Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Prayer Request 7/24 -- 7/30

China recently promoted three fifty to sixty years-old to the rank of general and navy admiral. Such a move to use the younger talents is considered rare in the military history. While most of the prominent leaders among Chinese churches are still pastors in the seventies or older, a younger crops of leaders are emerging in their shadow. Let us pray for vision and solid preaching for all the “younger” pastors who are in their 50-70.

The old saying, "There are no loyal sons after a prolonged illness." should be changed to "There are no loyal daughters/daughters-in-law after a long illness." since 70-80% of those who care for the chronically ill in Chinese families are women. This kind of care requires extreme patience and abundant tenderness day after day. We uplift every one of the sisters who is involved in such a task. May the Lord grant them His own special blessing and joy.

“You can have more children if you are rich” is the messages many celebrities are sending. They appear openly on television with their large family, creating a mixed feeling of their exemption from the one-child policy everyone else must obey. Celebrities serve as the role model for billions of Chinese, and China churches are in need of real positive role models for personal sacrifice and dedication. Let us pray to the Lord for this.

Beijingers improve in etiquette. 90% of citizens will help strangers in direction. There is a decline in the number of people littering, spitting and flaunting traffic rules. Government hopes to raise the “civic index” ahead of the Olympic Game. Hospitality, to show grace to visiting believers is a Biblical virtue. Let us keep all the itinerary church workers in our prayers, for their safety, guarding from temptations, and become a blessing to all the churches who take them in as guests.

People of Beijing are getting anxious about the 2008 Summer Olympics. Taxi drivers have all received basic English and etiquette training. "Welcome to Beijing!" and knowing the English name of the major tourists sites are required. Let us pray for the participation of Christians in various aspect of the game, hosting hospitality booths, cultural fairs and witnessing to foreign tourists. Let us pray for the Chinese believers who plan to be volunteers at the Game.

There is an estimated 1 million cases of autistic children in China. Even though having a child with handicap qualifies a couple for another pregnancy, the devastation to family and marriage cannot be healed. In the Fujian province, some churches are involved in caring for the autistic children. There are also churches involved in orphanages too. We praise the Lord for placing such vision in some churches, reaching out to the community and living out the compassion of God.

America is the number one destination for Chinese immigrants. From 1990 to 2000, 460,000 from China settled in America. But, from 2000 to 2005, 355000 more from China immigrated to the United States. Many Chinese churches in America have witnessed a boom in ministry especially those focused on Chinese immigrants. We thank the Lord for the ripening field of harvest and the need of more workers among 1,400 Chinese churches in America.





北京市民對於將臨的2008夏季奧運日益緊張。計程車司機都已經接受了基本英語和禮儀訓練。他們必須會說基本的歡迎語,如「Welcome to Beijing!」,以及熟悉各大旅遊勝地的英文名稱。許多基督徒也在不同層面上參與這項運動盛事,包括負責接待,文化展,向外國遊客做見證等等。讓我們為所有參與奧運志工的信徒們禱告。



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