Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Prayer Request 2/4 - 2/10

Churches in Wuhan face huge challenges and testing of faith because of the security of meetings and witness of faith, now, the ongoing viral infection. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you.” (Jer. 29:11 NIV). We believe in God’s promises and He permitted these trials, not to destroy us, but to build us up, therefore, we suffer with the people in this city and to intercede on behalf of the people of this city. (The entire contents are excerpts of an open letter from a pastor in Wuhan to his congregation)
Adversities come our way as a way to show us of His love to us, believers are not exempted, but we are not judged as others. Adversities are rather,opportunities to be close to God, to purify our souls and to share the gospel."Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?... nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord". (Rom 8:35-39 MKJV)
Christ is with us as we face the epidemic, but He is not affected by it and we are protected. If we die in this epidemic, we continue to be His witnesses and it is an opportunity to enter His glory.The epidemic in Wuhan cannot separate us from the love of Christ, who is our Lord Jesus Christ. How comforting these words are to us who are one with Christ. So, brothers and sisters, I encourage you to be strong in the love of Christ!
If we experience death and dying more because of this epidemic, we can understand the Bible better. We will also know the deeper and closer love of Christ that draws us closer to God. Like our Lord Jesus, Who experienced cruel death because of His faith we will be raised by God from death. He is now waiting for us at God's right hand. (Acts 2:32-26 MKJV) This is not only a visible disaster but also an invisible spiritual battle. Be ready to fight for your own heart and then fight for the souls of this city.
Jesus said not one sparrow falls to the ground outside your Father’s care (Matt. 10:29). Is it not in God's will that millions in Wuhan face the epidemic? What the city is experiencing now, are we, the believers much like Abraham to Sodom and Jonah to Nineveh? If you lack the burden to pray, ask the Lord to give you a desire to love the unsaved souls and to pray earnestly; if you cannot weep, ask the Lord to give you tears, because we know that only the mercy of the Lord can save this city.
Let us all be tormented like Lot for the wickedness of our city (2 Pet. 2: 7), and pray for Sodom as earnestly as Abraham (Gen. 18: 23-33). Jonah preached unwillingly to Nineveh and the Nineveh repented and was saved. We must be like Abraham and Jonah to Wuhan, pray that this city will reconcile with God and beseech His mercy, so the city will receive peace because of our prayers and witness here.
I believe it is a mission that God has called us to live in Wuhan, so we must pray for peace for this city, for all the infected people, all the medical personnel, officials at all levels and all the people who live nearby. Let us turn our eyes upon the Lord Jesus., not be anxious about our safety, and not lose heart, but pray in His name. We should utilize social media to share the gospel and comfort our minds and those of our relatives. Let us remember that our lives are not in our hands and we should trust our God Who is faithful.

武漢教會聚會的安全、信仰的見證、成員被傳染的可能,都對我們構成巨大挑戰,我們面臨著信心的試煉。 憑著主的應許相信,祂向我們所懷的是賜平安的意念,不是降災禍的意念(耶29:11)祂許可試煉臨到,不是要拆毀我們,而是要建立我們。不僅要和這座城市裡的人同受苦難,更是要成為守望勇士, 為這座人心惶惶的城市與神和好來禱告。(以上內容是來自一位武漢牧師的公開信)
患難臨到我們,是上帝愛我們的一種方式,基督徒雖和世人一樣面對患難,但患難對他們而言不再是審判,而是更多親近上帝,潔淨靈魂,見證福音的機會。誰能使我們與基督的愛隔絕呢?難道是患難麼?是困苦麼?是逼迫麼?是飢餓麼?是赤身露體麼?是危險麼?是刀劍麼?…然而,靠著愛我們的主,在這一切的事上已經得勝有餘了。無論是死,是生, 是天使 ,是掌權的 ,是有能的 ,是現在的事 ,是將來的事 ,是高處的, 是低處的 ,是別的受造之物 ,… 都不能叫我們與神的愛隔絕;這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裡的(羅 8:35-39)。
但願我們都像羅得那樣為所在的城市憂傷(彼後 2:7),像亞伯拉罕那樣懇切地為所多瑪代禱(創18:23-33)。約拿勉強傳福音給尼尼微,尼尼微城就悔改得救了。我們就是這個城市的亞伯拉罕和約拿,我們要替基督求這座城市與上帝和好,也要替這座城市呼求上帝的憐憫,叫整座城市因我們的禱告和見證得平安。

1 comment:

Andrea said...





我相信上帝让我找到这个网页,所以我可以放心了。因为你们的信念真坚强,所以我的精神有平安。在中国,我看到上帝的功率工作。我答应你,你的痛苦没有白费!尽管你们的情况,靠着上帝的恩典你就活着像路加福音 9:23-27 !

【23 耶稣又对众人说:“如果有人愿意跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。 24 凡是想救自己生命的,必丧掉生命;但为我牺牲自己生命的,必救了生命。 25 人若赚得全世界,却丧失自己,或赔上自己,有甚么好处呢? 26 凡是把我和我的道当作可耻的,人子在自己与父并圣天使的荣耀里降临的时候,也必把他当作可耻的。 27 我实在告诉你们,站在这里的,有人在没有尝过死味以前必定要看见 神的国。”】

因为你们的见证有力,我相信上帝现在让美国基督人的心眼快开了,为了我们能了解我们无法避免为基督受苦。 你的信念撑腰我们的信念!






谢谢您给这个世你的儿子。【罗马书 8:16-17,16 圣灵亲自和我们的灵一同证明我们是 神的儿女。 17 既然是儿女,就是后嗣;是 神的后嗣,也和基督一同作后嗣。我们既然和他一同受苦,就必和他一同得荣耀。】你的孩子们可以在主里安息。



