後, 近千萬的農民工會回到廣東省工作,但200多萬被裁的工人將面對極大的就業競爭。加上應屆高校畢業生進場求職,無技能者將更難找到工作。讓我們為正在覓職的信徒禱告,在面對動蕩的經濟和迷茫的前景時,不至搖動他們對神的帶領和供應的信心。


中國花四萬億人民幣刺激經濟,降息鼓勵人民消費。但老百姓為了孩子的教育費和醫藥費,不得不省吃儉用。 許多信徒也同樣為孩子的教育費煩惱。讓我們為所有信徒父母禱告,求主堅定我們對祂的信心,相信神的信實供應,也相信祂對孩子們一生的計劃,幫助我們忠心為主教養出敬虔愛主的下一代。



當全中國關注家庭暴力之際,許多家庭正受挫於惡劣的婚姻關係、冷淡的感情及婚外情等問題。 很多基督徒家庭也受困於同樣的處境,卻羞於求助他人,也不易找到可傾訴、諮商的對象。甚至抱著「認命吧,這種事在今日社會再正常不過了」的態度。讓我們求主醫治這些受傷的家庭,更新改變人的心,尤其特別施恩予他們的兒女。


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