Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Prayer Request 5/6 -- 5/12

One of the challenging problems confronting House Churches is the working of evil spirits such as Qi gong, fortune telling, etc. Many national believers are attracted to the marvels of wonders and paranormal activities and although the Bible warns believers not to dabble in such practices, many are still drawn to what they consider supernatural power. Let us pray for strong teaching against such movements in the church and the loss of wayward sheep through them.

For many of the young “post-1980”couples, their ideas of marriage are very different than that of their parents. They emphasize "liberty", demand individual privacy, and an unrestricted circle of friends as well the ability to participate in individual activities. The thinking and worldview of these young people is foreign to their elders, especially in the Chinese churches. But we cannot give up this whole generation. May the Lord give wisdom and patience to people in the churches and help them to know how to connect and minister to all young people.

"Going Dutch" or each one paying for his/her share of their financial obligations is popular among young couples in China whether they are married or not. Husbands make the mortgage payments and wives pay the living expenses. They each support their parents individually. They claim that this way, in case of divorce, the financial affairs are simplified. Let us intercede along with all Christian parents praying for their children who are starting their families, especially those who marry unbelievers. We desire their children to know and love the Lord as their parents do.

We praise God because there are more young people in many urban churches in the last ten years than there were in the past. But there are issues about marriage for these young singles. Many women believers feel disappointed or have lost hope in seeking a potential mate among believers. Marriage counseling is very new or unheard of among churches in China and many of those who do counseling are women pastors. Let us pray for faith for all of those who want to get married and desire to honor God in their marriage.

When Chinese believers have a family crisis or marital conflict, seeking counseling from the pastor is rarely an option because they are unavailable and/or untrained to do it. Counseling is generally done by older, mature ladies in the church and is limited to prayer and advice only. Marital problems among believers are of epidemic proportions and the counseling ministry is in its infancy in Chinese churches. Let us pray that faith in God is lived out in the homes of all believers, especially in those of people who are married to unbelievers or lukewarm Christians.

Henan is the most populous province, but it is also one of the poorest. Many Henan people have left their villages with only an elementary-school education to seek work in cities and other provinces. Seeking a better life in cities is the main reason that is driving the tidal wave of migrant workers in China. Many migrant workers were once church attendees back in their villages, but they have not found places of worship in cities. Let us pray for continuing faith for all the Henan migrant workers and some Wenzhou-supported churches, who are reaching out to them.

One reason why China has the world’s highest rate of female suicide is that rural women continue to have little social status. The traditional low view of women is pervasive in most villages, especially the poor regions. There is a huge divide between the women in the cities and in the villages. Let us pray for all the rural sisters in Christ, may they be spiritually strong, not only in their families but also reaching out to help other women in their neighborhood.




近十年來城市教會年輕人增多,我們為此感謝神。但另一方面許多棘手的問題接踵而至,許多嚮往婚姻的年輕單身族面臨找不到合適對象的困境,或者受有關婚姻問題的困惑。目前城市教會正面臨婚姻輔導體系尚未完善建立,缺乏受過專業輔導培訓的人員,特別是弟兄。我們也為許多渴望建立基督化家庭榮耀神的弟兄姐妹禱告 。




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