Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Prayer Request 7/17 -- 7/23

Nearly one-fifth of the sold-in-China products that were studied failed to meet the country's quality standards, according to a government report. Restoring confidence in the quality of food stuff and consumer product is a national top priority.We need to pray for the quality of teaching among many of Chinese churches too. The alarming trend of influx of Mormonism, Jehovah Witness and others passing themselves as Christians are leading many astray.

A government report detailed the widespread phenomenon of “gray income” in all sectors of society; these include illegal use of government property, doctors requesting red-packet, kick backs and free meals. It admits that corruption is rampant. Church workers and believers are not exempted from such temptations. We pray again for the guarding of heart and strong desire not to compromise for all of us.

In business in China, the relationship is based on the concept that any manager whether commercial or an official business manager, loves to give you a show and everyone plays tai chi (slow motion and no firm reply). Unfortunately this is the style of business carried on in China. This type of business influences believers and makes them unable to be truly open, to share straight from the heart, or to offer direct and immediate help to others. May the Lord help us all to accept and love one another from our hearts.

This year the price of luxury houses in Beijing and Shanghai has exceeded 40,000 rmb ($5263US) per square meter. This appreciation of price for these houses has made people feel rich. However a problem many believers face is that they feel poor so they don't faithfully tithe. We pray again for all of us to be generous and willing to give toward God's work to make sure those who serve in the churches receive the doubled honor.

Society in China has many rules but they are not adequately enforced so it is essentially without rules. Perhaps this frank observation applies equally well to churches in China also. Church leaders regularly speak of their plans or the results of their labors in a greatly exaggerated manner. May the Lord have mercy and raise up a generation of young preachers who will commit to solidly serve Him.

In light of an overall decline in physical strength of high school students, The Education Ministry has proposed to raise the physical standard test for students who wish to enroll in senior high school. Later they propose to consider the same approach for university applicants. With the exception of the Wenzhou area, it is nearly impossible to find high school students in the churches in China. Let us pray for all the youth who although their parents are believers have stopped attending church long ago and have even lost their faith. May they rediscover their faith again.

Many ethnic groups live on both sides of China's southern border between her and her neighbors Vietnam, Laos and Burma. Living conditions are harsh and it is politically precarious to have any access to the outside world. Several of these tribes have thriving churches and a growing population of believers. Let us pray for church work supported by churches in Hong Kong and Singapore in these sensitive areas.




今年,在北京、上海,高檔的私家住宅,每平方米超過4萬元人民幣 (5263美元)已經不是鮮事。房價上漲也讓人感到更富有。然而,自認為「不富有」而缺少十一奉獻的意願,仍是普遍中國信徒的老問題。我們禱告信徒都能願意為神的聖工擺上,好讓深耕建造的工程得以成就、讓神的工人能得到足夠供應,教會領受神加倍的恩典與賜福。




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