Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Prayer Request 8/8 -- 8/14

China celebrates the 70th year anniversary of the famed “Long March”. The gruesome 25,000 kilometer retreat of the defeated People Liberation Army led by Mao which began with 20,6000 men strong and ended with only 57000. As a revolution is paved with the blood of the martyrs, so is the 200 years history of China churches. We take this time to thank the Lord for generations of faithful who gave their lives bravely for the Lord, refusing to disavow Him or compromise themselves .

In rural China the trend is to leave one's children for grandparents to raise. Yet according to a study, only 60% of the elderly have a grade school education, 20% have finished junior high and 20% are illiterate. Nearly 40% of these children have poor or failing grades. It is a struggle to balance work and raising children. Let us pray for all believers who face the problems that they will remember to teach their children to love the Lord above all else .

In modern China image is everything. For an amount equal to three month's salary image consultants offer clients advice on the color and style of clothes, make up, posture, body language, speech, and mannerisms. It is no longer an easy task to describe what a typical modern Chinese believer looks like. Let us pray for the tens of thousands of believers who are high-ranking officials, serving in the military or Public Security who must keep the image of a party member.

Two weeks before the 2008 Olympics opens an estimated 17,000 athletes will move into the Olympic Villages with free accommodations. So far 112 hotels have promised to offer a 70% discount for the families of athletes. With the event only one summer away, plans are in places to share the Gospel with athletes around the world in Beijing. Let us pray for all the preparation underway to witness to all the visitors and athletes next summer .

In China 82% of the people own their own homes. In Zhejiang people have the biggest homes, with an average of 34.8 square meters--ahead of even Shanghai and Beijing. In contrast, the average home in Singapore is 25 meters square. Praise the Lord, the churches in Zhejiang are also bigger and have a larger attendance per church than in other places. Let us remember the financial support of the churches there as well as those in the poorer neighboring provinces .

The new railroad to Tibet opened on July 1st. One can take the train from Beijing to Lhasa in two days. This once nearly inaccessible region where Buddhism is practiced has generated an unprecedented interest in tourists. Evangelism in Tibet is especially difficult as many Westerners want to preserve Tibet's Buddhist culture. We pray as more Chinese believers are able to visit Tibet there will be a burden and missionary vision for this region by the churches in China .

The city of Guangzhou consumes nearly 40% of the foreign hard liquor sold in China. Drinking imported liquor and wine have become a status symbol and pastime among young professionals. Foreign wines are used as gifts as well as the main drink in the trendy night clubs. Many churches in China are also eager to take in whatever foreign church growth methods they can discover. Let us remember all the churches who have tried hard to seek numeric growth but must emphasize the training of co-workers who can shoulder the work of the church .


中國農村的孩童大多因父母外出工作而托養於祖父母。研究顯示,農村老人中只有兩成完成初中教育,六成受過小學教育,另外兩成是文盲;而40%的小孩學業成績不佳,甚至不及格。 現代父母常為平衡工作和教養子女的責任而掙紮。求主賜給信徒父母們有能力和智慧養育下一代,教導孩子愛主勝於一切。





廣州人所消費的烈酒,佔了中國洋酒總量的近40%。近年來喝進口酒和紅酒已成年輕專業人士們身份和品位的象徵,到酒廊消磨時間也蔚為一種時尚。 這種崇尚外來文化的現象也常見於中國教會。許多教會不辨良莠,熟衷引進外國教會任何可刺激成長的妙方。求主引導教會領袖們在追求人數增長的同時,更要重視紮實的門徒訓練,以培養能擔大任的同工。

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