Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Prayer Request 2/17 - 2/23

Guangdong province produces half of the world's toys and most of its small appliances, rice cookers, and fans. All of the factories there are either slowing down. Shutting down, or laying off large numbers of workers. People are literally scared and depressed about the huge drop in the prices of their homes or stock holdings, and even losing their jobs. Let us pray for true peace and joy that for all believers is found that can be found in only Him. We remember those who are facing financial difficulties or have been unable to find work.

How many believers are there in China? Some have conjectured that there are upward of one hundred million but those who are more familiar with the situation and are more conservative suggest that twenty million is a more realistic and accurate estimate. Truly, only the Lord knows how many are in His flock. We pray for those who are week and struggling spiritually, especially those who have not been in church for a long time and those who are working away from home and not attending church.

Illicit and unauthorized fireworks set off on the rooftop of the China Central Television (CCTV) building destroyed a nearby luxury hotel. Fireworks are a part of the Chinese New Year celebration. They are said to ward off evil spirits but every year there are many injuries and fires from them. As we look forward to a new year, we pray for God's protection on His churches, protecting them from fiery attacks of Satan, injurious words, mistrust and divisions. May the Lord grant all His servants humility, unity of spirit, and gentle tempers.

Those familiar with house churches in China point out that these churches are not experiencing a revival but are in a time of crisis and transition. They say that they need to learn how to prevent the old and weak churches from being washed away by modernism and cults. Again, we want to pray against the graying and weakening of many of the churches in China. We uplift especially those churches that do not have shepherds and are suffering from attacks by the cults as well as those who are left with mostly sisters (women) and old people.

As unemployment becomes a major issue for millions of workers who are not able to return to their idled or shut down factories, the Chinese government must somehow work to keep this from turning into social unrest. College graduates also face the grim prospect of not finding good paying jobs despite their higher education. Let us pray for this looming social problem which deeply impacts the rural churches in China. We pray, too, for those believers who are unemployed and idle at home. May the Lord comfort them and give them hope.

In order to get higher visibility and much higher salaries, several high-profiled Chinese soccer players have switched allegiance and have joined European clubs. Because they offer global exposure and attract Chinese fans, it is inevitable that foreign sports teams, including the NBA, would snatch up the best of Chinese players. In China, pastors who switch ministries and churches are quite common for various reasons, one of which is better pay. Let us pray that more workers will serve contentedly and with a passion for God's kingdom. Let us pray, too that more churches and ministries will treat their workers as if they were their family members.

The Chinese government hosted a meeting to discuss issues concerning house churches. While representatives of both urban and rural house church groups, people from Henan and Wenzhou, and people from the Religious Affairs and Public Security Bureaus attended, they agreed that regulatory policies are inadequate and outdated but no real solution was reached. We thank the Lord for this historic "breakthrough" and commit all the house churches into His hands. May the Lord give them great hope as they trust Him for growth and guidance in their churches. We pray that they will continue to be bold in sharing the gospel in their neighborhoods.

廣東是全球知名的玩具生產基地,占有中國甚至全球半壁江山,擁有全球銷量的五成。廣東也是全球最大的家電,電飯鍋、電風扇等生產基地。但近年來,這兩個紅火的行業陷入生存危機。一般的老百姓為著房價和股票下跌,甚至失去自己的飯碗而憂鬱擔心。 讓我們一起求神賜給我們真正的平安與喜樂。 尤其是給那些正面臨經濟困難或是失業無法找到工作的信徒們。


北京市中央電視台違規在頂層燃放煙花釀成大火,造成隔壁高級旅館嚴重損失。燃放煙花是慶祝農曆新年不可少的活動。人們認爲放煙花迎接新年可以辟邪,但每年卻帶來許多火災和損傷。當我們迎來新的一年,求神保守中國教會,免受撒但猛烈的攻擊,更是保守信徒間避免傷害性的言語、不信任和分歧。 求主賜給祂的僕人應有的謙卑,合一的心志與溫和的性情。




中國政府舉辦了一個討論有關家庭教會的會議。與會者包括城市和農村的家庭教會組織、來自河南和溫州的信衆、宗教事務局和公安局的代表。他們都同意現有的規管機關和政策是有所不足且過時。不過,會議並未得出有效的改進方案。我們感謝主帶來這個歷史性的「突破」。我們要把這些家庭教會交託在神手中。當這些教會願意信靠主,譲祂引領成長, 願主賜他們更大的盼望。我們亦禱告他們能繼續勇敢地和鄰舍分享福音。

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