Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Prayer Request 5/20 -- 5/26

Top Chinese leaders were highly visible in the Sichuan earthquake rescue effort. They were prominently portrayed as genuinely compassion and served as a powerful rallying force for the victims and the whole nation. As Christians, we are called to pray for those who rule over us. Let us pray for the leadership in all level of the government, especially those in the Religious affairs. May the Lord also raise up a generation of church leaders who are faithful and caring.

The earthquake in Sichuan and the transition of the Taiwan government have opened many channels of communications across the Strait. China has also accepted Taiwan's official donation for the rescue. It was not long ago that Taiwan experienced the worst "9-21" earthquake. Chinese use the term "brothers in suffering" to describe close kinship. We pray that churches on both sides will grow closer from this tragedy and Taiwan churches will be even more involved in helping churches in the mainland.

The earthquake rescue effort turned out to be the largest mobilization of the Chinese military in recent time with nearly 100,000 soldiers involved. We thank the Lord as Chinese Christian volunteers were able to assist in the care of the victims. Christians from nearby churches in Chengdu, as well as from out of town got involved and many wore "Jesus Loves You" T-shirts while giving assistance in various locations.

Many schoolchildren perished in the earthquake. Not only must thousands of parents suddenly cope with the loss of a child, but many must cope with the loss of their only child. China's population minister recently praised the one-child rule, which dates to 1979, saying it has prevented 400 million children from being born. We continue to pray for all the victims' families, especially the grieving parents. May they come to a personal knowledge of the Father who lost His only begotten Son.

Unlike during previous tragedies, the Chinese media reacted with open outrage in the recent massive train accidents in Shandong province. The government swiftly arrested local railroad officials. This is the second major accident of the same rail line in three months. Chinese believers often blame the lack of growth in their churches on their pastors too. Let us pray for all the churches that have become stagnant and even in decline. May the Lord quicken their hearts and fill us all with passion to walk closely with Him.

Tigergate, one of several Internet scandals with sexually explicit photos circulating in China and featuring a Chinese rap star, has recently caused a major uproar. This reaction is predictable since they amplify and orchestrate incidents for public consumption and drive traffic to these sites. Many of the things purported to have happened in Chinese churches cannot be fully substantiated or are blown out of proportion in the reporting. Let us pray for even Christians who have a tendency to exaggerate or paint a rosier picture of their ministry.

Some of the key political figures in Taiwan are professed Christians. The newly elected Vice-president of Taiwan attended the rally of the World Prayer Day and shared his testimony publicly. We uplift these prominent public figures, businessmen and entertainers alike, may the Lord use their influence and testimony for His Kingdom purpose and great role model for young believers. We too pray for the Holy Spirit to keep them from all temptations.


四川地震,給了海峽兩岸政府和人民公開友善對話的契機。中國也接受臺灣當局提供的賑災捐輸。臺灣民眾不久前曾經歷九二一地震,自然更能深切體恤五一二浩劫對受災民眾帶來的苦難及影響 。「難兄難弟、同舟共濟」是華人形容骨肉之親彼此相顧的用語。我們記念兩岸的教會都能藉此艱難時刻,拉近彼此的距離;並且有更多的臺灣教會願意大力參與大陸的宣教事工及支援內地的教會。

軍人和武警部隊投入四川抗震救災的總兵力已近10萬人,是近年來中國最大規模的軍事調動。 感謝神,國內基督徒也組成了救災志願隊伍,在災區多處全力協助照顧受害民眾。來自成都及隣近地區教會的弟兄姊妹,身穿「耶穌愛你」的上衣,一邊分發救濟品,一邊安慰災民的情景令人印象深刻。讓我們為他們能流露基督的愛及有更多機會領人歸主來禱告,願主的恩慈透過教會大大彰顯。

地震中有許多學童不幸喪生。這不僅是成千上萬的家庭悲劇,也意味著因「一胎制」政策,這些父母失去獨生子女,成為家庭的「斷種」。不久之前,政府還讚揚自1979年至今,因著「一胎制」的實行,中國少了4億孩童人口。 我們繼續為所有遇難者的家屬禱告,尤其是那些悲痛的父母們,求神幫助他們也能在這次災難中,認識那曾為我們的罪,失去衪自己獨生愛子的天父。




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