Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Prayer Request 8/22 - 8/28

Authorities in Shanghai shut down a privately operated Chinese style "private school" claiming the curriculum used was not approved by the government. The parents who started this school have insisted that since it is privately owned and operated, it needs no approval. Christian parents face the formidable uphill battle of raising their children to love the Lord and keep up good grades in the Chinese educational system. We pray for wisdom and commitment in teaching their children the Scriptures daily and that they will be a living example of a Christian to them .

"Crazy Stone", a simple, low-budget, dark social comedy recently became the hottest movie in China. It is about how people "go crazy" doing things to make money such as passing fake stones for real gems. Many of the lines in the movie have already become instant catchy phrases in everyday life. China has indeed become a society fixated on getting rich. We agree that the churches in China are in danger of being swallowed up by materialism and a loss of ethical standards. Let us pray for the safeguarding of the hearts of all believers and especially those of the leaders in the church .

Unfortunately it takes a Chinese mega-star having a baby with a congenital deformity for the society as a whole to talk openly about birth defects like cleft palate. Christian Chinese doctors have been involved in the repair of such defects for years, even performing free surgeries in rural areas. Orphanages run by Christians have also taken in deformed children rejected by other orphanages. Let us pray for these unique ministries and that the children with scars would grow up knowing they are beautiful in God's eyes .

The prospect of having 1500 tourists from China visiting Taiwan daily is great news to all Taiwan businessmen. Everyone is expecting this to take place in time for the October 1st National holiday week. The anticipation of Chinese believers visiting churches and seminaries in Taiwan opens a new chapter too. Let us pray for even more churches in Taiwan that will become involved in training of workers and community care in China .

The "Twelve Girls Band"--a charming dozen young ladies assembled on the basis of both musical talent and good looks was marketed as the ultimate girl band playing updated Chinese classics to Western music and using traditional Chinese instruments. Last year they made 14.5 million dollars. Hundreds of churches have their own choirs and a few have bands. Let us pray particularly for these churches that are so blessed. May the Lord use their gifts to reach out in their cities and assist those churches that have no musical resources at all .

To take advantage of a loophole in the law, thousands of villagers near Chongqing are filing for divorce and re-marrying immediately. Newly married couples are able to get a double government housing reimbursement. Is there no sanctity in marriage in China today? Unfortunately this kind of thing is not uncommon. Let us pray for the guarding of the hearts of all believers who are contemplating divorce as a "way out of their unhappiness" or a "change of life style ".

China considers all private schools illegal if the curriculum is not approved by the Ministry of Education. High school entrance examinations are based on a standardized textbooks and curriculum. Technically and legally Sunday school for children is strictly forbidden. However many churches offer an improvised or "homemade" curriculum for Sunday school. In general the teachers lack even basic training. We pray for more resources and especially for those who tirelessly work to teach children about the life of Jesus .


一齣簡單、低成本製作的中國新黑色幽默電影“瘋狂的石頭”,意外成爲最賣座的國片。該片描述人們 「發了瘋」似的掙錢,竟不擇手段、搶奪一塊真假難分翡翠的瘋狂景象。電影上映後,片中很多的對白更成了社會流行語。中國確實是個向錢看的社會,中國教會面對最大的問題就是物質主義和道德標準的淪喪。我們禱告神保守每個基督徒的心,特別是教會的領袖,免受屬世的價值觀侵害。



「女子十二月坊」是 12名才貌雙全妙齡女子在包裝下組成非常時髦的樂團,她們以古典中國樂器演奏西洋音樂和流行樂,時下非常受歡迎,過去一年就有1千4百多萬美元的收入。現在有許多中國教會都有自己的詩班,有些也有敬拜讚美團。讓我們為有這些特別福氣的教會禱告,求神使用他們的恩賜來接觸當地城市裏的人,並且用他們的音樂資源來協助其他教會。



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